Chapter 905 Fire Girl's Provocation

Han Xiaosong is in a difficult situation right now, Zhao Yufan put him into a passive situation with just a few words, this time he finally understands that he will never offend Zhao Yufan again, whoever offends him will be unlucky, Bo Jun is the best example .

Zhao Yufan sat on the chair by himself, raised his legs and didn't speak, lowered his head and played with his fingers, apparently he didn't intend to speak for the time being.Seeing that he didn't explain why he came, everyone didn't say anything, and started talking with the Golden Snake and Jade Girl.

Hearing the conversation of several people, Zhao Yufan had a sly smile on his lips. It turned out that this group of people also wanted to unite with Paramount, but they represented a family, and their purpose was somewhat different from his own.

Yi Long, Yuan Bao and the others are a group, they are the most powerful in this group, and they are also the most promising to unite with Bailemen. Lemen united, and Yi Long's family took great pains, and did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to get Han Xiaosong to be a lobbyist.

In the eyes of outsiders, such a powerful lineup will definitely be able to cooperate with Paramount, but only Zhao Yufan understands that it is impossible for Golden Snake and Jade Girl to cooperate with Yi Long and the others, because Paramount has already cooperated with Mingyue Shenzhou. Haoyue Shenzhou must be thrown into chaos, but if they cooperate with Yi Long, the turmoil will end soon, so it is impossible for Golden Snake and Jade Girl to cooperate with Yi Long and the others.

Zhao Yufan secretly glanced at Han Xiaosong, saw that Han Xiaosong was absent-minded, and immediately understood Han Xiaosong's plan. This guy knew that the Golden Snake and Jade Girl could not agree to Yi Long and the others, but he still took advantage of Yi Long and the others to help Yi Long. Long they, it seems that he is bad enough.

Sensing that Zhao Yufan was looking at him, Han Xiaosong cracked his mouth and revealed a weird and embarrassing smile. Speaking of which, Yi Long is also Zhao Yufan's friend, and it was a little bad for him to do so, but he observed that Zhao Yufan didn't mean to blame him, so he let it go. Come to think of it, he actually has a good relationship with Zhao Yufan. As for Yi Long and the others, they seem to be friends on the surface, but in fact they can only be regarded as familiar at best, so he doesn't feel guilty at all for doing this.

Yi Long and the others threw huge benefits in the hope that the Golden Snake and Jade Girl would be hooked, but the Golden Snake and Jade Girl's face was quite calm, without the slightest intention of being tempted, and looked at other people, as if waiting for them to offer greater benefits.

The only person who can compete with Yi Long and the others is Mingyue Taotian. The reason why Mingyue Taotian came here is also to hope to reach a deeper alliance with the forces here at Paramount. Although Mingyue Shenzhou and Paramount have already formed an alliance, they are A relatively large alliance system, but in the small area of ​​Haoyue's main city, their alliance is effective, but it is not so strong. In order to make this alliance stronger, Mingyue Taotian will come here.

Mingyue Taotian also expressed his own interests, but compared with Yi Long and the others, his interests were a bit insignificant, but the Golden Snake and Jade Girl showed a strange smile at this time, making people a little puzzled what she meant.

"What does he mean?" Yi Long turned sideways and asked Yuan Bao in a low voice.

Yuan Bao shook his head helplessly, looked at Zhao Yufan suddenly, and said in a low voice, "I don't know, maybe Zhao Yufan knows the key."

"Then go and ask him." Bao Xinrou was overjoyed when he heard that, and without even thinking about it, he was about to walk towards Zhao Yufan, but was stopped by the quick-witted lone wolf, "You can't go, we are now in a hostile relationship."

"So what? Brother Zhao will definitely tell us." Bao Xinrou looked at the lone wolf firmly. She believed that as long as she asked, Zhao Yufan would definitely tell her, but Yi Long and the others seemed to have no intention of asking Zhao Yufan. the meaning of.

"Xinrou is not allowed to mess around. People in the family want him to die. How dare you let him do things for our family? Even if he is willing to say, do you really have the face to listen?" Bao Yuan scolded, and then turned his eyes to On the body of the golden jade girl.At this time, Han Xiaosong also had to speak a few words for Yi Long and the others, but the effect was minimal.

After a lot of verbal battles, the Golden Snake and Jade Girl finally got a little disgusted. As for who she wanted to cooperate with, it was impossible to tell everyone in public. She originally thought that the appearance of Zhao Yufan would make the scene lively, but Seeing Zhao Yufan's drowsy appearance now, it was almost impossible to watch the excitement. In desperation, she could only wave her hand to signal everyone to leave.

Everyone didn't dare to refute, and left one after another. When they left, they deliberately slowed down their pace, because they found that Zhao Yufan was not moving at all, obviously wanting to have a private talk with the Golden Snake and Jade Girl, which gave them a bad feeling.

The Golden Snake and Jade Girl looked at Zhao Yufan impatiently. Seeing his drowsy appearance, she patted the table angrily and scolded, "Hey, I want to go to bed and go home to sleep. Are you using my place as an inn? There is that little girl, don’t go to sleep, you two really put me in the inn? Could it be that I was kicked out by people with six doors, and there is no place to live?”

Without the slightest embarrassment, Zhao Yufan lazily got up from his seat and stretched his limbs, as if he was really sleeping just now. Although he didn't respond, Huo Nu couldn't help but fight a long time ago. Just now she seemed to have fought Bo Jun. Unfortunately, she was stopped by Zhao Yufan. Now that this woman is provocative, how could she bear it? Before Zhao Yufan could react, she pinched her waist with her hands, glared at the Golden Snake and Jade Girl, and taunted, "Can you talk, woman? Want to fight?" Just say it, my aunt is not afraid of you."

"Little girl, are you here to fight?" The Golden Snake and Jade Girl asked angrily. She couldn't argue with a little girl. She looked at Zhao Yufan with her eyes, as if she wanted to see what he meant, but this Zhao Yufan didn't know when to lie down again. Xia fell asleep, obviously not wanting to care about this matter, "Zhao Yufan, what do you mean? Let me remind you, if you hurt him later, don't blame me for being merciless."

Zhao Yufan still didn't wake up, and Huo Nu pursed her mouth in a bully manner, and made a contemptuous gesture at the Golden Snake and Jade Girl, then held her little pink fists, raised her head, and said, "Come on, you brothel!" The girl in the house."

Zhao Yufan, who was pretending to be sleeping, burst into laughter when he heard the words, and then continued to pretend to be sleeping. She had been suffocated until recently, so she just took this opportunity to let him vent her anger, and he also wanted to see how strong the Golden Snake and Jade Girl are. The Golden Snake Jade Girl is known as the Twelve Jade Girls of Paramount, and she is the steward of the branch in the main city of Haoyue. She must have a high status in Paramount. If you can find out her strength, you can analyze Bailemen How strong Lemen is.

(End of this chapter)

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