Chapter 841 Haoyue Main City
After listening to Yu Zongsheng's words, Zhao Yufan felt that he was trying to win him over, or hoped that he could contribute to Tianbao Province. Does he know something? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Yu Zongsheng and asked, "You Do you know something?"

Yu Zongsheng pondered for a moment, then lowered his voice and said: "Don't you really know? With your strength, you must accompany Prince Tianbao to pay tribute. When you enter the main city of Haoyue, there will inevitably be some fights."

"No." Zhao Yufan replied very decisively, which surprised Yi Long and the others. Others were eager to have this opportunity, and wanted to go with them as much as possible, but why did the opposite happen when they came to him?
"Are you stupid?" Bao Xinrou rolled his eyes at him, with a look of hatred for iron, but when he saw Zhao Yufan's stare, he couldn't help sticking out his tongue, pretending to be cute.

While they were talking, King Tianbao and the others had already selected some accompanying persons. Yi Long and his fellow top [-] in the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament were almost pre-determined personnel, and Zhao Qing and his family's children also went together, and finally They chose more than a hundred people to accompany them, which sounds like a lot, but this is just a normal number of people in the twelve provinces.

Although the executive department under the jurisdiction of the Blood King is in Tianbao Province, he has nothing to do with the matter of paying tribute, and he has not participated in the discussions among the people. However, when King Tianbao said Zhao Yufan, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth. At that time, King Tianbao had already told him about it.

King Tianbao and the others didn't shy away from everyone in their discussion, so Zhao Yufan and the others could hear it. Everyone listened carefully to the conversation of King Tianbao and the others, but Zhao Yufan was the only one who ate and drank when he had nothing to do with himself. It was against Zhao Yufan's company, but what surprised Zhao Yufan was that Zhao Shilong also agreed to accompany him, and his attitude was very firm.

Something went wrong, which made Zhao Yufan cautious. Even when Tianbao Wang and others asked him for his opinion, he gave an ambiguous answer. He didn't say no, but he didn't insist on going.

In the end, it was Tianbao Wang who slapped the table with his big hand and directly settled the matter.

Zhao Qing pondered for a moment, but couldn't figure out why Zhao Shilong would help Zhao Yufan. He couldn't help but stood up and asked, "Master Tianbao, the person who can accompany you to the main city of Haoyue must have a certain identity. Zhao Yufan is only from the Five Elements City." An aide, doesn't it seem appropriate?"

Everyone frowned and remained silent when they heard the words. They all knew this, and the reason why they didn't say anything was because Zhao Yufan had the power to surpass them. So no one questioned Zhao Yufan's identity, but since Zhao Qing asked, they couldn't ignore it.

King Tianbao smiled as if he had expected it. He looked at the blood king, and it seemed that the blood king could solve this problem. This made Zhao Qing's face very ugly. The red and swollen face became more rosy, like a red-hot pig's head.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Blood King smiled and looked at Zhao Yufan, and said, "Long time no see." Hearing his words, everyone's hearts twitched, thinking that Zhao Yufan ignored Zhao Qing's provocation just now, so it turned out that he and the Blood King had been together for a long time. I just knew him. At this time, Zhao Qing's face was ashen, and he didn't dare to look at the crowd with his head down. If today's banquet was not too important, he would have left in embarrassment and anger.

Zhao Yufan got up quickly, and saluted the Blood King respectfully: "Senior."

The Blood King smiled slightly, waved his hand to signal him to sit down, and then asked: "I gave you the Blood King's Token a few months ago. I wanted the Yi family to give me face and not to embarrass you, but I didn't expect you to have today's achievements. , It was really unexpected, now that we meet again, I wonder if you would like to join the blood gate of the executive department."

The executive department is not monolithic, but like tofu, it is forcibly fused together with countless beans, and the whole tofu may shatter with just a light poke.In fact, the executive department is controlled by five people, the largest is the executive officer, the executive officer is called the executive gate, followed by four executive officers, they are the blood family, the **** family, the wealthy family, and the wealthy family.

The Blood King is a member of the Blood Sect, and he is the deputy executive officer. He is on an equal footing with the princes. Now that he invites Zhao Yufan to join the Blood Sect of the Executive Division, it represents the recognition of a certain power. The Blood Sect is famous for killing , which are all a group of brave and skilled fighters, belonging to the strongest combat group in the Executive Division.

Without hesitation, Zhao Yufan nodded and replied, "Of course."

"En." The Blood King nodded in satisfaction, pondered for a while and said, "Since you joined the Blood Sect, then let's follow the rules of the Blood Sect. It's a bit humiliating to be an executive general with your strength, so you can borrow it temporarily." An executive elder."

Everyone was amazed when they heard the words. Hearing what the Blood King meant, Zhao Yufan was still given a small position. That was the executive elder. Such an elder was an uncompromising leader in a fourth-tier city. Even the fourth-tier city owners dared not offend him .

Zhao Yufan didn't think much about it at that time, he was just one level older than Yi Long, and he was the only one who could make him so proud to order Yi Long, "Yi Long, now I'm your superior in name, remember to treat me well in the future." Be respectful, and you guys, don't be too rude to me, I am also an official now."

Hearing Zhao Yufan's words, everyone burst into laughter. Could it be that he was happy because he made Yi Long and the others not rude?This is the position of the head of the executive department, how could it only play such a small role.

"Haha..." Blood King Qiang Yangtian smiled when he heard the words, as if he was more satisfied with Zhao Yufan.

At this time, Zhao Qing was so angry that his teeth were itching. He never thought that the Blood King knew Zhao Yufan, and the Blood King even made him the executive elder of the Blood Sect in front of everyone. This time, Zhao Yufan's status rose. and rose to a higher position than theirs.

It was only at this time that everyone realized that the Blood King and Tianbao King had already had a countermeasure, and they had decided to let Zhao Yufan accompany them from the very beginning.In the following time, the people around Zhao Qing also came to congratulate Zhao Yufan and draw in the relationship with Zhao Yufan. They didn't want to offend Zhao Qing, but they also didn't want to offend Zhao Yufan now. After all, Zhao Yufan's words at this time can give The arrival of his family was no small trouble.

Zhao Yufan also didn't want to conflict with the crowd, so he didn't reject anyone who came and expressed his friendliness to them. For a while, he seemed to be the center of the whole banquet, while the Blood King and the others became bystanders.

As soon as the banquet was over, many important figures present came to Zhao Yufan, hoping to reach some kind of agreement with him. Although Zhao Yufan saw these figures, he did not agree to their obscure alliance, but he did not refuse either.

(End of this chapter)

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