Swire Overlord

Chapter 90 The Black Line in the Circle

Chapter 90 The Black Line in the Circle

Han Bingyue and the others looked at each other, and guessed Zhao Yufan's intentions. Zhao Yufan wanted to rush to Longlin Peak first, and tell Shenlong about the matter, so that the elders of the Qinglan Sect could fetch water from the bamboo baskets in vain.However, they don't believe that Shenlong can understand human language, and even if they can understand human language, Shenlong is not something Zhao Yufan can approach.

"Your uncle, are you not sick? Have you ever thought about how you communicate with the dragon after you meet it? I guess if you haven't been in front of the dragon, it flicks its tail and you will be whipped to death! It's not wise to do so What a move!" Mo Qi said seriously.

Tie Yunshan also dissuaded him: "Don't commit suicide."

Zhao Yufan looked around at several people, and replied seriously: "I have a solution, you don't have to worry."

Seeing that Zhao Yufan insisted on going his own way, everyone failed to persuade them, and could only hope to go together, but Zhao Yufan directly refused them, and asked them to go to Longlin Peak alone, and asked them to leave the attic immediately.

Han Bingyue and the others had no choice but to leave the attic silently. Since Zhao Yufan already had a plan, they could only follow the arrangement, not to mention that they knew that they and others could not help Zhao Yufan.

As Frost Moon and the others left, the dark shadows hiding all around also left one after another. They reported what they saw to their master.

After learning that Elder Ji Bing had been to the attic, the suzerain got up slowly, leaned on the window sill with both hands, looked at the night sky, and whispered to himself: "Ji Bing! Do you want to intervene too?"

Under the pitch-black night, Elder Yunhai stared at the direction of the Twelve Heavens Gate, showing a dignified expression, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, in the dark corner of the mountain, a black figure knelt in front of Elder Li, whispering: "Master! Ji Bing has been to the attic!"

Hearing this, Elder Li gave a sinister smile, stretched his arms out, let the cold wind blow, and chuckled lightly: "Ha ha... Ji Bing, you can't help it after all!"

Inside the Qinglan Sect, a figure galloped quickly to the outside of the sect, turned into the jungle, and disappeared. This figure who left the sect in the dark night was none other than Zhao Yufan. He used ghost steps and rushed to Longlin Peak at the fastest speed .

A few days later, he stood in front of the collapsed Longlin Peak and took out a wooden pole about 20 meters long from the storage ring. A white flag was hung on the wooden pole. The white flag was about 15 meters long and ten meters wide. There are four patterns drawn in black ink on the surface.

The pattern is very weird and the painting is messy, but if you look carefully, you can see some meaning.

Zhao Yufan opened his mouth, and wanted to call Shenlong, hoping that Shenlong would come out after hearing it, but he felt that it was a bit awkward to shout like this, so he closed his mouth and meditated again.

After a while, he raised his neck and shouted, "Ah... ah... ah..."

The sound made by the cursed killing covered a range of several miles, and there was a strong wind near him, and the white flag on the wooden pole crackled.

With the roar, there was a loud noise under the collapsed Dragon Scale Peak, and at the same time the ground shook, and the dragon rose into the sky.


A dragon chant sounded, and there was a faint trace of dissatisfaction in the dragon chant.

Suddenly, Shenlong saw the greedy human being holding a white flag and looking up at him. It opened its mouth, showing sharp white teeth, and wanted to destroy this human immediately. Suddenly, it noticed the white flag on the flagpole in the human's hand .

The first painting on the white flag shows groups of villains holding weapons all around, and among the villains there is a collapsed mountain peak, and a dragon hovering above the mountain peak, to be precise, it is a black line resembling a dragon in circles.

The second painting is simpler, with little people surrounding a black-lined dragon in circles.

In the third picture, a flag is erected in front of a person, and a dragon with black lines spinning in circles is looking at him.

In the fourth picture, the black-lined dragon in circles leaves and disappears into the distance.

The four words were drawn by Zhao Yufan. His paintings are easy to understand. He just uses horizontal and vertical strokes to simply draw the meaning he wants to express. If Shenlong is not stupid, he should be able to understand.

Shenlong is indeed not stupid, but very smart.

Shenlong blinked her big eyes, shook her red tail, and stuck out her tongue, as if making a grimace. She understood that the human beings on the ground were telling her: There are many people surrounding it, besieging it, and he is here to tell her the news , let it run quickly!

Although he understood what humans meant, Shenlong was a little annoyed because this damned human painted himself very ugly, turning black lines in circles, which didn't have the majesty of Shenlong at all, and was not cute at all.

Shenlong was a little angry, so Zhao Yufan was out of luck.

A gust of wind suddenly rose, and Shenlong rushed towards Zhao Yufan.

The violent wind directly blew the flagpole in Zhao Yufan's hand. He looked shocked and reached out to grab it, but the wind was so strong that he was blown to the ground.

At this time, the strong wind stopped, and the Shenlong's huge crimson head was less than one meter away from Zhao Yufan, and a pair of gleaming longan eyes were staring at him.

Zhao Yufan sat on the ground, looked at Shenlong in horror, thinking that this Shenlong's IQ is not too low, right?If you don't understand what you are painting, you will be miserable.

At this time, Shenlong raised a claw and patted Zhao Yufan's back.Shenlong's claws were wider than Zhao Yufan's back. With one slap, he was thrown flying and fell to the ground, coughing continuously.

The Shenlong has four claws, and the dragon claws are similar to the chicken claws, but the beauty of the dragon claws and the appearance of the skin are naturally several times stronger than the chicken claws.

It really is an idiot dragon!
Zhao Yufan thought helplessly, he was ready to flee, he didn't want Shenlong to slap him to death.

At this moment, Shenlong saw that he had slapped the human into the air, and he couldn't help patting each other's front paws, shaking his head and sticking out his tongue, looking extremely happy.

Doesn't seem stupid?Are you playing yourself on purpose?
Zhao Yufan rolled his eyes, thinking helplessly.

Shenlong raised a claw again to slap Zhao Yufan, Zhao Yufan was so frightened that he quickly blocked it with his left arm, but he definitely couldn't block Shenlong's claw.

Surprisingly, Shenlong's paw patted very lightly, as if telling Zhao Yufan that it understood the meaning of the white flag.

Seeing that the human beings seemed to understand what he meant, Shenlong shook his tail and thought about it. There are countless strong human beings, and he is still young, so it's better not to confront them head-on. He hasn't been home for a long time, so he should go back.

Reluctantly looking at the sky and surroundings, Shenlong pondered, this human has helped him, and he cannot owe human debts, but the old father said that human beings are the most greedy, so it wants to pay the human in front of it immediately.

But this human being turned himself into a black line in a circle, and painted himself so ugly, why should he be paid?
After experiencing some psychological struggle, Shenlong decided that he would repay his grievances with kindness, and donated some dragon blood to the human beings in front of him as compensation.

Dragon's blood is a very precious thing. Bathing in dragon's blood can strengthen the body, prolong life, cure various diseases, wash the marrow and meridians, enhance strength, and increase cultivation.

Now Shenlong is going to give Zhao Yufan dragon blood, then Zhao Yufan will definitely undergo amazing changes after using dragon blood, but the premise is that Shenlong really gave him dragon blood.

(End of this chapter)

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