Chapter 837 Exciting Things

Everyone knew very well that Zhao Yufan's silence was definitely not because he was shocked by the 20 billion figure, but because he had a new idea, and this idea must be unexpected.

Yu Xiaoxue glared at Zhao Yufan, signaling him not to make the matter too big. Seeing Zhao Yufan gave her a reassuring look, she felt a little more at ease, but what Zhao Yufan said immediately after that nearly made her faint.

Zhao Yufan said: "Two billion is a lot, but it's not exciting enough. How about we do this? If I lose, you will take away my storage ring. If you lose, I will take your storage ring. Isn't that very exciting?" okay?"

The moment he finished speaking, the scene was quiet, and even a needle dropped from the ground could be heard clearly. They were shocked by Zhao Yufan's words, and their faces were filled with horror. This is not a fight, it is simply a matter of life and death trade.

"It's exactly what I want!" Zhao Shanhe agreed without any hesitation.

Everyone could feel their self-confidence from the two people's words. Zhao Shanhe's self-confidence was taken for granted, but where did Zhao Yufan's self-confidence come from? People were a little suspicious, and they were not very optimistic about his arrogant approach.

But both parties in the fight had no objections, and it was impossible for them to dissuade Zhao Yufan even if they wanted to, not to mention Zhao Yufan's calm expression, it seemed that no one needed to dissuade him.

"This lunatic." Yu Xiaoxue returned to Han Bingyue angrily, and asked in a low voice: "Sister Bingyue, can he do it?"

"You don't know him?" Han Bingyue didn't answer Yu Xiaoxue's question directly, but asked a somewhat surprising question.

At this time, Bao Xinrou also came to Han Bingyue's side, and when she heard her asking such a weird question, she stared at her beautiful eyes and asked in puzzlement: "Sister Bingyue, is there any relationship between the two? "

A faint smile appeared on Han Bingyue's pretty face like an iceberg, but she didn't answer.The lone wolf on the side suddenly said: "Don't you understand? Just like you know your relatives, if they agree to this battle, do you think they will lose?"

Everyone was startled, and immediately seemed to understand something.

Yu Xiaoxue and Bao Xinrou suddenly had the illusion that Han Bingyue was telling them that she knew Zhao Yufan better than the two of them, and that Zhao Yufan had a closer relationship with her.

"Did you eat it wrong?" Bao Xinrou's lovely eyes turned slightly, and her small mouth couldn't help but raise.

Yu Xiaoxue frowned, and then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she pursed her mouth and said, "I'm so stupid, that's what I mean, then he will definitely win, I understand him." In fact, she was also a little nervous, but this At that time, she was unwilling to lose to Frost Moon.

Bao Xinrou's subsequent words were similar to Yu Xiaoxue's. As the saying goes, three women play a show. At this time, Yi Long and the others could only helplessly look at Zhao Yufan and Zhao Shanhe who were fighting vigorously.

The place where the two fought was in the center of the room. There were some tables and chairs here, but they were moved away by the servants long ago, freeing up a place for the two to support their fight.

The fight between the two was not very fierce, they were both in the probing stage. Zhao Yufan coped with it calmly. In fact, he didn't take Zhao Shanhe seriously at all. If it was him, he might refuse to fight, but he still has a The blood lion, the gravity area of ​​the blood lion is enough to crush Zhao Shanhe to death.

The more Zhao Shanhe fought, the more surprised he became. This Zhao Yufan was worthy of being the one who could kill the city lord. He was really powerful, and he was able to block their attacks so many times. It was a bit unbelievable.

Zhao Yufan felt that the time was almost up. In order not to attract the attention of others, he deliberately delayed for a while, the purpose was to give people the illusion that his strength was far from Zhao Shanhe's.

Holding a sword in his hand, Zhao Shanhe flew towards Zhao Yufan and stabbed twelve swords frantically. The twelve sword lights were like poisonous snakes, stabbing at Zhao Yufan from different directions in a tricky manner, so that he had no chance to dodge.

Puff puff……

Zhao Yufan was hit with twelve swords in an instant. He and Zhao Shanhe are both masters in the sky, but in terms of real strength, he is naturally no match for Zhao Shanhe. Can't move an inch.

With a cold light in Zhao Yufan's eyes, he came to Zhao Shanhe in an instant, slapped him on the chest, and used the star-absorbing method to directly absorb the energy in his body. Anyway, he had already torn face with them, even if Zhao Shanhe, a master, could not stay, but Today is the opening day of Xueroufang, he can't kill people, so he plans to abolish Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe's face was ashes, his body suddenly endured several tons of weight, causing him to bleed from all seven orifices, and Zhao Yufan's palm made him fall into endless panic, "You, why are you..." Because of gravity, he is now It was very difficult to speak, and the skin of the mouth seemed to weigh a thousand catties. Just halfway through the words, the lips were already dripping with blood, which was extremely terrifying.

The energy was constantly draining, and Zhao Shanhe could feel Zhao Yufan's killing intent. He knew that if he didn't make a judgment, he might die here, and his heart twitched. Roaring: "Kill him, kill him for me!"

Zhao Qing and the others couldn't bear it long ago, and when they heard Zhao Shanhe's mournful roar, they threw themselves at Zhao Yufan.

The corner of Zhao Yufan's mouth showed a hint of your school, and the sword of fire appeared in his hand. With a flash of fire, it directly cut off Zhao Shanhe's right arm, took away the storage ring from his hand, and immediately jumped aside.

Zhao Qing and others rushed in front of Zhao Shanhe. At this time, Zhao Shanhe was limp on the ground, as if he was seriously ill, his eyes were dull and his body was trembling.

Everyone was amazed at Zhao Yufan's ability to defeat Zhao Shanhe at first, but when they focused their eyes on Zhao Shanhe, their expressions were filled with astonishment, and there was a hint of horror and surprise in their eyes. A very strange look stared at him, as if staring at some rare animal.

"Damn, how did he do it? He even lowered Zhao Shanhe's cultivation level to the imperial realm."

"This Zhao Yufan doesn't know magic tricks, does he?"

"It's too scary. This guy is simply not human. It's better not to provoke him in the future."

"Zhao Yufan, you dare to hurt my uncle, I'll kill you!" Zhao Qing glared at Zhao Yufan and said that he wanted to kill him, but he didn't do anything. Ah." He wanted to use everyone's hands to get rid of Zhao Yufan, but everyone present was shocked by Zhao Yufan, who dared to be an enemy there, not to mention that this is the territory where Baoxin is soft and gentle to Xiaoxue. If they come here to deal with Zhao Yufan, It is tantamount to offending Xiaoxue and Bao Xinrou.

(End of this chapter)

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