Chapter 793 A Name With Magic Power

Stopping and stopping along the way, Zhao Yufan and the others did not encounter too many obstacles.And Zhao Yufan finally had time to absorb the demon pills of those wild wolves.

Before they knew it, they had been so cautious that they had walked for ten days. During these ten days, everyone kept hunting and killing monsters, and gained a lot. Zhao Yufan absorbed a large amount of wolf pack demon pills, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds.

In the evening of that day, they turned over a mountain range and looked down from the mountain range. They could clearly see the bonfires rising not far away and the endless tents. At least 1000 people were there.

Zhao Yufan and the others frowned and remained silent. The large camp in front of them was either people from the Five Elements City or enemies, but they couldn't tell the difference if it was too far away. I found the base camp.

"I'll go and have a look." Teng Sheng said, and then quietly walked towards the camp.

Everyone lay on the top of the hill, staring at Teng Sheng's figure closely until the figure completely merged with the night.Zhao Yufan turned over and faced the starry sky, expecting them to meet people from the Five Elements City. Everyone is too tired these days, so they should find a safe place to rest.

I don't know how long it took, the people nearby suddenly started talking in a low voice, each of them was extremely nervous, and took out weapons from the storage ring one after another.

"Look, why are there so many people coming out of the camp? It's not like they found us."

"What's going on, has Tengsheng been discovered?"

Zhao Yufan also frowned and looked forward, and then a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said with relief: "Don't worry, maybe we are already safe. If it is the enemy, they can't come to us so unscrupulously."

Everyone felt that what Zhao Yufan said was reasonable, and they waited for the crowd that was getting closer and closer in an atmosphere of progress and depression.

The people who came out of the camp gathered at the bottom of the hillside, and the sound of prosperity suddenly sounded, breaking the tranquility of the night.

"Everyone come out, it's our own people."

Zhao Yufan and the others immediately poked their heads out when they heard the words, and looked warily at the crowd down the hillside.

At this time, someone shouted from the bottom of the hillside: "Brother Zhao, come out."

Hearing this voice, Zhao Yufan immediately got up and said to the people around him, "It's Water King, we're safe." Everyone stood up one after another, waving their arms at the people down the mountain to express their excitement at the moment.

Everyone went down the mountain, in front of Water King and them.Water King looked at Zhao Yufan, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

Zhao Yufan shrugged slightly, and walked side by side with Water King.

Zhao Yufan looked around strangely, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes, "Senior Water King, why are you here?"

Shui Wang pursed his lips and explained quite proudly: "We have been gathering the team since the beginning of the competition. It is not surprising that we have gathered thousands of people now. There will be a big battle in the future. It is impossible for one person alone, so now People in every city are looking for their own team."

"How many people from other cities are there?" Zhao Yufan asked.

Water King replied: "I'm not sure." After speaking, he continued with some worries: "But in the later stage, everyone will enter an environment, and people from various cities will have a decisive battle there."

Back at the camp, Zhao Yufan greeted Water King, then directly set up a tent and went inside to rest.After this sleep, he slept until the afternoon of the next day. If it weren't for the loud noises coming from nearby, he might have slept until night.

Rubbing his eyes, Zhao Yufan lifted the curtain of the tent, poked his head out and looked outside. There were hundreds of people gathered not far away, and swords, lights and swords flickered inside from time to time with them as the center, as if someone was fighting.Zhao Yufan shook his head, lowered the door curtain, and complained in his heart, why are there still people fighting inside when it was originally a time of unity with the outside world?I hope it's just a normal exchange.

"Tengsheng! You are nothing more than that!"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from Zhao Yufan's ears, causing him to frown instantly. Looking at the thick blue curtain full of heavy colors, he sighed and walked outside.

Coming to the periphery of the crowd, Zhao Yufan looked through the gaps in the crowd, and finally saw two people fighting, one was Teng Sheng, the other was Old Man Fengyun, and in the crowd, Guo Yunsong and several others were having a good time. Looking vigorously at the two fighting.

Both Tengsheng and Old Man Fengyun are masters in the Tianyu, but in terms of strength, Tengsheng is better than Old Man Fengyun.

Seeing that Tengsheng was sure to win, Zhao Yufan watched it with great interest, but just when Tengsheng was about to defeat Old Man Fengyun, Guo Yunsong made a surprise attack on Tengsheng, directly wounding Tengsheng, and Old Man Fengyun took this opportunity to also Suddenly he slapped out a palm, straight to Teng Sheng's chest.

Zhao Yufan's pupils contracted, and he shot without hesitation. The sword of fire passed between Tengsheng and Old Man Fengyun, widening the distance between them, "Two fight one, isn't it a bit shameless?"

Seeing a young man stop the battle of three Tianyu masters, everyone was stunned, thinking to himself that this young man is also arrogant, dare to stop the battle of Tianyu masters, he is not afraid that Tianyu masters will throw Did he kill it?

"Who is he? Why is he so bold."

"Damn, the little Emperor Territory dares to block the matter of the high-level masters of the Tianyu, he can't be crazy, right?"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Guo Yunsong and Old Man Fengyun frowned at the same time, and said in unison: "Zhao Yufan!"

Zhao Yufan's name seemed to have a magical power. Hearing his name, the noisy voice stopped abruptly, and a pair of curious eyes focused on Zhao Yufan.

After a while, the people in the crowd burst out with emotion.

"It turns out that he is Zhao Yufan. I hope he has such courage."

"Is he Zhao Yufan? Sure enough, a hero born a boy."

Zhao Yufan came to Tengsheng, looked at his wound, and asked, "Are you okay?" Seeing that Tengsheng shook his head, he frowned and looked at Guo Yunsong: "You are also a dignified master of the heaven, how can you do such a thing as a sneak attack?" ?”

"Hmph! He intentionally caused internal strife, and if he doesn't kill him, it's considered merciful." Guo Yunsong stared at Zhao Yufan, turned his neck, looked at everyone, and defended himself righteously: "Everyone, it was this Tengsheng who provoked the fight just now." Yes, the old man Fengyun was forced to act. Everyone knows our current situation well, and at this time someone provoked internal fighting, and the crime should be punished! You say... don't you?"

Everyone was silent, so they wouldn't care about this kind of thing. Guo Yunsong and Old Man Fengyun couldn't afford it, and neither could Zhao Yufan and Teng Sheng.

The silent crowd made Guo Yunsong extremely embarrassed, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he could only look at Tengshen.

(End of this chapter)

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