Chapter 804 I Can Do It

The eyes of the people in Bawang City were fierce, they clenched the weapons in their hands, and smiled coldly and proudly at Zhao Yufan and the others.

"Hey... you guys are being arrogant."

"Without the Purple Dragon God General, you are just a bunch of trash."

The people in Bawang City suddenly became arrogant, and the joy on the faces of the people in Five Elements City disappeared. They all looked at Zhao Yufan, hoping that he could persuade General Zilong to come forward to help.

At this time, Liu Songbai couldn't help but sneered: "Zhao Yufan, if you can ask us, we might..." Before he finished speaking, the faces of everyone in Bawang City were full of worries, but Zhao Yufan's words made everyone feel ashamed. They were completely relieved, and Zhao Yufan sneered and said with a sneer: "You think you can mobilize the Zilong general?"

Liu Songbai's face turned red, and he looked hopefully at Bao Xinruan and Bao Tai, hoping that the two of them could vent their anger on their behalf, as long as they said a word, Zhao Yufan would be rendered speechless.

Bao Xinrou spoke, but her tone was not accusatory. Instead, she asked casually like an audience watching: "You really don't need it?"

"I can do it." Zhao Yufan said. As soon as the words came out, there was an uproar. Even the people in the Five Elements City were quite critical of him, and some even directly accused Zhao Yufan.

"Zhao Yufan, you are very powerful, but please don't make fun of our lives!" said "Hua Shao", a young master of the Five Elements City, the righteous Mo Yang made Zhao Yufan and Bao Xinrou frown at the same time.

No matter what Zhao Yufan said, he was helping them, but they accused Zhao Yufan at this time. He was not as good as those vicious people in Overlord City. At least they had something to say. Unlike this villain, Zhao Yufan was helping him, but he had no reason accused Zhao Yufan.

Without Zhao Yufan and Bao Xinrou talking, a Tianyu master from Five Elements City also said, "Zhao Yufan, you can't harm us because of your momentary arrogance."

"Yes, just beg the Purple Dragon God Emperor."


In the crowd, there were two voices, one was the person who tactfully asked Zhao Yufan to beg the Purple Dragon God General, and the other was the person who accused Zhao Yufan for his own self-interest. Man, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, this is the selfishness of human beings.

Zhao Yufan's face was gloomy and cold, his eyes were full of murderous intent, "Do you have anything else to say?"

More than a dozen people looked at each other, but no one was willing to stand up and speak for Zhao Yufan. Looking at their evasive eyes, Zhao Yufan nodded fiercely, and said sharply: "Your affairs have nothing to do with me. If others want to kill you, I won't either." Regardless, you guys are so powerful, just deal with it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yufan looked at the people in Bawang City and said, "Kill them casually, if you can't kill them, I will kill them for you."

Everyone was stunned, no one would have thought that he would say these words, especially the dozen or so people in Five Elements City, all of whom looked at Zhao Yufan in disbelief.

The Tianyu master who accused Zhao Yufan just now was stunned and shouted in disbelief, "Are you crazy?"

"Hmph!" Zhao Yufan didn't say a word, he came directly in front of Bao Xinrou, forced a smile and said, "Miss Xinrou, let's watch a play."

When everyone in Bawang City saw it, they approached the people in Five Elements City one after another. They had no way to retreat now and could only fight to the death.At first they were afraid that Zhao Yufan couldn't help but make a move, but after they killed a person, Zhao Yufan really didn't make a move, which made them excited, while the people in Five Elements City turned pale and almost cried.

"Zhao Yufan, you can't just leave your life alone, anyway, you are also from the Five Elements City." Someone shouted.

The Tianyu master also roared angrily: "Are you so cruel? We are people from the same city."

Hearing the word cruel, Zhao Yufan raised his eyebrows, and flashed out the sword of fire in his hand. The blazing flames were reflected on everyone's faces. The people in Overlord City looked worried, and the people in Five Elements City smiled.

In a flash, Zhao Yufan came to the Tianyu master who said he was cruel just now, and said coldly: "This is called cruelty!" As soon as the words fell, a fiery red sword light pierced through the body of the Tianyu master, instantly burning the body Turn into soot and drift away.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yufan in shock, without saying a word.

"Before you leave, please remember that I am not your parents. I have no responsibility to help you. Even if I am your parents, it is I who decide whether to help you, not you!" After Zhao Yufan finished speaking, he flew to the treasure house. In front of Xinrou, he grinned with a corner of his mouth, which made Bao Xinrou shudder.

Everyone in Five Elements City regretted it at this moment and apologized one after another. If the people in Bawang City hadn't been attacking, they would have knelt down to Zhao Yufan directly.

"Brother Zhao, we were wrong. Your lord has a lot, so don't argue with us."

"Brother Zhao, just help us."

Zhao Yufan turned a blind eye to everyone's requests, as if he didn't hear them.

Bao Xinrou frowned and stared at Zhao Yufan, couldn't bear to look at the people in Wuxing City who were struggling, and asked in a low voice: "You really don't want to help them?"

"No need." Zhao Yufan replied decisively, put away the sword of fire, and said solemnly: "I have seen too many people like this, even if they are saved, they will repay their kindness in the future. If I do this, it will be regarded as helping the Five Elements City to clean up the cancer .”

"You can really defend yourself." Bao Xinrou shook her little head, suddenly feeling a little sorry for Zhao Yufan, she couldn't help turning around and glaring at Liu Bosong, her pretty face was frosty, "Liu Bosong, I don't mind cleaning up the cancer for the family, you Be more careful with what you say in the future."

"Yes." Liu Songbai replied, and looked at Zhao Yufan secretly from the corner of the eye, with a little fear in his eyes.

During the conversation, almost all the people from Five Elements City were killed, but at the last moment, the people from Bawang City let go of two people from Five Elements City. As for the purpose, it was natural that they want them to announce Zhao Yufan's so-called deeds to the public.

"Just let them leave like this?" Bao Xinrou looked worriedly at the figure that was gradually leaving, and at some point there were two small black poisonous needles in his hand.

Glancing at Bao Xinrou's poisonous needle, Zhao Yufan was secretly surprised, but replied flatly: "It's okay, the King of Five Elements will help me deal with it."

"You trust them that much?"

Zhao Yufan stared at Bao Xinrou's suspicious eyes, nodded seriously, and joked, "It's just like you believe I won't hurt you." As soon as he finished speaking, Bao Xinrou blushed and snorted softly.

The group in Bawang City did not dare to leave without permission. They knew very well that Zhao Yufan would not allow them to leave so easily. Looking at his relationship with Bao Xinrou, it is estimated that as long as Zhao Yufan said a word, General Zilong would come forward. So they could only wait in fear for Zhao Yufan to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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