Chapter 933
A feeling of wanting to stop grew in the hearts of several people, and they were a little bit reluctant to refuse, and they looked at Zhao Yufan with a strange look, this guy must have grasped their psychology.

The beautiful eyes of the golden snake and jade girl widened slightly, and she picked up the cup in front of her and took a sip of the cool tea, her voice was slightly angry: "Talk about the specific plan first."

"Plans..." Zhao Yufan pondered, his expression seemed to Mingyue Taotian and the others to be deliberately contemplating. Since they could think of this way, they didn't believe that Zhao Yufan had no specific plan, but Zhao Yufan really didn't have a specific plan, and neither did he. I thought of it temporarily.

After thinking about it for more than ten minutes, the faces of Mingyue Taotian and the others finally turned ugly. It was obvious that this Zhao Yufan really didn't have any plan. He dared to do this without any plan at all. How could it feel like he wanted them to die?Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will probably be angry, but the ones who are angry are Mingyue Taotian and Golden Snake and Jade Girl. Mingyue Huanger has been looking at Zhao Yufan with a smile on his chin. It can bring him unexpected surprises.

"I thought about it, we can do this." Zhao Yufan didn't forget to secretly watch the faces of several people while speaking. Seeing Mingyue Taotian and Golden Snake and Jade Girl glaring at him, he couldn't help but laugh a few times in embarrassment, and continued: "Don't be angry. Ah, we are negotiating. If you feel that it is not good, you can refuse. General Beiming will also go to the Liangchongshan Fortress. At that time, we will mix with their team near the gate of the city. People feel that we are the people of General Beiming."

"It sounds good." Mingyue Taotian rolled her eyes, her face was full of atmosphere, General Beiming and the others are not idiots, how could they be mixed into the team, even if they are not mixed into the team, they want to make people feel that they are members of the Beiming army It is also quite difficult, at least to ensure that the distance from the Northern Dark Army is not too far, and it is easy to be discovered by the Northern Dark Army.

Seeing a few people hesitate, Zhao Yufan said meaningfully with the corners of his mouth split open, "If you believe me, just do as I say. I can't guarantee your safety, but I absolutely guarantee that you will not be discovered by the Northern Dark Army."

Hearing this, Mingyue Taotian and the Golden Snake and Jade Girl looked at each other, scolding Zhao Yufan for not being insidious and cunning, what he said was a hidden trap, and he absolutely guaranteed that the people of the Beiming Army would not find them, which meant only guaranteeing that they would not leak anything , but does not guarantee their life or death.

"Is there something wrong with what you said?" Golden Snake and Jade Girl looked directly at Zhao Yufan, and Zhao Yufan looked a little embarrassed.

The sun slanted down and fell on Zhao Yufan's face, making him feel a little more hazy, making it impossible to see through his expression, let alone guess his real thoughts. In fact, they are not opposed to the impulse, they just feel that this plan is too risky.

Mingyue Taotian and Golden Snake and Jade Girl still felt a little risky, but they couldn't help but want to agree. What made them most helpless was seeing Zhao Yufan's slack cousin, as if telling them that "only the timid will refuse".Mingyue Taotian glared at Zhao Yufan viciously, then moved his eyes to Mingyue Huang'er, and instantly softened, "Huang'er, say something." In his opinion, only Mingyue Huang'er has the ability to make Zhao Yufan change his mind.

"Oh." Emperor Mingyue responded, and then said: "I agree with his opinion."


Mingyue Taotian and Golden Snake Jade Girl stared at Mingyue Huang'er in astonishment, and were immediately speechless, especially Mingyue Taotian glared at his younger sister unceremoniously and said: "Mingyue Huang'er, what do you want?"

Mingyue Huanger's face was full of smiles, and she made a cute look of grievance, her red lips raised an arc, "It's nothing, you asked me to express my opinion."

"You..." Mingyue Taotian was so angry that he was speechless, why did he feel that Zhao Yufan was Mingyuehuang'er's younger brother?Seeing the tacit understanding between the two, his face turned pale with anger, and he really wanted to kick Zhao Yufan a thousand miles away.

Mingyue Taotian and Golden Snake and Jade Girl finally gave in and agreed to Zhao Yufan's plan, but also said that the plan must satisfy them, otherwise they would reject it.

Zhao Yufan also agreed with their opinion. In fact, he can do this by himself. Letting them participate is nothing more than to increase the credibility, but it cannot put Mingyue Huanger in danger because of this, so He will come up with a relatively perfect plan, at least to ensure the safety of Emperor Mingyue and the other two.

After planning to study for a day, Zhao Yufan finally told everyone about his plan. The content of the plan was very simple. When General Beiming and the others arrived at the gate of Liangchongshan City, Zhao Yufan and the others still pretended to be the same as a few days ago and followed Beiming Army. At the end of the episode, Zhao Yufan came forward to chat with the Beiming soldiers behind, making Yu Sheng and the others mistakenly believe that Zhao Yufan and the others were indeed members of the Beiming Army. The biggest problem now is how should they escape if things are revealed? , What they will face is the double-faced pursuit of the Northern Underworld Army and the Liangchongshan Army. Even if they are all in the Sanctuary, it is impossible for them to escape.

In fact, Zhao Yufan has the simplest way to protect Emperor Mingyue, which is not to let him participate, but if he raises this opinion, it is estimated that Emperor Mingyue will oppose his plan. If Emperor Mingyue also objected, then this plan might not be implemented.

"What should we do?" Jin Snake and Jade Girl asked Zhao Yufan with a smirk, resting her chin on her hands, her eyes not concealing her gloating, "It's okay, your plan is really dangerous."

"Okay, I'm responsible for the safety of the emperor. You just need to obey my orders when the time comes. Now let's rest for a few days." Zhao Yufan said solemnly, and the Golden Snake and Jade Girl also put away their smiles and prepared seriously.

In the past few days, Zhao Yufan and the others have been playing around with Mingyue Huanger. They are very happy. They have already left in batches, and continue to move forward, over a few mountains, across a river, and through a few jungles, they will be able to reach Tianbao Province on the route stipulated by Zhao Yufan, and when they get there, they will only walk a fifth distance.

"According to the intelligence, General Beiming and the others will arrive in the morning." The Golden Snake and Jade Girl hurried into the room with a solemn expression. There were relatively few people in the early morning, especially at the entrance of the Liangchong Mountain City. They appeared at that time , will definitely increase the chance of being exposed, even if they just appear, they may be recognized by General Bei Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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