Chapter 890
Zhao Yufan didn't want to be involved in this internal strife, so he entered the room. Anyway, he doesn't care what Mingyue Huanger thinks. It's the safest way to stay out of the matter now. Since the Golden Snake and Jade Girl told the news, it proves that the assassination is [-]% Ten may be people from other provinces of Haoyue Shenzhou, not from other Shenzhous.

With the sound of Mingyue Huanger's zither, the whole world seemed to be enveloped by this zither sound. The sound was tense and slow, like thousands of troops and horses organizing charges again and again, and each charge had the effect of heaven and earth shattering.Zhao Yufan was secretly surprised. As he had guessed, Emperor Mingyue really relied on playing the guqin to attack the enemy, that is, sonic attack. He had a certain understanding of sonic attack, but it was impossible for him to be able to send and receive so freely. , so calm, it is even more impossible to have his powerful power.

"Are you going to stay in there all the time?" Mingyue Taotian had to admire Zhao Yufan's character at this time, it was fine to refuse his challenge at the banquet, but before he figured out what was going on, this guy already planned not to show up, It is said that he is timid and afraid of getting into trouble, but he dares to reject himself and Emperor Haoyue, and he is said to be bold, but he dare not even accept a challenge.

Zhao Yufan leaned against the door with a relaxed face, stared in the direction of the bamboo forest, and said flatly, "This is an internal struggle, and I haven't figured out who to help."

Emperor Mingyue frowned and shook her head, she knew that the matter was not simple, but Emperor Haoyue had treated her well in the past ten years, at this moment he was in danger, she couldn't stand by and watch.

"With me and my sister, don't worry." Mingyue said confidently.

The corner of Zhao Yufan's mouth twitched. The strongest ones now are Emperor Haoyue and Mingyue Huang'er, but since the enemy dared to attack here, they were obviously prepared, and naturally they also had a way to deal with Mingyue Huanger. Perhaps the only thing that caught them by surprise. It's Mingyue Taotian and herself, but he and Mingyue Taotian are the strongest and only have cultivation bases in the sanctuary, and in the eyes of these people, they probably don't exist.

Seeing Zhao Yufan's mocking eyes, Mingyue stared at him and asked, "What kind of eyes are you? Are you not satisfied with my words?"

If someone else asked himself this way, Zhao Yufan would definitely not say it, but because of the relationship between Emperor Mingyue, he still wanted to remind the two of them: "If the enemy dares to assassinate the emperor, he must have been prepared. Naturally, he also knows that Miss Mingyue is here. I think...they should have a way to deal with Miss Mingyue."

Being reminded by him like this, Mingyuehuang'er instantly understood, and her expression became very serious. Mingyue Taotian looked around even more nervously, moved her steps closer to her sister, and was ready to attack at any time.

The enemy was really prepared. Two young girls walked out of the bamboo forest. One was wearing a purple robe and the other was wearing a blue robe. They looked like a pair of porcelain dolls, very cute, and they had the same appearance. Twins, one is holding a black guqin, the other is holding a white jade whistle.

The two of them combined their piano and flute, their expressions were relaxed, and they looked very difficult to deal with.

"What cultivation level?" Mingyue Taotian asked Mingyuehuang'er.

Emperor Mingyue frowned slightly, and said softly: "The peak cultivation base of the Immortal Domain is very strong."

As soon as the words came out, the confidence on Mingyue Taotian's face disappeared without a trace, a master of the fairyland, he is not an opponent at all in a sanctuary, let alone the opponent came from two fairylands.

"I have heard for a long time that Emperor Mingyue's piano skills are unrivaled in the world. Today, my sister and I came to learn." The girl in the purple robe was speaking, and Qianqian's jade hands were playing the guqin. The younger sister whistled, and the evil spirit became more intense, directly blocking the sound of Mingyue Huanger's piano.

Mingyue Taotian held a Qinglong Yanyue Knife, screamed strangely, and killed it, but unfortunately, before he rushed to the front, he was beaten back by a sound.

Zhao Yufan immediately flew up, caught the somewhat bulky Mingyue Taotian, and then helped him to the door, "Are you all right?"

Mingyue Taotian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the front very unwillingly, and said in a cold voice: "It's okay, these two people are really powerful, it seems that we can't help you much." After saying this, he still got up In front of his sister, he stared fiercely at the two girls, and he might attack again at any time.

Zhao Yufan looked at the two girls and frowned slightly, then suddenly roared and rushed towards them, his voice was mixed with a sonic attack, although this sonic attack was useless, it could still help Mingyue Huanger resist for a while.

Mingyuehuang'er and the other two girls didn't expect that someone would launch a sonic attack here, so they couldn't help but look at Zhao Yufan.Sonic attack is a kind of attack skill that is relatively difficult to cultivate. Generally, few people know how to do this kind of attack, especially boys who seldom practice it. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yufan can do it.

"I really underestimated you." Ming Yue grinned monstrously.

Emperor Mingyue was also quite surprised. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yufan also has research on sound waves, so I will discuss it with him in the future. Although his sonic attack is weak, it does not mean that his research on sound waves is also weak.

The two girls were only slightly surprised, but there was a hint of disdain in their eyes. It was just a small Tianyu, and it was impossible to have any effect at all. They only needed to move lightly to kill this small Tianyu.

However, the two of them quickly got rid of the contempt in their hearts, because Zhao Yufan unexpectedly broke through their sonic defense line strangely, rushed directly in front of them, and slapped each of them at the same time.

Zhao Yufan's speed was very fast, but it was not worth mentioning in front of the masters of the fairyland. Yu Xiao directly knocked him into the air with a wave.

"Sure enough." After Zhao Yufan flew upside down, he couldn't help but say something. He fell in front of Mingyuehuang'er, who was so scared that Mingyuehuang'er's piano sound was a little messy. Immediately, she adjusted her emotions and calmed down. "Are you okay?" she asked concerned.

Zhao Yufan shook his head, stared at the two girls and said, "Don't worry about me, you can play the piano at ease."

Looking at the two people talking one by one, Mingyue Taotian was silent at the side, he could see something else from his sister's eyes, and the younger sister never cared about others, why did she care about a stranger now?This made him vaguely feel something, but now he wants to rush up and fight the two girls hard. Zhao Yufan can rush in front of the two girls in one sky, how can he keep hiding behind.

At this time, Mingyuehuang'er could feel that Zhao Yufan was very strong, stronger than he expected. The attack on Zhao Yufan just now didn't get the blood lion's help, but he was able to rush in front of the two immortal masters. What a terrifying force it took! , my brother is already a master of the sanctuary, but he has no chance to rush in front of the master of the fairyland.

(End of this chapter)

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