Chapter 777
At this time, the members of the Yi family were not far behind and mocked, Yi Rulong, the great elder of the Yi family, couldn't help laughing: "Brother Bashen, how could that Zhao Yufan kill my master of the Yi family? It was Zhao Yufan who left at the beginning. , which master of our Yi family has been seriously injured long ago, let him pick up a bargain."

Everyone said this, but they felt a little uneasy, especially the people from Yi Family and Bawang City. Even if Zhao Yufan didn't kill Tian Yu who was seriously injured, he killed Ba Dao Tian with one move in front of everyone not long ago. This is enough to prove that his strength is very good, but now he is ranked at more than 50, which is obviously weird.

In the personal rankings, the top ones are all the city lords who participated in the competition and some Tianyu masters, but the rankings after [-] are all occupied by the younger generation of masters.

Between 50 and [-] is a very long distance, and with Zhao Yufan's fighting power, the ranking is obviously a bit weird, and many people are speculating that he has other schemes.

Zhao Yufan didn't have any conspiracy, he just wanted to search for more treasures. As for the ranking, he was not in a hurry. There was no time limit for the ranking battle of the hundred cities, and there were only ten cities in the final ranking.The current battle has just begun, and the real time to snatch the tokens will be later.

After killing the people from Bawang City and Sun City, Zhao Yufan gained a lot. He crossed the flames, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and he suddenly appeared on a vast grassland. There were no natural disasters in the grassland, and everything was so peaceful and serene. .


A wolf howl broke the tranquility of the grassland, and then wolves howled from all directions, and they seemed to be communicating.

Zhao Yufan frowned slightly, judging from his voice, there were at least thousands of wild wolves within a few miles around him, and dozens of wild wolves were slowly approaching him.

There is no burning fire here, but there are wolf claws. There are tens of thousands of wolves in this grassland. Different kinds of wolves are very powerful. The strongest one is Tianyu, or there are also stronger Sanctuary demon wolves.

"Hiss..." Looking at the dozen or so bloodthirsty wolves baring their fangs, Zhao Yufan gasped. There are not only many kinds of wolves here, but they are also very powerful. Bloodthirsty wolves are medium wolves in the grassland, with average strength. They are all wandering in the imperial domain.

This group of bloodthirsty wolves are all cultivated in the imperial realm, and the leader of the bloodthirsty wolves has reached the peak state of the imperial realm, and may become a cultivator in the heavenly realm at any time. They have strong combat effectiveness and their own value is also very high. The bloodthirsty wolf's demon pill is worth a thousand star coins.

The demon pill is a good thing. It can refine alchemy, refine weapons, and refine the energy in the demon pill. This is even more precious to Zhao Yufan, but in his eyes, the energy in the demon pill is a bit small.

More than a dozen bloodthirsty wolves lined up in a fan shape and slowly approached Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan held the thunderbolt heavy knife, unfolded the imperial sword, and waited carelessly for the bloodthirsty wolves to charge. He hadn't paid attention to the bloodthirsty wolves in front of him, but a few slowly moving black spots not far away made him I'm a little worried.

Kill the wolf first, then the murderer.

This was Zhao Yufan's preliminary plan. The black dots looked like human beings, and they were all experts. Otherwise, they wouldn't have dared to walk so slowly. There were countless wolves staring at them nearby.


The howling of wolves pierced the quiet sky.

More than a dozen bloodthirsty wolves rushed forward, wishing to tear the human beings apart.

With a light swipe of the heavy lightning knife in Zhao Yufan's hand, the energy of the knife shot out, beheading two bloodthirsty wolves.

The trembling swords pierced out from the sky, and a dozen bloodthirsty wolves were stabbed into beehives.

Putting away the bloodthirsty wolf's body, Zhao Yufan looked at the group of people who were only a dozen meters away from him with a cold face, and said with a surprised smile: "So it's you."

Among the group, Zhao Yufan knew several people, including Yi Long, Xu Zhe, Feng Yunping, Liu Zhan, and General Feng Yun.

Liu Zhan and General Fengyun were the happiest when they saw Zhao Yufan. They and Yi Long were only united temporarily, and no one believed in the other, but the two of them believed in Zhao Yufan very much, and seeing Zhao Yufan was considered a backbone.

"Why are you two here?" Zhao Yufan asked in surprise. He was surprised by many things when he saw so many acquaintances, but the appearance of Liu Zhan and General Fengyun surprised him the most. With their fighting strength, they should be helping Mingyue. How could a city be promoted to a third-tier city, join the battle of a second-tier city?

Liu Zhan grinned, and instead of answering his question, he said with a sneer: "Hehe, you are so powerful now."

Zhao Yufan shrugged, knowing that Liu Zhan didn't want to answer the question just now, and he didn't ask more, but said bitterly: "What's the prestige, I've been hunted down all the time." Having said that, he looked at Yi Long suspiciously: " How did you get together?"

"I met you on the road." Yi Long said casually, came to Zhao Yufan, and said, "I didn't expect that we would meet so soon. You must have just arrived here, right? We have been here for a long time. Let me tell you first." Looking at the current situation, this plain has been surrounded by wild wolves, and they are shrinking from the outside to the inside, we must find a way to rush out, otherwise we will die if we are completely surrounded."

Zhao Yufan looked at Yi Long and his group. They were really in a panic. The torn clothes were covered with blood and colorful wolf fur. Their unkempt hair swayed in the wind, as if it could fall off at any time, and their faces were black and white. , looks funny.

"Come on, let me introduce you." Yi Long put his arms around Zhao Yufan's neck and slowly introduced them. The rest of the people looked at the two of them strangely, with curious expressions on their faces. It stands to reason that Zhao Yufan and the Yi family have a deep-sea blood feud , but Yi Long and Zhao Yufan hooked up shoulder to shoulder, no matter how they looked at it, they didn't want to have any blood feud.

After Yi Long's introduction, Zhao Yufan also got to know several other people, they are Kameda Saburo from Sun City, Yu Xiaoxue from Tianhai City, Yi Baishou and Yi Sheng from Yi Family, Lone Emperor Lone Wolf from Langya City, Qianshaofeng in Fengjiu City, Dongfang Taiquan in Tulong City, and the ninth prince of the twelve princes in Bawang City are domineering and mixed with Domineering Sea.

Among the third-tier cities, the four strongest cities are Tianhai City, Langya City, Fengjiu City, and Tulong City. The remaining relatively strong cities are Sun City and Bawang City. slightly weaker.

It can be said that the group in front of Zhao Yufan is definitely the strongest of the younger generation, but Liu Zhan and General Fengyun are not counted. The two of them secretly told Zhao Yufan just now that they have left Mingyue City and are now Tingfeng City's staff , Tingfeng City is a relatively weak city, but for Liu Zhan and General Fengyun, it is also a good city.


The roar of angry wolves rushed into the sky, and this voice revealed a kind of supreme majesty.

Zhao Yufan, Yi Long and the others looked at each other, quickened their pace, and galloped away. The wolf roar just now was not an ordinary wolf roar, but the wolf king was calling a pack of wolves to gather.

(End of this chapter)

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