Chapter 821 Wasting Time
In an instant, the people in Langya City abstained one after another. Those who could evacuate evacuated, and those who could not evacuated were directly surrounded by the enemy layer upon layer. The bloody battle to the end.

At night, people in various cities had fallen asleep, and were suddenly awakened by loud noises. After waking up, they realized that Langya City had been captured. Except for a few people who escaped, the rest either abstained or died in battle.The matter had spread, and a layer of haze was cast in everyone's hearts.

The high-level people of each city gathered the strong overnight to discuss how to avoid the same fate as Langya City, and began to strengthen the guards, so that they must know the enemy's traces before the enemy arrives.

Almost no one in the cities slept that night, because they were not in the mood to sleep. Only Zhao Yufan lay peacefully in a corner of a certain mountain and fell asleep comfortably. He didn't know anything about the outside world, and if he knew, he wouldn't sleep. It's so easy.

In the early morning, the fog was clear.

Zhao Yufan walked out of the tent, opened his arms and looked at the sky, taking a deep breath of fresh air. He became sober all of a sudden, and habitually took out his token. He glanced at the ranking above, and his face suddenly changed. A little stiff, then frowned.

"Unexpectedly, so many things happened last night." Zhao Yufan muttered to himself, his deep eyes piercing the sky, and said awe-inspiringly: "Who will their next target be? Langya City is stronger than Five Elements City in general, but The first thing they destroyed was Langya City, so their next goal should be Five Elements City."

In fact, Overlord and the others don't want to start a war with Five Elements City right now, but they have to. Because of Zhao Yufan's relationship, people in each city now have two preparations. The first preparation is to compete for rankings based on the city, and the second preparation Instead, they used the method of breaking the whole into parts to deal with the crisis. Regardless of whether it was the previous four cities or the Wolf Fang City, they all used the second method to ensure that they would not be completely kicked out of the game when they were bound to lose. contest.

Everyone now loves and hates Zhao Yufan. They love his methods and the benefits he brings, and they hate his methods and the benefits he brings.

Because of the method of breaking the whole into parts, the Five Elements City is more difficult to deal with. The City of the Five Elements may not be worth mentioning, but it is worth mentioning that Zhao Yufan in the city, even if the Five Elements City is kicked out of this battlefield, but Zhao Yufan will still be there, as long as he is there, Five Elements City will have a very high chance of entering the ranking.

Some masters in various cities have experienced how difficult it is for Zhao Yufan to deal with. Except for Bawang City and Sun City, people in other cities are not willing to have too much friction with Zhao Yufan.

At this time, the high-level officials in Overlord City, Dragon Slayer City, Sun City, Fengjiu City, and Angel City gathered together and were discussing the next attack target.The strength of Five Elements City is the weakest, and everyone naturally focuses their attention on this place, but they are very hesitant because of Zhao Yufan's relationship.

Now there are many people who support the attack on Five Elements City. For them, they not only want to attack Five Elements City, but also destroy Zhao Yufan at the same time.But some people objected. After all, as long as Zhao Yufan can survive to the end, the token in his hand will play a decisive role. It is very unwise to make an enemy of him at this time.

Overlord looked around at everyone, tapped the table lightly, and signaled everyone to be quiet, "Everyone, you can only fight in Wuxing City now. I know you are worried about Zhao Yufan, but don't forget that there is Tianbao King's son Yuanbao in Fengyun City, and Tianbao King's son Yuanbao in Sword God City." The female treasure is soft-hearted, and there is Yilong in Yishen City, and there are some masters in that city, is it because of their existence that we don't fight anyone? Think about it for yourself, in Zhao Yufan, Yuanbao, Bao Xinrou and the others Among these people, who will you choose to offend?"

Everyone was silent, and they would naturally choose to offend Zhao Yufan in their hearts, because thinking about it, Zhao Yufan was undoubtedly the easiest to deal with among these people.

Someone questioned and asked: "But we are going to attack the Five Elements City, and the other cities will definitely not sit idly by."

"If you want to keep thinking like this, just quit." Overlord sarcastically said.

Everyone fell silent again, and finally prepared to attack the Five Elements City. After all, Zhao Yufan could be forced out in this way. As long as Zhao Yufan could be killed, the benefits would be unimaginable.

But Zhao Yufan obviously knew Bawang's next target, so he rushed to the Five Elements City camp, and the people in the camp gathered together, thinking that Zhao Yufan was here to buy things.

Zhao Yufan's face was gloomy, and he explained to everyone: "Sorry, I'm not here to buy, please make room."

Someone complained: "If you don't come to buy things, what are you doing here?"

Zhao Yufan didn't say a word, he went straight to the largest tent in the camp, and rushed in with a big stride, while the people following him were stunned.

Inside the tent, everyone who was discussing things looked at Zhao Yufan who came suddenly, with somewhat angry faces. After all, this is also a place for them to discuss things. How could they come in and out so casually?And everyone was also very dissatisfied with Zhao Yufan's sabotage of the alliance plan last time. The four cities could have been dealt with easily, but because of him, the members of the four cities were automatically disbanded, but a few masters were left behind to hide.

"What are you discussing?" Zhao Yufan asked directly, ignoring everyone's gaze.

Everyone stared at Zhao Yufan in astonishment, thinking to himself that this Zhao Yufan is too arrogant, even if you are capable, you shouldn't talk to us like this, you Zhao Yufan is a junior after all, and we are seniors.

Jin Wang frowned and said: "Sit down first, we are discussing what to do next? They have already taken action in Bawang City

, I think we should discuss it with other cities and attack Bawang City and them! "

Zhao Yufan's face was full of surprise, he didn't expect that they were discussing such a useless thing, Bawangcheng's people were about to call, and they were still discussing how to attack Bawangcheng and them.

"There is no need to discuss, and there is no need to discuss such things in the future." Zhao Yufan took a sip of tea, stared at everyone and said, "Can you see the situation clearly and discuss some useful issues?"

"Zhao Yufan, what do you mean? Are you saying that what we discussed is meaningless?" a Tianyu master asked.

Zhao Yufan stared at the person who spoke just now, and replied solemnly and earnestly: "Not only is it pointless, but it's a waste of time."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present became ugly, and sharp gazes fell on Zhao Yufan, like sharp swords, which could kill Zhao Yufan at any time.

Judging by everyone's expressions, if Zhao Yufan couldn't give them a satisfactory explanation today, they would definitely not let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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