Chapter 80
This sword, broken soul.

When the sword comes out, it will be stained with blood.

Zhao Yufan used the Nine Heavens Sword to the extreme. As his cultivation level increases, his Nine Heavens Sword will become more terrifying.

With this sword alone, he can be proud of himself in the Jianghu.

With this sword alone, he can remain invincible among warriors of the same level of cultivation.

However, after all, Zhao Yufan and Liu Sishi's cultivation bases were very different, so even if his sword was strong, it would be difficult for him to break through Liu Sishi's defense.

However, things always turn out to be miraculous.

Liu Sishi's defense was strong, but after being subjected to zero-degree ice, sword energy, violent thunder, and curse attacks, the defense was reduced a lot, not to mention that he himself did not take Zhao Yufan to heart.

Zhao Yufan took advantage of the right time, place and people, and finally made Liu Sishi stop all his movements with a sword.

Because the tip of the Dragon Slaying Sword was pointed at his eye socket, and the tip of the sword had already touched the eyelashes.

This sword was too domineering, even though Liu Sishi defended, but his defense could not prevent his eyes.

Liu Sishi's pupils contracted, he stared quietly at the Dragon Sword, and stared at Zhao Yufan along the blade of the Dragon Sword.


He smiled miserably. Not only did he lose today, he also owed Zhao Yufan the grace of not killing.

There was a vague fear in his eyes, not fear of death, but fear of the moment the dragon-slaying sword pierced his eyes. He couldn't imagine what he would face when the sword pierced his eyes.That kind of ending is more terrifying than death. Fortunately, Zhao Yufan's swordsmanship is superb and impartial. Just when he was desperate, the sword stopped.

The cave fell into silence. Powerhouses such as Zuo Sizhen could see the dominance of the sword just now, while disciples such as the blue-robed youth could only see that the sword was fast. No matter what they saw, the ending they saw was the same .

Zhao Yufan defeated Liu Sishi.

No one thought that Liu Sishi would be defeated by Zhao Yufan in the end, nor did Liu Sishi himself.In fact, if they were defeated by Han Bingyue, they would all understand, but why did they lose to Zhao Yufan?

How could Zhao Yufan defeat Liu Sishi?

The disciples were puzzled, but no one asked, just like Liu Sishi said: "If you lose, you lose!
"It's a fluke."

Zhao Yufan's flat voice sounded.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched slightly. Looking at Zhao Yufan's calm words, they felt that he was simply too arrogant, but no one spoke, and everyone chose to remain silent. Who gave him the capital to be arrogant.

Zhao Yufan calmly returned to the crowd of Wanyue, and Mo Qi said indignantly, "Your uncle, you are such a jerk, can you change to a different sword technique? I'm tired of watching it."

Tie Yunshan said bluntly: "His strongest is this sword."

Tie Yunshan's words seem to be straightforward, and what he said is straight to the center of the content, which is always thought-provoking, and this time is also the case.

No one knows whether this sword is Zhao Yufan's strongest attack, but what is certain is that so far, none of the opponents has evaded this sword.

At the beginning, the members of the Divine Sword Sect did not dodge, Ma Jie did not dodge, and now, Liu Sishi did not dodge. In the future, I don't know if anyone can dodge, but once this sword is released, at least it proves that the opponent is very strong.

There was a long silence in the cave, Liu Sishi's defeat caused everyone to have mixed feelings, and they even forgot the crucial red fruit.

Suddenly, the sound of running water "哗啦啦" sounded.

The faces of Zhao Yufan and the others changed, and when they turned their heads to look, they saw a thick white mist filling the air behind them. Hot water was bubbling in the white mist, pouring towards them overwhelmingly.


I don't know who yelled, and everyone fled in all directions. Fortunately, the cave extends in all directions, and there are roads everywhere, otherwise the crowd would be crowded together, and it would be even more difficult to avoid the scalding hot water.

Zhao Yufan and the others ran neither fast nor slow, with a relaxed expression on their faces, making jokes from time to time.They are warriors after all, if they are afraid of mere hot water, then their hard work for several years will be in vain, because they can handle hot water, so they are so calm.

However, a few minutes later, they started running desperately, because the hot water behind them was instantly swallowed by magma, and the fiery red magma burned the stone wall, and the entire cave had begun to collapse.

Warriors can fight hot water, but they can't fight magma. As for why magma appears, they don't have time to think about it.

Running wildly all the way, when they arrived at the entrance of the cave, Zhao Yufan and the others froze in place for an instant. The entrance in front of them was sealed. It would take at least ten minutes to open the entrance, but it was too late.

The surrounding stone walls continued to collapse, and the entire ground was wobbling. It seemed that some kind of giant monster was hidden under the ground. The giant monster seemed to rush out of the ground, which caused the ground to shake.

Zhao Yufan's face was ferocious, and he said darkly: "Everything is a conspiracy! We must leave quickly."

"The entrance to the cave is sealed, how do you leave?" Lin Yu frowned.

Zhao Yufan looked around with frowned eyebrows, was silent for a moment, and replied calmly: "I think the cave is going to collapse. Let's clean up the entrance of the cave as soon as possible. When the cave entrance collapses, we should be able to rush out, not to mention that someone may come later."

Everyone didn't say anything, they were busy moving stones and clearing the passage.

At this time, near the entrance of the cave, people who fled to the entrance of the cave from time to time joined the carrying team one after another. As the crowd increased, the sealed cave entrance gradually revealed a gleam of light.

"There is light! Come on everyone!" Someone shouted excitedly.

Everyone continued to work hard to move the stones to other places and clear the soil. Although they could see the light, the mud and stones that sealed the entrance of the cave were still about several meters long.

At this moment, the cave behind Zhao Yufan and the others had completely become a sea of ​​magma. At the same time, the stone walls continued to collapse, and the ground shook even more violently.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and the whole world was shaken.

Zhao Yufan and the others swayed in place, and they saw cracks in the ground. The cracks expanded to one meter or even several meters in the blink of an eye, and galloping magma gushed out from the cracks.

The scorching temperature made everyone present turn red. Without any hesitation, almost at the same time, they forcibly used violent means to bombard the entrance of the cave. As the light spread, someone slammed into the entrance of the cave.


With a muffled sound, the figure hit the boulder, rushed out of the cave, and flew up and down.

Zhao Yufan and the others followed closely behind. They were together all the time, and no one left anyone behind.

The scene just now seemed simple, but everyone knew that the entire Longlin Peak was about to collapse.The eruption of magma can only prove that Longlin Peak is a hidden volcano, and what is even more frightening is that huge cracks appeared on the ground. , then Longlin Peak must collapse.

In panic, few people will observe the surroundings, but if you observe the surroundings carefully, you will definitely find some special things.

Zhao Yufan has been observing the surroundings, from the moment he set foot on Qingyun Manor until now, he has been observing the surrounding environment. When the memories kept appearing in his mind, he suddenly discovered that all this turned out to be a conspiracy, a seemingly outrageous Another real conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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