Chapter 9
All kinds of colorful items are spread in front of everyone, like beams of light piercing people who can't open their eyes.

Zhao Yufan looked at everyone's strange eyes and showed a sinister smile.

The source of these items is very simple. Five years ago, when Zhao Yufan reduced the strength of those who bullied him to the first level of junior fighters, he also took away all the storage rings in their hands, and the items in the storage rings are the current ones. thing.

"He, he has been hiding his strength!"

"Damn! It's too insidious. I always thought that Zhao Yufan had a backer behind him, so it turned out that he did all of this himself!"

"Bastard! Damn it!"

Everyone was discussing, looking at Zhao Yufan full of vigilance, they only now knew that Zhao Yufan was so insidious.Looking at the weapons, elixirs, martial arts, herbs, and other items in front of them, everyone was excited for a while. These items are very valuable. Sometimes they just want to buy them, but they may not be able to buy them. Zhao Yufan took out so many items today. They rushed to buy first.

"I want that sword!"

"Bastard, step on me, I want that pill!"

"Don't grab it, that book of martial arts is mine."

In just ten minutes, there were not many items left in front of Zhao Yufan, and the remaining items were either too rubbish or too expensive.

Zhao Yufan stretched his arms and smiled brightly. He earned a full [-] spirit stones today.A hundred spirit stones are enough for an ordinary person to live for a lifetime, a few hundred spirit stones can buy some ordinary medicine pills, which can make people live a hundred years, a few thousand spirit stones can buy a first-grade medicine pill, ten thousand spirit stones can buy yellow-level martial arts, ten The magic stone is enough to do many things.

"Huh?" Zhao Yufan pondered, looked at the bald boy standing behind him strangely, and asked, "Did you leave?"

The bald boy touched his head, and replied honestly: "No, there were too many people just now, and I couldn't squeeze them. I want to buy that 'Elaborate Pill'."

The bald boy excitedly patted the hundred spirit stones that Zhao Yufan had just given him on the street stall, and said excitedly, "I have been looking for Jingjing Pill, but no one sold it. Today I finally saw it. I bought this medicine pill." !"

After listening to the bald boy's words, the onlookers suddenly became silent. Everyone looked at him strangely with complicated eyes.

"Uh..." Zhao Yufan looked at the bald boy in astonishment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.The Jingjing Pill is a third-grade elixir, even if he wants to refine it, he is not sure of success. The price of this Jingjing Pill is at least [-] spirit stones, and the bald boy wants to buy it with a hundred spirit stones.

"One hundred spirit stones, do you want to buy the Elaborate Pill?" Zhao Yufan asked seriously.

"Yeah, my sister said that Jingjing Dan needs a hundred spirit stones!"

Zhao Yufan scratched his head, momentarily at a loss for words, this is a third-grade elixir, is it worth a hundred spirit stones?What's even more exasperating is that the spirit stone is obviously his!
"Hehe, it's ridiculous. Are you crazy to buy a refined pill with a hundred spirit stones?"

"Baldhead, Jingjing Pill is a third-grade elixir, you want a hundred spirit stones to buy it? Haha..."

Everyone scoffed at the bald boy, looking at him like an idiot.

The excited mood of the bald boy fell to the bottom in an instant, and he muttered to himself: "Third... third-grade, third-grade elixir!" Thinking of the price of the third-grade elixir, he knew that he couldn't afford it. The price of tens of thousands of spirit stones is Even if he was exhausted, he would not be able to make money.

Zhao Yufan looked at the frustrated bald boy, pondered for a moment, frowned and said, "I'll give you the pill."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. They thought Zhao Yufan was going to teach the bald boy a lesson, but he didn't expect him to give the bald boy the pill.

Third-grade elixir, its expensive value does not lie in the number of spirit stones, but in its own value. Even the inner disciples of the Qinglan sect will not hesitate to buy third-grade elixir when they see it, but at this time Zhao Yufan gave it to him easily. I gave it away.

The bald boy stared blankly at Zhao Yufan, not daring to take the elixir. He had heard that Zhao Yufan was as vicious as a devil, but when he thought of his sister, he suppressed his inner fear and stammered, "Really, really?" of?"

"Really!" Zhao Yufan picked up the Qingxin Pill and stuffed it in the bald boy's hand.

At this moment, a seductive voice suddenly came from behind the crowd.

"Hey, brother Zhao is really generous. I wonder if you can give me the remaining third-grade elixir?"

Everyone followed the reputation, and the person who spoke was a seductive girl. The girl was dressed in a glamorous way, and there was a strange ecstasy aura when she walked and swayed, giving people a kind of: seductive, intoxicating shock. feeling of fear.

"Zhao Yun!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Zhao Yun, No. 10 on the Qingyun Ranking, is a mid-level martial artist.There is not much difference in cultivation between the top [-] on the Qingyun Ranking, but the weapons in their hands, martial arts training, actual combat experience, etc. are all different, which makes their combat effectiveness significantly different.

Zhao Yufan stared at Zhao Yun in front of him, smiled lightly, looked at the only third-grade elixir on the stall, and shook his head, "Sorry, I will definitely sell the last third-grade elixir at a high price!"

"High price?" Zhao Yun murmured, flinging a wink at Zhao Yufan, and said charmingly, "Is it okay to buy a third-grade elixir with a hundred spirit stones?" To the elixir.

The moment Zhao Yun's hand was about to grab the elixir, Zhao Yufan also stretched out his hand, grabbed Zhao Yun's wrist, and said coldly, "Might grab it?" While speaking, he put all the items into the box at a faster speed. Storage ring, let go of Zhao Yun's hand.

At this moment, Zhao Yun flexed her delicate wrist, clasped Zhao Yufan's left hand with her right hand, and swiped her five fingers downward like a tiger's claw.


There was a sound of cutting skin.

The corner of Zhao Yufan's mouth twitched, and five bloodstains were scratched on his left hand. In a moment, black blood flowed from the five scars.He looked at Zhao Yun's fingernails, which were actually poisonous, and a sly smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, and he said coldly, "You want to kill me?"

Zhao Yun's eyes were blurred, she covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Give me the storage ring, and I won't kill you."

"Offend me, you should know the consequences!" Zhao Yufan stared at Zhao Yun indifferently, with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes.

Zhao Yun showed disdain, glanced at Zhao Yufan, and smiled charmingly: "Hehe, don't think that what you do is perfect, and you want to destroy my strength, you are still young!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhao Yufan's mouth, he twisted his neck, and said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

"It is said that you fight three times a day! You become famous after three fights! Do you dare to compete with me today?" Zhao Yun's charming eyes were full of anticipation, and her whole body was full of fierce murderous intent, as if warning Zhao Yufan, no matter whether he agreed or not, Today he will die here after all.

"You do not deserve!"

Zhao Yufan spoke arrogantly, gently rubbed the wound on his left hand with his right hand, took out a detoxification pill from the storage ring, temporarily suppressed the poison, and then said: "Although you are not worthy, I agree to your request."

Zhao Yunqi's black eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her pretty face was pale. She was just a waste who defeated several wastes on the Qing Yunbang, and dared to say that she was not worthy to fight with him?The most irritating thing is that he finally said that he was asking him to compete, which was obviously humiliating himself. Even if he didn't kill him today, he would have to become a eunuch and become the biggest laughing stock of Qinglanzong!

(End of this chapter)

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