Chapter 856 Shameless Friend
After the members of the various families left, King Tianbao's face became more and more gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger when he looked at Zhao Yufan, "Do you really think that no one can cure you?"

Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and chuckled, and replied seriously: "The juniors don't dare, it's just that they bully others too much."

Hearing Zhao Yufan say that others bully others too much, Yi Long and the others immediately looked strange. From the day they knew Zhao Yufan, it seemed that they could only see Zhao Yufan bullying others. When can someone bully him?
King Tianbao also couldn't help laughing, and gave Zhao Yufan a hard look, and the anger in his heart dissipated a lot, "You, you, you can do it yourself. They dare not touch you when you measure them in the city lord's mansion, but you should be careful when you go outside."

Zhao Yufan looked at Tianbao King very gratefully, and even wanted to give him Sanctuary blood, but he still didn't take it out after thinking about it for a while. Sanctuary blood is an extremely precious thing, and he can promote people to the powerhouse of Sanctuary He still understands the reason why it is a crime to conceive a jade. Maybe King Tianbao is not greedy for the blood of the sanctuary, but other people can't say for sure.

After knowing the matter, King Tianbao didn't let Zhao Yufan leave the mansion, so Zhao Yufan happily continued to live there. Anyway, they will rush to the main city of Haoyue in a few days. He is still looking forward to the main city of Haoyue. It is said that there are so many experts. , and even some young people have already reached the Sanctuary. In Tianbao Province, Frost Moon and their Brotherhood and Rose Merchant Group have grown stronger and stronger. He has nothing to worry about. As for the promotion of the Five Elements City to the second level Things in the city are also very smooth.

In the past few days, Zhao Yufan intends to stay here honestly and not interact with the outside world. Anyway, he is very dangerous recently, so he doesn't want to go out, but Huo Nv wants to see the outside world. Zhao Yufan took him around.

Zhao Yufan didn't dare to refuse the Fire Girl, but he didn't want to go out either, so he thought of a way to lead him into the City Lord's Mansion to live. The matter of going home was temporarily put aside, so Yi Long would accompany Huo Nu.

Huo Nu accepted this reality reluctantly, but she would still go to Zhao Yufan's room from time to time to secretly see what he was looking at, and sometimes play tricks on Zhao Yufan, leaving Zhao Yufan in a mess. The relationship between the two seemed unrelated in the eyes of others. It's not harmonious, because they quarrel as soon as they meet, and it's not the kind of joking quarrel, it's just like killing a father and an enemy.

On this day, Yi Long and others came to look for Zhao Yufan. Since they entered the room, they hadn't spoken a word, but Zhao Yufan could tell from their faces that they had something to say.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yufan asked, drinking tea on his own. These people don't look for him for ordinary things. The purpose of looking for him must have something to do with Huo Nv. Recently, he doesn't want to Seeing Huo Nu, he was refining a few weapons for Bing Bingyue and others a few days ago, who knew that Huo Nu destroyed him, which made him a little annoyed. There was a cold war, and no one was paying attention to anyone.

Bao Xinrou was still embarrassed to talk to Zhao Yufan. He felt that he was really sorry for Zhao Yufan about the matter of the heavens, so he never had the nerve to speak, and just lowered his head silently.Yi Long and the others wanted to directly explain their intentions, but they were a little embarrassed. For such a trivial matter, they all went out together, and they always felt a little out of line with their identities.

"Xinrou, tell me." Zhao Yufan asked Bao Xinrou directly.

Bao Xinrou's heart trembled, and she said a little nervously: "'s Miss Fire Girl who asked us to come to you. He wants to reconcile with you. He said that if you want to reconcile with him, you can play with her for a day today. If you don't want to, forget it."

Zhao Yufan's mouth turned bitter, is this a reconciliation?It's obviously her fault, but I still have to play with her for a day, why do I feel like it's my fault? "Listen to her? Is it my fault?"

When everyone heard the words, they were silent for a moment, and then Yi Long said: "It's just a small matter, she's just too innocent, just let him go, don't tell me you really want a little girl to apologize to you?" , seeing that Zhao Yufan's face remained unchanged, he continued, "Besides, you know what we mean, so why not just give us some face?"

"What's so great about her? You guys are so willing to curry favor with her?" Zhao Yufan spoke out the thoughts of the crowd unceremoniously, staring at them curiously with a pair of eyes. The Fire Girl is also very important to him, after all Having such a powerful friend can help me a lot, but it doesn't make him the center of everything.

After being told by Zhao Yufan, Yi Long and the others blushed slightly. It was a bit embarrassing to do such a thing in their identities. Although they knew what they were doing, they never told each other.

Yu Zongsheng stared at Zhao Yufan with a cold face for a long time, then his expression softened suddenly and he said, "Playing with her for a day will make you die?"

It was not easy for Zhao Yufan to get Yu Zongsheng to say such a joke, but he still didn't plan to play with Huo Nu for a day. He touched his left hand with his right hand, and he didn't know what he was thinking when he looked at the empty palm.

"Do you want money?" Yu Xiaoxue saw Zhao Yufan's purpose immediately. How could this guy be in a loss-making business? He would probably only come forward if he was given enough benefits.

Everyone suddenly understood, staring at each other, wishing they could eat Zhao Yufan, but there was nothing they could do.

"What do you want?" Bao Yuan asked.

Zhao Yufan recently wanted to find some books on supernatural powers for Han Bingyue and the others, so he told a few people unceremoniously that he wanted supernatural powers.

Supernatural powers are not only valuable items, but also something that can be encountered but not sought after. This kind of thing is impossible to buy with money. Now what Zhao Yufan wants is not only one kind of supernatural powers, but several kinds.

"How much do you want?" Yu Zongsheng asked.

Zhao Yufan calculated, and said: "Twelve kinds." Seeing everyone getting up and angry, he quickly explained: "Six kinds are the reward for accompanying the fire girl during the term. If I play with her for a day, it should be very important to you." Great benefits, at least Fire Girl will be grateful to you, and her gratitude should be worth six supernatural powers."

Everyone was speechless, and Yu Zongsheng asked again: "What are the explanations for the remaining six supernatural powers?"

"Am I not worth six books?" Zhao Yufan looked at a few people strangely, as if looking at an idiot.Yi Long and the others also looked at Zhao Yufan strangely, they had never seen such a shameless person, and what made them most helpless, they even became friends with such a person.

(End of this chapter)

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