Swire Overlord

Chapter 85: Can I Get a Face?

Chapter 85: Can I Get a Face?

Zhao Yufan did not ask Liu Sishi and others for help, but under the banner of eliminating demons and defending the way, he persuaded them to act with the attitude of a gentleman. From his words, it can be heard that Liu Sishi and others acted not for Zhao Yufan, but for eliminating demons Defend the way and support justice!For the reputation of Qinglanzong, their orthodox sect.

His words put a label of justice on Liu Sishi and his group. If they listened to Elder Li, it would be tantamount to collaborating with the devil.

Three different choices, the first two are treacherous and evil, and the last one is a gentleman. Although Liu Sishi and the others don't care about reputation, if this matter spreads, they will become the laughing stock of others and be ridiculed by others. This is not what they want to see things.

"I don't seem to be able to help you?" The red-robed girl stroked her hair beside her ears with a hint of sarcasm.

Zhao Yufan raised his neck, looking casual like you, and everyone present was so angry that they wanted to kill him. They obviously wanted something from others, but they also put on a righteous and awe-inspiring look, as if everyone should help him for granted.

Tie Yunshan stared, and couldn't help scolding: "Zhao Yufan! Can you show some face?"

His frank words finally eased the expressions of Liu Sishi and his group.Now, their attitude is very obvious, they want to help Zhao Yufan.

The Frozen Swordsmen got acquainted with each other, five of them stopped Liu Sishi and his group, and the four continued to surround Zhao Yufan and the others.

The scene was suddenly tense, and everyone stared at their opponents vigilantly as if they were facing an enemy.

There was a stalemate for 1 minute, and none of the people present made a move.

At this moment, Zhao Yufan waved his hand and shouted suddenly: "Kill!"

At the exit of the killing word, everyone shot at almost the same time, and at the same time, Mo Qi cursed: "Your uncle's Zhao Yufan! What are you shouting, you bastard!"

The expressions on the faces of the others were also very complicated. Originally, the two sides were trying to push each other back and win without a fight, but who knew that Zhao Yufan's sudden voice broke their plan directly.

Now that the two sides have made a move, either you will die or I will die!

Seeing everyone fighting in a group, Zhao Yufan showed a sinister smile. Liu Sishi and the others had to fight the Frozen Swordsman for two reasons. One was to completely eliminate the Frozen Swordsman, and the other was to consume their strength. After all, Liu Sishi and the others' ultimate goal was to For the red fruit, only by consuming their strength, Frost Moon and the others can compete with them when fighting for the red fruit, so that they won't be able to easily get the red fruit.

The so-called unity is strength, and the Frozen Swordsman is indeed strong, but in front of Liu Sishi and his group, he died with hatred in the end.

Wan Kexin and Elder Li have not made a move, they are both restraining each other.

Seeing that all the Frozen Swordsmen were killed, Elder Li frowned, shook his sleeves and left. When he left, he said with a cold smile: "Liu Sishi, you will become sinners of the Qinglan Sect in the future. I will leave now, you can do it yourself! Wan Ke Xin...you stay and take care of that little boy. Haha...With Wan Kexin here, let me see if any of you dare to grab Zhao Yufan's red fruit!"

Liu Sishi and his group scoffed at Elder Li's previous words, but his last words made them look at Wan Kexin.

Wan Kexin said nothing, and went directly to Zhao Yufan. After checking the injury, he took the pill, and then replied coldly: "I heard that there is a dragon appearing in Longlin Peak. We must report this matter to the suzerain as soon as possible. Let's set off immediately! As for Chiguo, if Zhao Yufan really has one, I don't think he will treat you badly!"

Who would dare to disobey the elders?

Liu Sishi and the others were dissatisfied, but they could only remain silent.

"I don't have a red fruit!"

Zhao Yufan was lying on a simple stretcher at this time, looked sideways at Liu Sishi and the others, and said innocently.

Hearing this sentence, Wan Kexin frowned slightly, and reprimanded in a cold voice: "Shut up!"

All the way without a word, everyone returned to Qinglanzong safely.

Wan Kexin left in a hurry, and Han Bingyue and the others also carried Zhao Yufan and slowly disappeared on the road.Seeing Han Bingyue and the others leave, Liu Sishi and the others showed displeasure on their faces, but no one said anything. They met each other and smiled wryly.

The disciples who went to Longlin Peak returned to the sect one after another. However, what made everyone puzzled was that none of the disciples got the red fruit. Could it be that the magma burned the red fruit?Maybe some disciple got it secretly?

Everyone speculated endlessly. After a brief questioning, the senior officials of the Qinglan Sect came to two conclusions. The first is that Zhao Yufan got the red fruit, and the second is that the red fruit was burned by magma. Believe in the first one.

At this time, in the Heizhu loft where the suzerain lived, Elder Li was eloquently pointing out the crimes committed by Zhao Yufan.

Listening to Elder Li's words, the suzerain's face became more and more gloomy, with murderous intent hidden in his eyes, Zhao Yufan's prestige was getting higher and higher, and now he had contact with the strongest disciple in the inner sect. This hostile relationship will sooner or later be broken.

However, he has no time to deal with Zhao Yufan now. The sudden appearance of Shenlong will definitely attract the attention of many forces. If Shenlong is obtained by other forces, then the loss of Qinglanzong will be great.

The suzerain put his hands behind his back and murmured, "Zhao Yufan...can't be killed! At least he can't die right now! With the appearance of Shenlong, all of us in the Qinglan Sect must unite, but if Zhao Yufan is killed, everyone will definitely be dissatisfied, so he can't die. But you can't let him go so easily!"

"Sovereign, it should be okay to punish him?" Elder Li looked at the suzerain, saw that the suzerain was silent, and said in a low voice: "Zhao Yufan has great potential, it's really a pity to kill him, but controlling him is the best strategy."

"Control it..." The suzerain raised his eyes to look at the distant starry sky through the window, and suddenly thought of a note, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and waved: "Okay, you go down."

Elder Li bent over and sneered, and slowly exited the room. After leaving the room, he took a deep look at the Heizhu loft, and couldn't help but want to cry up to the sky.

In the morning, mist surrounds.

The disciples of Qinglanzong have already got up to practice, busy with their own affairs.

Suddenly, three bells rang, resounding throughout the world, for a long time

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on the direction of the discussion palace, with surprise on their faces.

The source of the bell is near the Palace of Discussion. When the bell rings, it means that the Qinglan Sect is summoning all the disciples.The disciples did not dare to neglect, and rushed to the discussion palace one after another.

Zhao Yufan frowned when he heard the bell, his eyes were almost narrowed into slits, and he muttered to himself: "What should come will come eventually!"

He took small steps lazily, and walked towards the meeting palace without any haste. He walked very slowly, as if he was deliberately delaying time.

Near the deliberative palace, countless disciples looked at the suzerain and dozens of elders ahead, and began to guess.

(End of this chapter)

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