Chapter 900 Stirring
Zhao Yufan was a bit at a loss. Without detailed information, he became blind. Many things were a bit tied up. The intelligence system of the Six Doors was actually very powerful, but he was an outsider after all. Naturally, it is impossible to let them get involved.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yufan definitely should ask Han Xiaosong for help. Han Xiaosong is quite loyal, but he doesn't know if he will be so loyal in front of his own sister and him.Zhao Yufan didn't know where Han Xiaosong was. He went to Paramount to avoid the Golden Snake and Jade Girl, and got information from other people. It turned out that Han Xiaosong lived in Longshan Hall not far from Paramount.

Longshantang is a port near the sea. Longshantang is located on the mountain peak on the right side of the port. It is said that Longshantang is a castle built on the mountain peak.This castle is owned by Han Xiaosong and his family, and Han Xiaosong lives here.

Zhao Yufan walked to the door of Longshan Hall and asked the servant to report.The servant was not as arrogant and domineering as the servants of other families. Instead, he politely invited Zhao Yufan into a simple guest room and told him to wait, while he himself informed Han Xiaosong.

When Han Xiaosong heard that Zhao Yufan was looking for him, he knew that there was nothing good to do, but he didn't dare to delay, so he immediately asked Zhao Yufan to be invited to his room. Zhao Yufan must have something important to come to him in such a hurry.

Zhao Yufan didn't come empty-handed, he bought some gifts on purpose.Han Xiaosong already felt that something was wrong with Zhao Yufan, but when he saw that he was still holding something in his hand, his heart trembled. He even felt that Zhao Yufan's matter was not simple, otherwise he would not be so polite. I have never seen him give gifts to others.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Han Xiaosong knew that Zhao Yufan must have something, but he still couldn't help asking, hoping that his guess was wrong, and Zhao Yufan just wanted to see himself.

Zhao Yufan first sat down on the chair, drank a cup of herbal tea, and then pursed his lips and looked around. The surrounding scenery was not bad, but it was not so beautiful, just like his mood at the moment, very calm, peaceful Like the water of a lake, without a trace of waves, "I have something to ask you."

"Are you just asking me something?" Han Xiaosong didn't believe it, but seeing Zhao Yufan nodding seriously, he still decided to believe Zhao Yufan, but Zhao Yufan's question below made his face change, looking at his expression, as if he had eaten As uncomfortable as a fly.

Zhao Yufan said, "Your sister came to see me today..." He repeated what the Golden Snake and Jade Girl had told him, then changed the subject and asked, "Do you know the relationship between Paramount and Mingyue Shenzhou?"

"I don't know." Han Xiaosong stared at a pair of wandering eyes, not daring to look directly at Zhao Yufan. This expression obviously told Zhao Yufan that he was lying.

"If you don't know how to lie, I can teach you." Zhao Yufan smiled lightly.

Han Xiaosong opened his mouth helplessly, his heart sank, he gritted his teeth and said: "Well, it seems that you must let me tell you, then I will tell you that the relationship between Paramount and Mingyue Empire is not bad, but as for how I don’t know either, but if Paramount were to choose between Emperor Haoyue and Emperor Mingyue, then Paramount would definitely choose Emperor Mingyue.”

"Is there any news?" Zhao Yufan asked.

Han Xiaosong rubbed his chin, with an expression that he didn't want to say but had to say, "Well... I heard that the person who spread the news that Mingyue Emperor will be taken away by Mingyue Shenzhou is Paramount."

"Oh..." Zhao Yufan murmured strangely, and his expression suddenly became a little dignified. If this matter is true, then the matter would be a bit complicated, but the more complicated the matter now, the better it is for him.After thanking Han Xiaosong, Zhao Yufan was going to invite him to dinner, but Han Xiaosong refused politely.

Looking at Han Xiaosong's distressed expression, Zhao Yufan curled his lips and smiled, "Hehe...what are you afraid of? If your sister asks, just say that I forced you to say it."

"You're both so shrewd, do you think she'll take my word for it?"

For Han Xiaosong's words, Zhao Yufan nodded in agreement. He is indeed very smart. Of course, the Golden Snake and Jade Girl are also very smart. She should have guessed that he would come to Han Xiaosong. Thinking of this, he patted Han Xiaosong's Shoulder, comforted: "Don't worry, it's okay."

"Get out!" Han Xiaosong cursed, Zhao Yufan said it lightly, anyway, the rest of the matter has nothing to do with him, he can say whatever he wants, but how could his sister let him go.

Zhao Yufan didn't care about these things. He could tell that Han Xiaosong and the Golden Snake and Jade Girl had a good relationship, let alone sisters. It was impossible to kill Han Xiaosong. As long as he didn't die, that was enough.

Han Xiaosong regretted telling Zhao Yufan the truth, because he found that Zhao Yufan didn't care about his life at all, or that as long as he didn't die, this guy wouldn't care about him at all, "You bastard, you really have no loyalty."

Zhao Yufan returned to the six gates, thought for several hours, and immediately summoned several deputy sect masters to discuss the countermeasures in a few days. In a few days, people from Tianbao Province and the other two provinces will inevitably counterattack, and they need to make early arrangements , but what surprised Zhao Yufan was that none of the deputy sect masters were there at such a critical juncture. Then he suddenly realized that it wasn't that the deputy sect masters were not there, but that they didn't want to meet him at this time. It seemed that they didn't fully trust him .

Rubbing his temples, Zhao Yufan felt a little bored, and he didn't fully trust the people with the six doors, but since he was in this position, he had to do what he was supposed to do, and he didn't think too much about other things. Now that Six Doors doesn't intend to let him participate, he is also happy to relax, and he can just use these few days to investigate the matter of Emperor Mingyue.

Zhao Yufan intends to meet Mingyue Huanger. As long as he can see Mingyue Huanger, everything will be clear. If Mingyue Huanger is willing to leave, he doesn't mind helping. If Mingyue Huanger is not willing to leave, then he can help. The turmoil that stirred up the entire main city of Haoyue, he can only escape from it by letting all the forces get involved in this matter.

But wanting to see Emperor Mingyue is more difficult than seeing Emperor Haoyue. The only way is to find Mingyue Taotian. Mingyue Taotian is the elder brother of Mingyue Huanger. It should not be difficult for him to meet Mingyue Huanger. Why did you take yourself to see Emperor Mingyue?How to convince Mingyue Taotian?
Although Zhao Yufan hadn't thought of a specific excuse yet, he had asked Huo Nv to investigate Mingyue Taotian's address. As long as he found Mingyue Taotian's address, he would go there immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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