Chapter 851 Impossible

Zhao Yufan naturally didn't have any objections, he just wanted Huo Nu to stay by his side and become a great help to him, but he heard that he would only stay by his side temporarily, so he couldn't help but wonder how he could make Huo Nu stay willingly.

While thinking about it, he walked forward with the fire girl. Now he and the blood lion need a quiet place to digest the corpse in the storage ring. At present, this is the most important point.

Zhao Yufan and Huo Nu had just walked a few miles away when they saw Yi Long and the others head-on. They were both a little embarrassed when they met. After all, there was a little misunderstanding between them, or a little misunderstanding between Zhao Yufan and Bao Xinrou .

Before Zhao Yufan could speak, Bao Xinrou had already taken a few steps forward, lowered his head and said with tears in his eyes, "I'm sorry, I blamed you."

Zhao Yufan shook his head slightly, and said casually, "I don't blame you, it's because I didn't make it clear to you, is everyone okay?" He looked at the crowd and saw that there was nothing wrong with them, so he felt relieved, "Be careful yourself. , I still have some things to deal with, so I won’t be with you.”

Hearing that Zhao Yufan was about to leave, Yi Long and the others couldn't help frowning slightly, thinking that he was still angry, they couldn't help but look a little embarrassed, but they didn't know how to persuade, Bao Xinrou cried in a low voice, looking very aggrieved, lowered his head and said yes don't say anything.

"I'm not angry with you. The sanctuary monster has been killed by me and this girl. Now I need to find a quiet place to deal with the sanctuary monster, so I have to leave." Zhao Yufan explained.

Hearing that Zhao Yufan and this little girl who appeared out of nowhere had killed the Sanctuary monster, Yi Long and the others showed shock on their faces, and there was no words for a long time. And it was an unbelievable thing to die under the combination of a master of the sky and a little girl, but no matter how unbelievable, since Zhao Yufan can come back alive, it proves that the monster in the sanctuary is dead.

"It's unbelievable, how did you kill him?" Yu Xiaoxue couldn't help asking, but immediately felt that this sentence was a bit inappropriate, and immediately changed her words: "Just ask, you don't have to say it."

The corner of Zhao Yufan's mouth twitched, even if he had to say it, he couldn't say it, but he and these people are friends after all, so he could only say perfunctorily: "I didn't kill the monsters in the sanctuary, but she." Then he looked at Huo Nu, Huo Nu was also somewhat modest, curiously looked at the staring people in front of him, and then looked into the distance, as if thinking about something.

In fact, what Zhao Yufan said is not wrong at all. The reason why the sacred beasts were killed was indeed the reason of the fire girl. Although Zhao Yufan and the blood lion could also kill the sacred beasts, the blood lion did not make a move at all, and Zhao Yufan just played a negligible role.His words are not deceiving Yi Long and the others.

Yi Long and the others never imagined that it was this little girl who killed the monster in the sanctuary, and they all showed surprise. After a short shock, they began to think, and then looked at Zhao Yufan suspiciously, as if they didn't believe it. his words.

Zhao Yufan didn't want to explain anything, but Huo Nu obviously sensed the doubts in everyone's eyes, so she opened her little hand angrily, and a ball of flame suddenly appeared in her palm, and she gently waved her hand and hit the flame towards Yi Long and the others. The voice is extremely pleasant: "Don't believe it? Then let you have a look."

Yi Long and the others didn't expect the little girl to attack suddenly, Yuan Bao was the first to react as if he was blocking, but the rushing flames were divided into several out of thin air, and they rushed to the rest of the people separately.

Yi Long and the others underestimated the flames in front of them at first, but as the flames drew closer, they immediately felt the terrifying energy contained in the flames, and tried to block them with all their strength, but even so, they were still injured by the fireball. If it wasn't for the fire girl to be merciful, these small flames would be enough to kill Yi Long and the others.

At this time, Yi Long and the others dare not have any doubts, but they are also very surprised that this girl has left. This is the heaven, and no one else should be able to enter. Could it be that someone from a certain big family forced King Tianbao Don't open the heavens for this girl?But it shouldn't be possible.

Just as they were thinking, Zhao Yufan and Huo Nu had already left, and they didn't say a word to Yi Long before they left, but at this moment, silence is the best word.

"Where are you going?" Huo Nv tilted her head and asked.

Zhao Yufan was also at a loss, and thought deeply: "I don't know, you should know this place very well, is there a safer and secluded place?"

Huo Nu shook her head and replied disdainfully: "Do you think there is a safe place here? As for the secluded places, there are many, but there are more dangerous, otherwise how can it be secluded? Don't you think so?" Seeing Zhao Yufan With a stunned expression, Huo Nu continued to say proudly, "But, I do have a place."

"Where?" Zhao Yufan asked curiously.

Huo Nu smiled slightly, with a hint of shyness on her pretty face, "Where I live, I am also a sanctuary monster. It should be relatively safe within the scope of my territory, but I am not secluded."

Zhao Yufan was overjoyed when he heard the words. This is a good place. It is also the place where the fire girl lives. Ordinary monsters should not dare to go there to make trouble, not to mention that with the protection of the blood lion and fire girl, he should be safe. "Okay, let's go." Where are you!" He said decisively, but Huo Nu rolled her eyes, and Huo Nu pouted childishly and said, "I haven't agreed yet."

Zhao Yufan smiled helplessly, and asked pitifully, "Then... can I go to your place?"

"Is there anything good for me?" Fire Girl asked expectantly, staring at her lovely big eyes.

Zhao Yufan was stunned. It seemed that this fire dragon was not only powerful, but also a money-hungry master. This made him think about whether to let Fire Girl stay. Who knows if he will search for his own things in the future?Huo Nu is a sanctuary, he can't beat others, although there is a blood lion, but seeing the appearance of the blood lion, he doesn't want to fight Huo Nu at all.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yufan took out a lot of things from the storage ring and gave them to the fire girl as a meeting gift. The fire girl immediately fell in love with these things in front of her and took all the things away. Zhao Yufan, seeing that Zhao Yufan had no intention of continuing to give, could only wait and say with eyes full of grievances: "Okay, come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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