Chapter 786 It's All Mine
With everyone's guarantee, the overbearing gangster finally has some confidence. Although it is not worth it to save the overbearing gangster with the things in the ring, it is not without benefits. As long as his father Bawang finds out about this, Bawang will definitely compensate him , and can also win over the overbearing sea.

"Okay!" The domineering gangster looked helplessly at the ring in his hand, gritted his teeth, and threw it directly to Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan took the ring, and laughed triumphantly. At the same time, he glanced at the contents of the ring, and his cousin was even happier.When everyone saw his smile, and looked at the domineering bastard full of indignation, they immediately envied Zhao Yufan.

"Give me the man." The domineering gangster said.

Zhao Yufan glanced at him and said calmly, "No!"

Everyone stared at Zhao Yufan, and was speechless for a moment, no one thought that he would break his promise.

"You, what do you mean?" The domineering gangster's burly body trembled slightly, and he almost died of anger. He gave Zhao Yufan his life's wealth, but Zhao Yufan didn't let him go. Isn't this playing him?He not only fooled him, but also fooled everyone present. These people have vouched for him. He first looked at Yi Long and said, "Yi Long, what does he mean?"

Yi Long stared at Zhao Yufan in embarrassment, wondering in his heart, what exactly did Zhao Yufan want to do?

The rest of the people also looked at Zhao Yufan angrily. Now Zhao Yufan not only offended Ba Daohai, but also offended other people by not letting him go.

"Zhao Yufan, what do you mean?" Yi Sheng couldn't help asking, and then his eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "If you don't let him go, don't blame us for dealing with you together."

When Liu Zhan and General Fengyun heard the words, they also quickly dissuaded Zhao Yufan. They really thought that Zhao Yufan would let him go, but who would have thought that he would take the ring in the end, but he would not let him go.

Zhao Yufan glanced over everyone's faces one by one, and said seriously and earnestly, "I just said I wanted your storage ring, but I never said I would let you go."

"You are sophistry!" The domineering bastard roared, then glared at the crowd and said, "What do you say now?"

Everyone looked embarrassed, secretly scolded Zhao Yufan for being immoral, and even laughed at themselves. Just now, they had sternly vouched for Zhao Yufan, but now they were directly cheated by Zhao Yufan.

"Just tell me how to release him." Qian Yunfeng asked impatiently.

Zhao Yufan smiled slightly, and said casually: "It's very simple, I want the storage ring in your hands."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was filled with murderous aura, glaring at Zhao Yufan one after another, thinking in their hearts that this guy is too arrogant, he opened his mouth to ask for their storage rings, what does this matter have to do with them?The one who was arrested was Ba Daohai, even if he wanted to blackmail him, he should still blackmail Ba Daohai.

"Don't be angry." Zhao Yufan said leisurely: "Of course I can't ask for your storage ring, but some people can borrow your ring. As long as he asks for a condition, there is no reason for you not to lend it to him, right? Of course ...I said everything you want and I want, and no one forced you."

At this moment, Zhong Ran suddenly understood what Zhao Yufan meant. He wanted Ba Dao to borrow everyone's storage rings in exchange for Ba Dao Hai's life.

The domineering gangster was taken aback for a moment, and then roared angrily, "Bastard, you're kidding me!"

The Fire Sword in Zhao Yufan's hand slightly exerted force, and traces of scarlet blood flowed from Long Bahai's neck, "Overbearing bastard, do you want him to die?"

Ba Daohai calmed down at this time, he finally understood that Zhao Yufan wanted to use his life to extract the wealth of everyone, but he also understood that his life was not worth so much wealth, after thinking for a long time, he finally found a way to save himself. Method.

It is impossible to escape from Zhao Yufan's hands, so the only way is to follow his request, but how can everyone be willing to save themselves?Only give them enough benefits.

Ba Daohai gritted his teeth, and promised with a mournful face: "I beg you, save me, only you can guarantee that I will not die, I... I can ask my father to give you the "Sacred Monument of Heaven" and help you become Tianyu, And make up for all your losses."

Hearing about the Tianyu God Tablet, the eyes of Yi Long and his group lit up, but then their eyes returned to normal. The Tianyu God Tablet is certainly attractive, but there are many treasures in their storage rings, and there are some treasures that cannot be let go. The secrets and treasures that other people know, let alone the Tianyu God Monument, even if they die, they cannot hand over the ring.

Zhao Yufan saw that everyone was tempted, and immediately lowered his request: "However, we also fought together on the plain, and I can promise each of you to take the ten most important things from your storage rings."

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Zhao Yufan as if they were looking at a demon. At this moment, they suddenly realized that Zhao Yufan had already planned and countermeasures.

The main reason why everyone is reluctant to give up the storage ring is that there are some things that are too important to them in the ring, but now Zhao Yufan promises that they can take away ten things, which is equivalent to allowing them to keep all the important things.

Zhao Yufan's calculations are very accurate. These people's storage rings cannot contain more than ten, or even five, items of real importance. If he relaxes this condition, these people will naturally agree.

The attraction of the Tianyu Divine Monument is still super strong, not to mention that their wealth is only lent to others, and they will come back one day, so they smiled at each other and immediately agreed.They are not afraid of Long Bahai's repentance, after all, Yi Long and Yu Xiaoxue are backed by big figures, if Bawang doesn't keep his promise, the forces behind them will unite to destroy Bawang City.

The overbearing gangster has the intention of killing Bawanghai at this time. He believes that even if the Bawang is here, it is impossible to pay so much to save him. die.

Ba Daohai knows very well that he is the only one who wants Ba Dao Hai to die now, and the rest of them don't want Ba Dao Hai to die. Now Ba Dao Hai is the scourge of Ba Wang City and a treasure in the eyes of others.

"Give it over."

Zhao Yufan said lightly.

Under Zhao Yufan's watchful eyes, Yi Long and the others put some important things into the new storage ring, and then handed over all the remaining storage rings to the domineering gangster.

The domineering gangster glared at Zhao Yufan, and really wanted to take all the storage rings and leave, but seeing everyone's vigilant eyes, he could only snort coldly and throw all the rings to Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan took the ring, smiled at everyone, cupped his fists and said, "Thank you."

The moment Zhao Yufan took over the ring, Yi Long and his friends surrounded Zhao Yufan like a tacit understanding. They were really afraid of Zhao Yufan, who knew if he would kill Ba Daohai after holding the thing.

Domineering Hai is also considered smart. In order to prevent Zhao Yufan from killing him, he thought of letting everyone protect him. Anyway, if he dies, the rest will get nothing. Only if he is alive can he keep his promise. If Zhao Yufan kills him recklessly , then he will also be besieged by everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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