Chapter 862 Ridiculous Unity

"There are quite a few powerful people, and there are still a few Sanctuaries. If you join the fight between them, it seems that you will be in trouble." The voice of the blood lion rang in Zhao Yufan's mind.

Zhao Yufan grinned and said with a sneer: "Hehe... Didn't you hear what Yi Long and the others were saying just now? The purpose of their family is to let Yi Long and the others tell me the news, which makes me feel in danger, so I have to help them participate in this event." A contest to avoid a crisis, but they never thought about it, I was not afraid of them from the beginning, so the pressure they put on me was useless."

The corner of the blood lion's mouth twitched, and he sighed: "You humans are really troublesome."

The corner of Zhao Yufan's mouth curled up, and he said in a low voice, "It's more than a nuisance. Since they dare to use this method to put pressure on me, it proves that they have already started to target me, so... we still have to make preparations early , so as not to be beaten and rubbed with hands."

The blood lion's scarlet eyes rolled upwards, as if a little disdainful, "There are a few sanctuary masters in the city lord's mansion, but they are not my opponents, you don't have to be so nervous, I will catch them all and let them You absorb all the energy in their bodies."

Zhao Yufan lay on the bed, squinted his eyes and smiled: "No, you still underestimate us humans. In the City Lord's Mansion, they are all superficial forces. They must hide more powerful people in the dark, and you can fight against them." Can you beat a group of people if you pass one? You are saying...don't forget the Baizhanmen you were in before. What were you afraid of at that time, and what should you be afraid of now? Although your strength has improved a lot now, it must be Not their opponents."

Xueshi's heart trembled, and then he heard the reason why he didn't dare to reveal his strength in Baizhanmen. It was because he could feel several dangerous auras staring at Baizhanmen.

At noon, Emperor Haoyue summoned King Tianbao and others. Along with each prince, there were ten elites from each province. In the past, the elites who went were one person from each of the top ten cities in each province. The only difference is that King Tianbao brought Zhao Yufan and Fire Girl with him, and King Tianbao was a little forced. Originally, the top ten cities included Tulong City, Fengjiu City, and Bawang City, but these few The most powerful people in the whole city were all killed by Zhao Yufan, overtly or secretly, and even if he wanted a few people from the city to come forward, it would not be appropriate, so he can only count Zhao Yufan and Huo Nu , besides them, Yi Long, Bao Yuan, Bao Xinrou, Yu Zongsheng, Yu Xiaoxue, and Lone Wolf were among them.

Everyone was a little silent along the way, and they didn't know what the others were thinking. King Tianbao sat in a sedan chair, and Zhao Yufan and the others couldn't follow.

"I'm still here for the first time." Bao Xinrou said in a low voice excitedly.

Several other people did not speak, but they were also looking around from the corner of their eyes. It was their first time here, and they were full of curiosity about the unfamiliar environment before them. This is the center of the main city of the Haoyue Empire, so it is naturally different from other places. difference.

Lone Wolf quickly got a general overview of the surrounding situation, and said in a low voice, "Just now, I looked at it. Within 100 meters of our walk, there are at least fifty people staring at us."

Yi Long and the others were taken aback, and thought to themselves that only a guy like Lone Wolf who has been living in various dangerous environments can have such keen intuition. Thinking of this, they suddenly looked at Zhao Yufan, and saw Zhao Yufan's face was calm, As if he didn't hear their words, this was already obvious, and Zhao Yufan could also sense it.

Lone Wolf couldn't help but ask, "Zhao Yufan, what do you think?"

"Look with your eyes." Zhao Yufan answered Lone Wolf's question in a joking manner, which made Lone Wolf startled and at a loss for what to do.The others also looked at Zhao Yufan strangely, feeling that what he said was a bit idiotic.

Zhao Yufan looked at everyone as if he was looking at an idiot. He scanned the surroundings and said, "There are more than a hundred guards here. Do you still need to look?"

Everyone was speechless for a while, and the lone wolf was also very embarrassed. As Zhao Yufan said, there were more than 100 guards standing guard on the bright side around him, and they were all of good strength, as long as they had eyes, they could see.

"Can't you say something useful?" Yu Zongsheng looked at Zhao Yufan with deep eyes, as if asking him to say something meaningful, that is to say, asking him to talk about the real defense around him.

Zhao Yufan can naturally see the real defense here, but he didn't say anything. You can see today's defense, but you can't see tomorrow's defense. This kind of defense basically changes every day, and it is impossible to get their real location. , so saying it is just to show his own eyes, and the lone wolf has already said it, so there is no need for him to say anything.

But seeing the expectant eyes of everyone, he still said: "It's similar to what Lone Wolf said."

"How strong do you think the people in other provinces are?" Yu Xiaoxue asked suddenly.

As soon as these words came out, Yi Long and the others suddenly became a little silent. At this time, Gu Feng, who was walking in front of them, suddenly said: "It is much stronger than us. Except for us and the other two provinces, there are at least five people from other provinces." Sanctuary masters, and there are only two of us in Tianbao Province."

One of these two people is Gu Feng, and the other is "Yun Yu" who walked with him. Yun Yu is a girl. He has no family, but the adopted daughter of Tianbao King, who is also the key point of Tianbao King. The object of cultivation, the cultivation of Yunyu almost surpassed his children.

Yunyu looked at Zhao Yufan and the others, frowned and said, "Don't worry too much, let's unite and work hard."

Hearing the word unity, the corners of Zhao Yufan's mouth rose, and he smiled faintly.

I don't know what happened, but everyone saw his smile, which made people have a weird thought, is this Zhao Yufan laughing at Yun Yu's words?

"What are you laughing at?" Yunyu asked.

Zhao Yufan knew that he was losing his composure, and quickly said: "No, I just thought of some other things." Naturally, his perfunctory perfunctory couldn't convince others. It should be clear whether the group is united or not."

Hearing his words, everyone immediately understood why he was laughing. They said they were united, but in fact they were not united at all. Yi Long and the others blushed even more, because they knew that the family was going to deal with Zhao Yufan, and now they were fighting with him again. Speaking of solidarity, it does sound ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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