Chapter 870 Is a billion a lot

Yu Xiaoxue was silent for a moment, raised her head unconvinced, and said, "It's obviously his fault, but we are friends, so many people came to him for help, yet he treats us like this. Am I right to say that he is wrong?"

It's hard for Yi Long and the others to say anything, but as Yu Xiaoxue's elder brother, Yu Zongsheng naturally wants to clear up the relationship for him, "Yu Xiaoxue, are you really as selfish as Zhao Yufan said? You only want Thinking about myself, but have you ever thought about Zhao Yufan? He is against our family, and now the family asks us to come forward to find out about him, and you let him tell you the news, and then tell the family? Do you think you regard him as a friend? "

"We are helping the family deal with Zhao Yufan. Do you think Zhao Yufan is not enough friends to treat us like this?"

After finishing talking, Yu Zongsheng finally stopped talking. He is really angry now. If it wasn't because of Yu Xiaoxue, maybe they could continue to be indifferent, but because of Yu Xiaoxue's words, now they don't talk about this matter, it is the relationship between them. It is also unknown whether the relationship between them can be the same as before.

Huo Nu followed the crowd all the time, and he didn't say anything from the beginning to the end. She looked at Yi Long and the others quietly, and suddenly understood a lot of Zhao Yufan's previous words in her heart.

"But...he wants too much." Yu Xiaoxue was still a little unconvinced.

After saying this, everyone couldn't help but fell silent. Maybe Yu Xiaoxue was wrong about other things, but when it came to bidding, they really felt that what Zhao Yufan said was a bit high.

"You guys are saying something, am I the only one who thinks his price is high?" Yu Xiaoxue asked.

Yi Long pondered for a moment, then said: "You should know him well, since he asked for such a price, it should be worth the money."

"Hmph, I just want to know what he was doing last night, asking for a billion, and it's a family with a billion. Do you think it's worth the money? Just asking, and talking about money with us, it's ridiculous."

At this time, Bao Xinrou suddenly said in a low voice: "Maybe this kind of thing is worthless to us, but it is not necessarily true to Zhao Yufan, and since people in our family asked us to ask about this matter, there must be some value."

Bao Yuan shook his head slightly, sighed |: "We are really sorry for him."

Hearing his words, several people fell silent again.

"You guys are really stupid." Huo Nu said suddenly, and then she glanced at the crowd and said, "I want to know if the price he wants is high, why don't you go back and ask the family members? Since they asked you to ask Zhao Yufan naturally knows the value of what Zhao Yufan did last night."

The fire girl's words that a few people heard suddenly felt very reasonable.

Back at the main city residence of Haoyue where King Tianbao lived, Yi Long and the others saw his family members as soon as they stepped into the living room. These people all came with King Tianbao. young people.

Seeing Yi Long and the others come back, King Tianbao and others got up and looked at them one after another. Someone asked impatiently, "Do you know what's going on?"

Yi Long and the others didn't speak, Tian Bao Wang and the others could sense something bad.

King Tianbao stared at several people and asked, "Tell me, did he not tell you?"

Yuan Bao nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "He said he wanted each family to contribute one billion yuan, but we didn't dare to agree. Afterwards, some conflicts occurred, and we came back."

Hearing this, King Tianbao stared at Yuanbao, and angrily scolded: "Trash! What did I tell you before I left? You must ask about what happened last night, and you backed down because of a billion? Can't we afford it?" A billion?"

As soon as these words came out, Yi Long and the others were almost ashamed. They thought that Zhao Yufan's bid was too high. Now after listening to Tianbao Wang's words, they realized that Zhao Yufan's bid was actually not high.

"Father, why do you have to know what he was doing last night?" Bao Xinrou asked in a low voice, very puzzled.

King Tianbao sighed, and said helplessly: "What do you know? Now all forces are investigating an incident last night, and this incident is said to have something to do with Zhao Yufan. If we can know what happened sooner, we can sooner To make countermeasures, all the forces in this matter have been connected, the matter must not be small, but you have given up this news for billions, you really let me down."

Zhong Li beside King Tianbao thought for a moment, then said in a low voice: "My lord calm down, why don't we just let them go?"

The people who were very disappointed immediately cheered up and looked at Yi Long and the others.

Yi Long and his cousins ​​were very strange, you looked at me and I looked at you, but no one said a word.

"What?" King Tianbao stared at several people, frowned and said, "Are you embarrassed to go back?"

"No." Yu Zongsheng replied, and then he gave Yu Xiaoxue a hard look and said, "Xiaoxue had a little conflict with him, and now our relationship is a bit stiff. If you are looking for him, he may not say it."

"Then we have to try." The elder of Yu Zongsheng's family said angrily, looking at Yu Xiaoxue with eyes full of blame, "I will leave this matter to you, even if Zhao Yufan asks for a higher price, you must give this Find out the news."

Yu Xiaoxue was already a little at a loss in her heart, she didn't think about what she said, and just blurted out: "Elder, if nothing happens, then don't we..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard the elder yell at her, and Yu Xiaoxue was so frightened that she didn't dare to continue.

"Just let you go back, even if he tells you that he was sleeping last night, it's worth it."

Yi Long and the others looked at each other, they could only turn around and leave the mansion, they were looking for Zhao Yufan, they stopped together as soon as they walked out of the door, looking at each other helplessly, they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Are you really going back?" Yu Xiaoxue asked, seeing that everyone really wanted to go back, she couldn't help but said anxiously: "I want you to go, I won't go."

"No." Yu Zongsheng said immediately: "You have to go, go and apologize to him."

The others also nodded one after another. They should apologize for doing something wrong. If Yu Xiaoxue didn't apologize, then they would be even more embarrassed to talk to Zhao Yufan when they went back, and it would also affect their relationship. At least Zhao Yufan was before Xiaoxue apologized. , it is impossible to maintain a friendship with Yu Xiaoxue.

Yu Xiaoxue nodded helplessly, and rushed to the inn where Zhao Yufan was staying with the others.Because Zhao Yufan had slept all day, he had already walked to the street at this time, admiring the surrounding scenery boredly. He didn't expect Yi Long and the others to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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