Chapter 924
When Zhao Yufan and the others saw General Beiming and his party, their expressions suddenly changed. General Beiming is a master in the sanctuary, and there are only [-] Beiming soldiers under his banner. These soldiers can be generals in any city, and their strength is comparable. One is tough, all of them are masters of the heaven domain, and several generals are even masters of the sanctuary domain. They are the confidant team of Emperor Haoyue, and they handle some extremely special tasks all the year round. return.

"It's not peaceful recently, I asked General Beiming to protect the emperor." Emperor Haoyue explained.Everyone forced a smile, knowing that Emperor Haoyue was on guard against them.

"Beiming, protect the surrounding area. Anyone who enters or exits needs my permission."

"Yes." General Beiming agreed, and waved his hands to let everyone disperse the defense.

"With the emperor here, who else would dare to hurt the emperor?" Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and said, staring into the distance leisurely, with a tricky smile on the corner of his mouth: "Emperor, what do you want to do with the six doors?"

"Kill!" Emperor Haoyue said coldly: "I asked General Beiming and the others to protect the emperor, just because I was worried that these people would hurt the emperor and prevent some villains from threatening me with the emperor. Head, you won't blame me, will you?"

"No." Zhao Yufan replied, "I'm just a little confused, why did the emperor let me be the head of the six doors?"

His question was a bit superfluous. The answer to this question is well known to passers-by. There is no need to ask at all. Emperor Haoyue let him enter the six gates. The relationship between them, and Zhao Yufan must exist among them. The people in Tianbao Province originally wanted to get rid of Zhao Yufan. With the fire of Emperor Haoyue, they could use this opportunity to get rid of him.

Emperor Haoyue frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I originally wanted to give you a chance to be promoted and make a fortune. Who would have thought that so many things would happen, hey..." His expression was very sad, and those who didn't know the inside story would definitely be moved, But Zhao Yufan would not be moved, he just picked up the teacup and took a sip to cover up the disdain at the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps Zhao Yufan's question was too straightforward, and everyone became a little embarrassed and silent, even Emperor Haoyue.


A sudden loud noise came from the distant palace, and a ray of light burst out from the sky, lighting up the whole world, and then dimmed, just like the expressions of everyone, who were full of smiles just now, but for a moment became dignified.

"What happened?" the golden snake and jade girl asked.

Emperor Haoyue's face was serious, and he glanced at Zhao Yufan inexplicably, and his voice was cold: "It's a treasure house. It's really unexpected that someone dares to attack the treasure house." The man said coldly, "Who do you think it would be?"

"How do we know?" Mingyue Taotian said immediately, and then looked at the sky that was constantly shining with white light, and said worriedly: "Don't you want to go and see, Great Emperor?"

Emperor Haoyue thought for a while, and finally set his gaze on Emperor Mingyue, with a firm tone: "No need."

Seeing Emperor Haoyue's firm attitude, Golden Snake Jade Girl and Mingyue Taotian couldn't help but secretly glanced at the calm Zhao Yufan. If Emperor Haoyue didn't leave, their plan would not be implemented.Hearing the deafening roar, Zhao Yufan stared at the starry sky with deep eyes, and suddenly said: "It should be the people from the six doors. If they rob the wealth of the treasure house and leave the main city of Haoyue, they will definitely hide their strengths and bide their time. fortunes come back."

When he said this, the resolute attitude on Emperor Haoyue's face couldn't help flashing a bit of hesitation. The six doors have always been a hidden danger to him. Wealth may really be what Zhao Yufan said, and now is also an opportunity to weaken the power of the six doors. If they can rush in here, the people who come must be the elite of the six doors.

"I heard that the six gates have united with a powerful force, and I don't know which force it is, it can't be another Shenzhou?" Zhao Yufan once again threw out a news that shocked Emperor Haoyue.

Emperor Haoyue frowned, and suddenly got up, stared at Zhao Yufan silently, and said bluntly, "I'm still a bit reluctant to let you say that." After speaking, he shifted his gaze to Emperor Mingyue and sighed slightly Said: "Talk, I'll come back after I've dealt with the matter." Although he left, he didn't let General Bei Ming leave, but asked him to watch over Zhao Yufan and the others. It's best not to let any of them leave before he comes back , if they insist on leaving, then try to delay the time.

As soon as Emperor Haoyue left, General Beiming led a dozen soldiers to stand around Zhao Yufan and the others, saying it was to protect their safety, but in fact it was to monitor.

Zhao Yufan and the others looked at each other and got up one after another.Zhao Yufan looked at General Beiming and said with a smile: "General, come in with us. We are talking about Emperor Haoyue. You have been with Emperor Haoyue for so long, so you must know more than us."

General Beiming forced a smile, and shook his head helplessly: "No, I'll just protect you outside." Originally, he wanted to go in, but after hearing what Zhao Yufan said, he immediately changed his mind. I wanted to get some secrets out of him, and if I went into the house to monitor them, I couldn't monitor the situation outside, so he decided to stay outside, no matter what conspiracy they had, he just had to keep an eye on them.

Zhao Yufan and the others entered the room, and twelve servants who followed Mingyue Taotian also came in, and one of them was pretending to be Mingyuehuang'er. They immediately changed the real and fake Mingyuehuang's clothes, and discussed how to leave at the same time.

Soon, Zhao Yufan came up with a perfect and jaw-dropping plan. This plan made Mingyue Taotian dislike Zhao Yufan, and couldn't help but praise him a few words.

A few people came out, and General Beiming led people to meet them immediately. He had just come close when he heard Mingyue Taotian say that he was going to leave. He was startled. His face was a little stiff. They all became vigilant.

At this moment, the atmosphere instantly became very tense.

General Bei Ming and his party blocked Zhao Yufan and the others straightly, their faces filled with a murderous look that could not be concealed.Zhao Yufan stood in the middle, Mingyue Taotian and Golden Snake and Jade Girl stood on both sides, looking nervously at General Beiming, the two sides were on the verge of a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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