Chapter 896

Hearing Yu Xiaoxue's words, Zhao Yufan smiled faintly, then shook his head, as if he disagreed with Yu Xiaoxue's statement, but he never spoke.

"What do you mean by shaking your head?" Yu Xiaoxue asked.

Suddenly, Zhao Yufan fixed a pair of bright eyes on Xiaoxue's pretty face, and said coldly: "Correct what you just said, the difference between me and your family is not winning or losing, but life and death." After finishing these words , He said again: "You asked me to let them go because of your affection, but they never let me go because of your affection, have to think about it with your head before you say something. , don’t say it casually.”

With these sharp words, Yu Xiaoxue had nothing to say, so she could only stare at Zhao Yufan indignantly. If it wasn't for Yu Zongsheng and others to stop her, she would have rushed directly in front of Zhao Yufan and beat him up.

Looking at Yu Xiaoxue's aggrieved expression, Zhao Yufan shook his head again, and suddenly looked at Yi Long and the others and said, "Let's meet less in the future, and when we meet, don't let her come." Her words were already obvious, From then on, he has nothing to do with Yu Xiaoxue.

Yu Xiaoxue didn't struggle when she heard the words, she just froze in place.

Yi Long and the others wanted to say something, but thinking of Yu Xiaoxue's words and recent actions, they didn't know how to help her.


Zhao Yufan's faint voice sounded from the door, and by the time everyone looked at the door, he had already disappeared without a trace.

Just as Zhao Yufan left, Golden Snake and Jade Girl's face suddenly turned cold, and she said bluntly, "Seeing off guests." Her tone didn't sound like seeing off guests, but more like chasing someone away.

Yi Long and the others looked very embarrassed, knowing that the Golden Snake and Jade Girl said this because of what Yu Xiaoxue said just now, they still maintained a certain demeanor, and said goodbye to the Golden Snake and Jade Girl.Just after leaving Paramount, Han Xiaosong also said goodbye and left. Although he didn't have any dissatisfaction, Yi Long and the others could feel his alienation from himself and others. Even if he wanted to leave before, Han Xiaosong would say a few more words , Before leaving, he would even say something like "see you tomorrow", but today he hardly said anything.

Huo Nu frowned and looked at Yi Long and the others. Seeing that they didn't say anything, she couldn't help but feel a little angry. At this time, they were not willing to teach Yu Xiaoxue a lesson. It was really disappointing, "Go home first, I Go out for a stroll, don't wait for me."

Huo Nu's departure left Yi Long and the others in a daze. They knew exactly what Huo Nu meant. Huo Nu didn't want to go back to them for the time being, but it wasn't that she wouldn't go back, but she probably wouldn't come back during this period of time. up.

Yi Long and the others felt a little betrayed. Although they still had several of them now, as Zhao Yufan and the others left one after another, they thoroughly felt how painful this feeling of betrayal was. It was Yu Xiaoxue, even now, Yu Xiaoxue still didn't realize her mistake, and cursed Zhao Yufan somewhere, as if all the mistakes were on Zhao Yufan.

Except for Yu Zongsheng, Yi Long and others can also leave like Han Xiaosong, but they can't, because they know... their family and the families of several others have been united, and they are now tied together Grasshoppers live together, let alone they are a collective, although Yu Xiaoxue caused the trouble, but they still have to bear this matter together.

Yu Zongsheng and the others taught Yu Xiaoxue a hard lesson this time. In the past, Yu Zongsheng taught him a lesson. Today, everyone blamed Yu Xiaoxue together. I hope he can wake up and recognize the right and wrong, black and white.

Yi Long and the others were teaching Yu Xiaoxue a lesson, while Zhao Yufan was teaching Huo Nv a lesson. It was more like a quarrel than a lesson, because Huo Nv didn't seem to be being taught a lesson at all. If Zhao Yufan said one thing to her, she could say a hundred Waiting for Zhao Yufan to smoke Zhao Yufan's seven orifices.

"How can you follow me? I've had enough troubles now, do you still want to make me trouble?" Zhao Yufan stared at Huo Nu who was nibbling an apple, angrily snatched the apple from her mouth, and asked .

Huo Nu picked up another apple from the fruit plate angrily, and took a hard bite, as if she was biting Zhao Yufan: "Do you have any conscience? I'm here to help you, so it's fine if you don't say thank you." , dare to blame me? Who do you think you are?"


Zhao Yufan finally let Fire Girl stay. In fact, he knew that he was in a dangerous situation. Even if there was an expert like Fire Girl, it would be impossible to solve his danger. If the identity is leaked, then the end of the fire girl will be very miserable. Humans may have sympathy for the same kind, but they have no sympathy for monsters, let alone a monster full of interests, so his original intention is to let fire Girl, don't follow me, it's a pity...

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" Huo Nu didn't think too much, she lamented that what was going on now seemed very interesting, she looked at Zhao Yufan very curiously and asked, judging by her expression, she probably couldn't wait.

Zhao Yufan gave him a blank look, and poured himself a cup of tea slowly: "Wait."

Huo Nu pushed the empty cup in front of her to Zhao Yufan, beckoning him to pour water for herself, a sly look flashed in her eyes, and she said a little proudly, "Let me help you see what King Tianbao and the others are doing tonight?"

Zhao Yufan quickly waved his hand to tell Huo Nu not to act rashly, but Huo Nu didn't give up the idea, so she could only change a method: "It's not time for you to make a move, I will ask you to help me in the future, but not today, today Let's rest well, you have more important things to do with me tomorrow."

Fire Girl nodded obediently when she heard the words, for fear that Zhao Yufan would stop playing with her if she got angry.

Seeing Huo Nu leave, Zhao Yufan sighed. There is nothing to do tomorrow, so he just wanted Huo Nu to calm down, but he knew that he couldn't do nothing, so he thought about it. He still felt that he would meet Tianbao Wang and the others tomorrow to clarify some things, at least he would let Yi Long and the others see clearly.

After a night of nothing to say, Zhao Yufan and Fire Girl got up very late. It was already past ten o'clock when they woke up. It was time to eat directly, and in the afternoon, they hired a carriage and rushed to King Tianbao's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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