Chapter 854 The Anger of the Major Families

Huo Nu didn't want to be a pet for humans, her sly eyes flickered slightly, she walked lightly in front of Yi Long and the others, thought for a moment and asked: "Hey, I want to ask you something, you said I want to take a monster out of here, what should we do?"

Yi Long and the others were startled when they heard the words. They had never thought about this question before, but since it was Huo Nu's question, they would naturally try their best to answer it.

Yi Long frowned and said: "There should be no way, I've never heard of someone who can bring out monsters."

Seeing Huo Nu's disappointed look, Yu Zongsheng racked his brains and finally came up with a solution: "You can take him as a pet, so you should be able to take him out."

The lone wolf just wants to make friends with the fire girl. He is used to being alone, and he doesn't think about other things. After thinking for a while, he said: "Since you can enter the heaven, you should have a strong background. Just tell King Tianbao, He should agree to you."

After some discussion among the people, they currently only have two feasible methods. The first is to ask Tianbao King for help, and the second is to make the monster a pet of Huo Nu.

It is impossible for Fire Girl to ask Tianbao King for help, because there is a special aura on the monsters in the heavens, and Tianbao Wang can feel this aura. She doesn't want to be discovered by Tianbao Wang, so the only thing left is to Being able to be a pet for others, between Zhao Yufan and Yi Long, she would naturally choose Zhao Yufan.

"Zhao Yufan is very insidious, you have to be careful." Huo Nu secretly warned herself, her eyes moved to Zhao Yufan involuntarily, and when she saw his flat face, she frowned displeasedly and asked, "There's nothing you can do about it." ?"

Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and chuckled: "Being a pet is a good way." After he finished speaking, he blinked his eyes, and the angry Huo Nu gave him a hard look, saying that he didn't want to be his pet.However, nowadays it seems that the only way is to be someone else's pet, but Fire Girl is always a bit reluctant.

"The time is coming, you have to think carefully." Zhao Yufan said.

Huo Nu sat next to Yi Long and the others angrily, ignored Zhao Yufan, and asked the others in a low voice: "Do you really have no other way?"

Everyone shook their heads, they really had no other choice.

Huo Nu was a little helpless, and sighed softly, a little unwilling.Seeing him like this, Yi Long and the others were very surprised that they just accepted a pet, so why are they so unwilling?
At this moment, Tianbao King's voice resounded from above the white clouds: "Everyone evacuates from the heavens immediately, within one day. If there are no evacuees within one day, life and death are at your own risk."

Hearing this, Zhao Yufan and others retreated one after another. They didn't want to stay here forever. Although there are countless treasures here, they are isolated from the outside world and very dangerous. They don't want to live with monsters here.

Soon, Zhao Yufan and the others withdrew. It was an honor to be able to enter the heavenly realm, and it was also a matter of pride for the various forces in Tianbao Province, so they had been waiting outside the heavenly realm for a long time, the purpose was to welcome their family. Elites, these people may be the next family in the future, and they are very important to all forces.

The crowd waited with great anticipation for the person who entered to come out. They stared at the entrance silently, and finally saw someone coming out. They cheered and applauded, but gradually felt something wrong, because although the person who came out had joy on his face, there was also a smile on his face. full of anger.

After a while, the cheers finally stopped, and the faces of many people from the forces became very ugly. They didn't even see people from their own family, and the faces of people from other families were not very good-looking. The people they found were almost All were injured.

"What happened?" King Tianbao asked first.

Someone told about their meeting with the monsters in the sanctuary, and then they also told about everything Zhao Yufan had done. Say it again.

Afterwards, everyone began to talk about Zhao Yufan's mistakes again. Everyone said me, I said a word, making Zhao Yufan very unbearable, and the faces of people from various forces became more and more ugly. To destroy Zhao Yufan.Among them, the three families of Zhao Qing, Qian Yunfeng, and Dongfang Taiquan were the most angry. How could they be reconciled to the fact that the elites of the family died so inexplicably!

At this time, a few people slowly appeared at the exit of the heavenly realm. As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of the crowd. They were Zhao Yufan and his group, and the fire girl was no longer among them. When the woman left, maybe only Zhao Yufan knows.

"Zhao Yufan, you are so brave. You dared to kill my family members. Today I must kill you!" Someone in Zhao Qing's family roared angrily, and they were about to strike.When the rest of the people saw this scene, they couldn't suppress the anger in their hearts, and they rushed forward one after another, trying to kill Zhao Yufan, a dangerous person, in his cradle.

Yi Long and his family didn't act, but they didn't stop them either, as if this matter had nothing to do with them.

Zhao Yufan stared at everyone, and said coldly: "What do you want to do? They are looking for death themselves, what does it have to do with me? Do you think I can kill the monsters in the sanctuary?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and the expressions on their faces became very weird. Although Zhao Yufan couldn't kill the sacred beast, he stood alive and kicking in front of everyone, which made him Everyone was a little worried and suspicious, how did he escape from the monsters in the sanctuary?Or did he really kill the sanctuary monster?

Thinking of these unknown possibilities, suddenly no one was thinking of fighting with Zhao Yufan. At least except for Tulong City and his few cities, the people in the other cities had calmed down. Their family members were not harmed in any way, so why offend Zhao Yufang? Woolen cloth?What's more, to be honest, without Zhao Yufan, the children of these families don't know what would happen.

King Tianbao groaned, and angrily said: "What are you doing? Is there any courtesy? If you have anything to say, go back to the City Lord's Mansion, and I will handle everything for you." After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the City Lord's direction. , His meaning is already very obvious, this matter cannot be resolved privately, he must be responsible.

The mighty group of people walked towards the City Lord's Mansion in silence, and many people on the road stared at Zhao Yufan, as if they wanted to eat him.But looking at Zhao Yufan, his face was very relaxed, and he would chat with Yi Long and others from time to time, but Yi Long and the others were not as calm as Zhao Yufan, as if they were the ones involved in this matter, and seemed more anxious than Zhao Yufan.

(End of this chapter)

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