Chapter 816

When they were working together in Overlord City, people in other cities were also looking for partners. For example, in the Yishen City camp of the Yi family, the high-level officials in the tent were discussing to join forces with those cities.

Yi Long spoke first and directly recommended Five Elements City, which surprised many people, but Yi Sheng insisted on opposing Yi Long's opinion. In his opinion, cooperating with Five Elements City is no less than seeking skin with a tiger.

But Yi Long also has his reasons, and his popularity is very good, many people are willing to believe him.Yi Sheng felt a little helpless, so he could only turn his attention to other Tianyu masters, hoping that they would come forward to speak out, after all, they knew how dangerous Zhao Yufan and Five Elements City were.

After discussing for nearly half an hour, everyone in Yishen City finally decided to put Zhao Yufan's matter aside. After all, there are twenty cities in total, and they can unite with others first. Finally, Zhao Yufan and Five Elements City, they can choose to wait and see.

Yi Long said nothing, he knew Zhao Yufan's character quite well, if you don't help him in times of crisis, if you want to stand with him when he is strong, you will have to pay the price.


Just when the cities were still preparing to unite with each other, the alliance formed by Bawang City had already started to attack a city at lightning speed, directly annihilating the entire army of the city and withdrawing from the competition.

Everyone was caught off guard by this incident. No one expected that Bawang City and their attack speed would be so fast. Some of the weaker cities began to be in danger, and they rushed to other big cities for rescue, but the people in these big cities also wanted to destroy them. Lose some cities, after all, only by destroying one city can they enter the top ten.

The storm is rising, and the chaos is coming.

Now there are only a few strongest cities, namely Tianhai City, Dragon Slayer City, Fengjiu City, Angel City, Sky City, Overlord City, Sun City, Yishen City, Fengyun City, Sword God City, God Sword City, God Sword City, Sword City, Pill God City, Artifact City, Langya City, and Five Elements City, these sixteen cities are considered the strongest, among which Shenjian City, God Sword City, Pill God City, and Artifact City are the strongest among the sixteen cities. The city, but they have been standing still, ranking just outside the dozen or so, it is really unpredictable, but the strength of their city is beyond doubt.

After the four cities, Tianhai City, Dragon Slayer City, Fengjiu City, Angel City, Sky City, Fengyun City, and Sword God City are the strongest, while Five Elements City and Spike City belong to the bottom.

Now, the various forces are preparing to use the simplest method to compete for rankings, which is to join forces and eliminate them one by one.As long as nine cities are eliminated, they will be able to enter the top ten.

However, it is a pity that this kind of thing does not happen to Zhao Yufan, because once the nine cities are excluded, the tokens in his hand will be useless. According to the previous ranking battles of the hundred cities, there will be a time limit in the later stage, specifying how long it will take At the end, if there are twenty cities at the end, they will be ranked according to the number of tokens, but if nine cities are eliminated, there will only be ten cities left. It cannot prevent certain cities from advancing to the second-tier city.

Zhao Yufan didn't want to waste the tokens in his hand, so he couldn't let there be only ten cities left in this battle, not to mention that even if there were ten cities left, there would never be a Five Elements City.

After thinking about it, he definitely wanted to go back to the Five Elements City to see what the King of the Five Elements had to say.

Sneaking into the Five Elements City camp, Zhao Yufan soon met the King of the Five Elements. At this time, the high-level people in the camp were also discussing what to do?
The appearance of Zhao Yufan brought the quarrels of the crowd to a brief pause. They all looked at Zhao Yufan, knowing that Zhao Yufan came here with his own ideas.

"Brother Zhao, what do you think we should do now?" someone asked.

Zhao Yufan pondered for a moment, then frowned and said: "I mean to maintain the city to more than fifteen, which can reduce our crisis, and in this way, not only rely on strength, but also the number of tokens, as long as I don't die, We have enough tokens to be in the top ten."

"What you said is indeed reasonable, but isn't it safe for us to unite with other cities? After all, as long as we get rid of nine cities, we can enter the top ten." Someone objected.

Zhao Yufan looked at the crowd, pursed his lips and said: "There are still nineteen cities, and our strength is at the bottom. Even if we can cooperate with a big city like Tianhai City, the final result will only form two cities with comparable strength. Joint confrontation, and in this confrontation, we are artillery-level figures, which is very unfavorable to us, and in the later stage, the other small cities will be wiped out, then we will become dangerous, let alone... want to destroy a city It is very difficult, as long as one of them exists, the city will still exist."

A Tianyu master frowned slightly, stared at Zhao Yufan and asked, "Zhao Yufan, the reason why you want to keep more than ten cities is to sell your tokens at the last moment, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone looking at Zhao Yufan changed slightly.

"I have intentions in this regard, but my first consideration is the Five Elements City. Don't forget that even if there are only ten cities left, my tokens can still be sold. After all, No.1 and No.10 rank It’s different, and the resources they have to advance to the second-tier cities are also different, and for those resources, people in each city will still find ways to buy the tokens in my hand.”

After the words were finished, everyone's expressions immediately softened a lot.

Water King glanced at everyone, coughed a few times and said: "Now Fengyun City, Sword God City, Spike City and several other cities all want to form an alliance with us, Tianhai City and Yishen City seem to be willing to cooperate with us, but the current situation It’s not obvious yet.” After speaking, he looked at Zhao Yufan and said, “Unity is inevitable, and there is no way to stop it.”

Zhao Yufan was speechless, with a wry smile on his lips. He could persuade the people in the Five Elements City not to unite, but he couldn't persuade the people in the other cities. If all the people in the other cities united, then the Five Elements City would not be isolated, or they would be the first to perish It's them.

"Well, I understand." Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and said in a deep voice: "Since we want to unite, we should find a few reliable cities to live in. I recommend Fengyun City, Sword God City, Langya City, Yishen City, and Tianhai City. Having dealt with people from these cities, they are fairly reliable, at least better than Bawang City.”

"I don't agree. Bawang City and Sun City are now united, and they have become the largest joint system, and they also intend to unite with us. Although they have a conspiracy, in my opinion, it is impossible for them to target in the short term. We, my suggestion is to unite with Overlord City and the others." A Tianyu master sitting near Water King said, he didn't have any opinion on Zhao Yufan, but just expounded his own point of view.

Everyone secretly observed Zhao Yufan's face, seeing that he was as calm as water, they couldn't help but relax. The conflict between Zhao Yufan and Bawang City is well known to passers-by, and they didn't seem to make Zhao Yufan feel dissatisfied because of this incident.

(End of this chapter)

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