Chapter 931 Provoking Discord
The Golden Snake Jade Girl and Mingyue Taotian gave good benefits, but they were not that good. To the two of them, Zhao Mingyuan was an inconspicuous person after all, and they only needed this kind of person for the time being. There was no need to curry favor with this person, but Zhao Yufan was obviously different from what they thought, and even chatted with Zhao Mingyuan in a familiar way, and vaguely told about King Zhao Ming.

When he heard that King Zhao Ming was tough, Zhao Mingyuan was proud. When he heard that King Zhao Ming finally surrendered, Zhao Mingyuan's face was a little unnatural. When he heard that King Zhao Ming killed the rest of his men, a trace of anger flashed across Zhao Mingyuan's face. Clenched fists, said goodbye to Zhao Yufan and the others, and left in a hurry.

Looking at the back of Zhao Mingyuan going away, Golden Snake and Jade Girl chuckled and said, "You're trying to sow discord."

Zhao Yufan had a bright smile on his face when he heard the words, shook his head seriously, and explained solemnly: "I am helping my partners to get rid of hidden dangers in the future. That person in black is cruel and has hatred against them. No, he will definitely prevent them from cooperating."

Just as Zhao Yufan thought, King Zhao Ming was firmly opposed to cooperating with Zhao Yufan and the others. In order to prevent the cooperation, he even sent his confidantes to tell the news to Emperor Haoyue. Zhao Mingyuan had murderous intentions towards King Zhao Ming.


What would Zhao Mingyuan and the others do? Zhao Yufan and the others ignored it, but set off to the front. The Iron Wind Desert is not a place for people to stay. Some took Mingyue Huanger to watch the scenery along the road.

"Do you think they will cooperate with us?" Mingyue Taotian felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of Zhao Mingyuan and the others. They just talked about cooperation, but Zhao Mingyuan didn't agree, and even if he agreed, there was no guarantee that he would regret it. Now they Several people had already left the Iron Wind Desert, and they couldn't control Zhao Mingyuan.

"That's his business, and how he chooses is also his business, as long as we can fulfill our promise on time." Zhao Yufan rode his horse, speeding up a little and said: "Hurry up, there are two mountains ahead, and this place is heavily guarded. If we Hurry up, we should be able to catch up with our people." Hearing this, several people immediately speeded up and rushed forward.

Liangchong Mountain is not a city, but a place similar to a military fortress. This place is very important and all heavily guarded, and all passers-by are subject to inspection.If it was nothing in the past, but now Emperor Haoyue has issued an order, so the soldiers of Liangchong Mountain are extremely strict in checking the passers-by.There are [-] elite troops stationed in Liangchong Mountain. If they find out their whereabouts, it will be very difficult for Zhao Yufan and the others to rush out.

When they came near Liangchong Mountain, Zhao Yufan and the others stopped their horses. There were also some residents and businesses around Liangchong Mountain. There was nothing more numerous than inns. Because people came and went here, many smart businessmen opened inns and taverns here. , Some merchants also do business here, turning this place into a huge commercial mountain range.

Zhao Yufan and the others walked on the crowded street, scanning the surroundings, looking for the sanctuary masters who came here earlier than them, and soon they found the signal left by the sanctuary masters, but the few of them did not go. Looking for them, they only need to confirm that the sanctuary masters are nearby.

Several people have been disguised and modified, and most people can't recognize who they are. They found a random inn to stay, and gathered together, secretly discussing the next action.

The decision maker among them was naturally Zhao Yufan, and they basically followed Zhao Yufan's arrangements along the way. At this time, Mingyue Taotian and the others also looked at Zhao Yufan, expecting him to think of something to pay attention to.

"How about we pretend to be General Beiming and they enter Liangchong Mountain? Then burn their grain depots and rob them of their supplies. I think they will be quite angry. At that time, the real General Beiming will appear, it must be It was a good show." Zhao Yu described the scene vividly, and everyone who heard it was also very excited, wishing to carry out Zhao Yufan's plan immediately.

Zhao Yufan asked Golden Snake and Jade Girl to find them some Beiming soldiers' clothes, and asked him to find a master of disguise and create a few *********, and then began to investigate the situation in Liangchong Mountain. , They just put on the **** and got ready to act.

The four members of the group have different identities, and their identities are not low. They are all generals under General Beiming, and among the four, the Golden Snake Jade Girl ranks the highest. After all, he has the cultivation base of the Sanctuary.

The Golden Snake and Jade Girl walked in the front, Zhao Yufan, Mingyue Taotian, and Mingyue Huanger walked behind. They hooked their shoulders together, chatting and laughing, and they looked like they were not a good person.

A few people wandered to the entrance of the fortress. There were two small buildings made of stone on both sides of the entrance. There were archers upstairs, and dozens of soldiers downstairs were checking passers-by. Walk forward, each with their heads held high, not paying attention to the soldiers in front of them.The soldiers didn't take Zhao Yufan and the others to heart either. There were countless dignitaries and dignitaries who passed by them, but they had to be introduced to each of them for inspection, unless the emperor himself came.

"Stop, you guys, go to the back and line up for inspection." A soldier shouted, and stepped forward a few steps with an angry expression on his face.

Zhao Yufan stared, walked up to the soldier pretending to be arrogant and pushed him, and cursed: "You are blind, you dare to block our way, do you know who we are?"

"I don't care who you are, hurry up and line up for me, otherwise you will never pass here for the rest of your life." The soldier was furious, and suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist, and the rest of the soldiers also rushed forward, looking at Zhao Yufan and the others aggressively.

Zhao Yufan and the others were even more impolite, showing off a Beiming blade specially designed for Beiming soldiers to fight forward. The soldiers were caught off guard, and they were not Zhao Yufan's opponent at all. After a few encounters, they were beaten and lay on the ground Howled endlessly, pointing at Zhao Yufan and the others and yelling at them.

Zhao Yufan and the others pointed at the soldiers lying on the ground and laughed, not leaving in a hurry.After a while, a large number of soldiers came to the door and surrounded them. The leading general had a beard and a burly figure, and he looked like a brave and foolhardy figure.This person is Yu Sheng, the deputy general in charge of Liangchongshan. Yu Sheng's prestige in Liangchongshan is extremely high. A word from this person is almost more useful than the highest officer here, and the soldiers in Liangchongshan used to be his soldiers. See Seeing his soldiers being beaten like this, without saying a word, Yu Sheng raised the golden big ring knife in his hand, screamed twice, and led the soldiers to kill.

(End of this chapter)

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