Swire Overlord

Chapter 87 9 Reckless

Chapter 87
Jiumang is haunted.

The entire Qinglan sect disciples don't know what Jiumang's haunting is?
However, all the elders in the entire Qinglan Sect know what it means to be haunted by Jiumang.

There are two kinds of library pavilions in Qinglanzong, one is the library pavilion for disciples to consult and learn martial arts skills, and the other is the library pavilion for recording sect secrets and unique skills, which are full of extremely precious books. Protect.

The elders' knowledge of Jiu Mang's entanglement comes from the records in the books of Zangshu Pavilion, and only a few elders really know about Jiu Mang's entanglement.

Although Zhao Yufan lowered his head, he could clearly see the expressions of the elders, especially when he saw Wan Kexin's delicate body tremble, he knew there must be something wrong with Jiumang's entanglement.

The disciples were whispering to each other, asking what Jiumang's haunting was.At this time, Wan Kexin gritted her teeth, took a few steps forward, and said softly, "Sect Master, the sect's treasure is that Jiu Mang is entangled with him, and Zhao Yufan can't control it. I implore the Sect Master to give him another item."

The famous lady elder cast a sudden glance at Canyue with small eyes, then took a firm step forward, and said harshly, "I don't agree with you giving him Jiumang's haunting!"

Elder Yunhai narrowed his eyes slightly, hesitated for a moment, touched the sword at his waist, and said noncommittally, "Sect Master, think twice."

The Great Elder of the Mingyue Department was undecided, and it took him a long time to say the same words as Elder Yunhai: "Sect Master, think twice."

The Great Elder of the Phoenix Department shook his head lightly, sighing vicissitudes of life: "Today's fruit, tomorrow's cause, tomorrow's fruit, today's cause..."

As the Great Elder of the Phoenix Department left alone, everyone thought deeply about her words and remained silent for a long time.

The disciples commented in amazement on the scene in front of them. It is impossible to describe their current mood. What kind of treasure is Jiu Mang's entanglement, and several elders can come forward to stop it.

It is worth pondering why the suzerain gave Zhao Yufan a treasure?This is a very strange thing, and it is also something that disciples do not understand.

"Jiu Mang Entanglement looks very powerful, you can guess the power of Jiu Mang Entanglement by looking at the current scene!" A disciple said enviously with his eyes wide open.

Another disciple licked the corner of his mouth and said in a low voice, "Of course, it would be nice if we had Jiu Mang around."

"Don't think about beautiful things, Jiumang's haunting must be Zhao Yufan's."

"Maybe he doesn't want it, we will have a chance."

"I'll give you Jiumang's entanglement, can you not want it? Even if he doesn't want it, we can't get it."

The disciples talked a lot, they were nothing more than envious of Zhao Yufan, and Han Bingyue and the others felt that something was wrong, but they were powerless to stop what happened now.

The suzerain has been silent all this time. He dared to say this in front of all the disciples, which proved his determination, so it was useless for anyone to stop him, unless someone wanted to offend him and disrespect him, the suzerain.

"Zhao Yufan, are you willing to accept it?" the suzerain asked lovingly.

Zhao Yufan raised his eyelids, looked at the group of elders and suzerain sarcastically, and replied calmly, "I don't want to!"

When these words came out, the disciples who were discussing just now felt as if they had eaten a stone, choking half to death. They stared and couldn't believe that the words just came out of Zhao Yufan's mouth.

How could he refuse?

The disciples were so angry that someone couldn't help cursing: "Silly hat, promise!"


"You are sick, the suzerain has given you a treasure, do you dare not?"

The disciples were so filled with righteous indignation that they almost rushed up and beat Zhao Yufan violently, and then accepted Jiu Mang's entanglement for him.

Zhao Yufan's flat face finally showed helplessness, Jiumang's entanglement is definitely not a good thing, but the disciples don't know, so they think Zhao Yufan did something wrong!
Due to emotion and reason, now Zhao Yufan has lost his support.

The elders knew that Jiumang's entanglement was terrible, but no one would announce the suzerain's ugly behavior in front of countless disciples, because it would not only damage the suzerain, but also the entire Qinglan sect, so they would not say it.

The suzerain's plan was perfect. He won the support of his disciples, which invisibly increased his prestige in Qinglanzong. bear any punishment from him.

Sweeping over Zhao Yufan, a flash of light appeared in his hand, and a golden ring appeared. The diameter of the golden ring was about one foot, and nine dragon-blood pythons were carved on the ring.

The dragon blood python is a super powerful monster. Legend has it that if you practice it to the extreme, you can transform into the body of a dragon and become a nine-tailed dragon. He has nine heads and nine bodies, and possesses nine abilities. The legendary peerless powerhouse.

The name of the golden ring is Nine Mang Stalking. There are nine dragon-blood pythons engraved on this ring, with a total of 81 bodies and 81 heads. Such a number of bodies are wrapped around the golden ring, so it is called "Swaddling", because the dragon-blood python It is commonly known as Nine Mang, so this thing is called Nine Mang Tangling, but this is just the superficial meaning of Jiumang Tangling.

Zhao Yufan looked up at Jiu Mang, and felt that the golden ring contained terrifying power. At this moment, the golden ring suddenly fell off from the suzerain's hand, landed on his head just right, and then slid down to his neck. The golden ring had just reached his neck. At the same time, bursts of golden lights shone from the golden ring.

At the same time, the suzerain's words sounded in everyone's ears: "Don't refuse, this thing will be given to you!"

After saying this, Jin Huan had already tightened Zhao Yufan's neck, and immediately, like a solution, it submerged into his neck instantly and disappeared without a trace.

Touching his neck, there was nothing wrong, Zhao Yufan looked suspicious, and was about to ask what was going on, when a terrible pain suddenly came from his body, making him pass out instantly.

Fortunately, he passed out, otherwise he would die of pain. It is impossible for anyone to endure the pain caused by Jiu Mang's entanglement in a sober state.

Seeing Zhao Yufan passed out, the suzerain hurriedly bent down, trying to rescue Zhao Yufan.

At this time, Wan Kexin and the elder Mingyuan each took a step forward and stopped the suzerain, as if they didn't want the suzerain to wake up Zhao Yufan.

Wan Kexin and the elder Mingyuan used to be mortal enemies. At this time they are standing on the same front because of Zhao Yufan. They know very well that Zhao Yufan is accepting the integration of Jiumang's entanglement at this time. If he wakes up now, the whole person will definitely be hurt to death. Even if you don't die, you will become an idiot because your spirit can't bear the strong pain.

The suzerain stared at the famous elder, and sternly reprimanded: "Stupid!"

The famous elder didn't say a word, his eyes were fixed on the suzerain, and he said in a low voice: "He can't die! If he dies, I will die too!"

Her words were really useful, the suzerain didn't say anything, and after a while, he shouted with concern: "Come here, hurry up and treat Zhao Yufan!"

Everyone was in a hurry, and finally Zhao Yufan returned to the attic of the Twelve Heavens Gate under the escort of Wan Kexin, the elder Mingyuan, and Han Bingyue.

(End of this chapter)

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