Chapter 827
There was a commotion outside, the Overlord in the tent couldn't help but his face darkened, he slapped the table, stood up angrily, and said sharply: "It's too much to bully! They really think that if they can beat Sun City, they can beat my Overlord!" City? Three, he is not only provoking me, but also thinking of provoking you." He wanted to drag people from the other three cities into the water, and according to his thinking, since the three brought others here, how could they Said it would help him too.

But what surprised him was that the three of them were silent, and they looked at each other, as if they were talking to each other, which made him quite unwilling to admit defeat. Just when he was about to question, the three of them got up and went straight to the outside of the tent , and then came to those whom they had brought.

Overlord was dissatisfied with the attitude of the three of them, but at this moment it was the time of employing people, so he could only bear with it, with a kind smile barely hanging on the corner of his mouth, but the evil spirit was overflowing between his brows.


The three city lords spoke at the same time, and the 300 people they brought respectively quickly formed a circular target, attacking the surrounding Bawang City people with lightning speed.At the same time, the three major city lords came out together and directly attacked the Overlord.

Before the people in Bawang City could react, they were killed and turned on their backs. The loss was heavy. Bawang was even more depressed after being beaten, seriously injured, and his eyes were bloodthirsty red.

"You, you?" Overlord glared at the three major city lords, and suddenly understood that he was plotted against by the three major cities, "You are really insidious!"

The faces of the three major city lords were as hard as steel. They turned a deaf ear to the Overlord's words and continued to launch fatal attacks on him. The rest of the people centered on the circular square formation and continued to spread around, killing everyone in the Overlord City. In an instant, more than half of the people in the Overlord City were lost. , was attacked from inside and outside, but still had no strength to fight back.

"Get out of here!" Overlord roared angrily, he already knew that the overlord city was doomed, and if the fight continued like this, the entire overlord city would be destroyed forever.But it is not so easy to retreat. Under such a well-planned conspiracy, many people were killed on the spot before they had time to retreat.

The three major cities besieged the Overlord, making it difficult for the Overlord to escape.

At this time, the Overlord had disheveled hair, like a demon god, looking at the fallen disciples, his face was full of misery, and he couldn't understand why the people in the three major cities wanted to be enemies with him.Suddenly, he found that the attacking enemies from outside had rushed in. Seeing the identities of those enemies, he suddenly understood. He thought it was a conspiracy by the three major cities. It turned out that the people in the three major cities were just part of the conspiracy. The person who actually created this conspiracy was Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan, Yi Long and others rushed to Bawang's vicinity, and immediately dispersed to kill the people in Bawang City. Zhao Yufan stopped and watched for a while, then flew to Bawang's vicinity, staring at him silently.

"So it's you!" Overlord gritted his teeth.

Zhao Yufan nodded, shaking the fire sword in his hand, and smiled sternly.

Overlord seemed to have guessed the ending, his eyes were full of hatred and resentment, he stared at the three city lords and asked, "Why did you help him?"

The Lord of Dragon Slayer City stared at Bawang with a calm expression on his face, "It's not helping him, it's cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Overlord came to his senses and asked, "What benefits did he give?"

"I didn't give any benefits." The City Lord of Fengjiu City replied with a serious expression.

"Heh..." Overlord smiled mockingly, looked at the three city lords in surprise, his eyes were full of resentment, "Will you help him for no reason?"

"Of course not." The shrewd eyes of the city lord of the Angel City were shining, and he looked at the Bawang sadly and said: "Bawang, do you only have immediate interests in your eyes? Have you never thought of ending the ranking of the hundred cities? What happened after the war?"

All of a sudden, the Overlord came to a realization, but it was a pity that it was too late now, the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament was a competition after all, their ultimate goal was to enable the outside families to develop better, and the two cities of Sun City and Overlord City were very important for Tulong City. For them, there is a certain threat, and Bawang City is rich in products and inexhaustible resources. They have long wanted to get involved in Dragon City, but unfortunately they have never had a chance. For Dragon City, as long as they can enter the top ten in the ranking of the hundred cities That's right, and agreeing to Zhao Yufan this time is also a face for Zhao Yufan. When ranking in the future, Zhao Yufan must have thought of this situation and will not use tokens to squeeze them out of the rankings. This potential enemy is weakened, so why not do it?

"Okay, very good, I will fight with you today!"

The Overlord roared, and directly killed Zhao Yufan regardless of the three major city lords. He could see clearly that it was impossible to kill the three major cities, so he would kill the mastermind who planned this conspiracy. Presumably the three major city lords also hoped that Zhao Yufan could dead.

Of course the three city lords were unwilling to help Zhao Yufan, but they wanted to see how strong Zhao Yufan was who could kill Okamura Taro?How weird is it?How exactly did he kill the strong man in the Tianyu.

Zhao Yufan's method of killing Overlord is very simple, even a little familiar.

The three city lords saw the Overlord standing there with a stiff face, as if Zhao Yufan had cast a magic spell to hold him down. Then Zhao Yufan walked over slowly and pierced the Overlord's chest with his sword.

The three city lords could see the horror and shock in the Overlord's eyes, and they could feel that the Overlord was so unbelievable before he died, and he didn't even know why he was killed by Zhao Yufan.Zhao Yufan killed the Overlord, making the battle end faster. The three city lords just stared at Zhao Yufan silently, as if hesitating for something. As the Overlord said, Zhao Yufan is a dangerous person.

"Three seniors, if you don't leave, the city will be occupied by people." Zhao Yufan said lightly, with a gloomy tone, with the corners of his mouth raised.

The faces of the three city lords changed when they heard the words, and Zhao Yufan's tone was obviously threatening. The city lord of Tulong City raised his eyes and asked, "What do you mean? Do you want to compete with the three of us?"

Zhao Yufan put away the Fire Sword, walked up to Overlord, took his storage ring, put it in his storage ring casually, looked up at the three of them and said, "I don't want to be against the three seniors, in order to express my sincerity, Let me remind you of one thing, in the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament, Tianhai City is certainly No.1, but they are definitely not the strongest city, and neither are you and me!"

The three city lords suddenly thought of something, their expressions changed suddenly, they stared at Zhao Yufan indifferently for a moment, and then led the people in the city to leave.They originally wanted to kill Zhao Yufan, but they were not sure, and just now Zhao Yufan reminded them that in addition to the powerful enemies of Tianhai City, they also had to face the four major cities that had been hiding their strength. The entire Tianbao Province has super strength, and they are here, so the three city lords naturally dare not fight with Zhao Yufan to hurt both sides, so as not to get advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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