Chapter 937 Daydream

For more than ten days in a row, General Bei Ming and the others finally caught up with the group of sanctuary masters escorting Mingyue Huanger, but there was no fierce battle between the two sides for the time being, and the sanctuary masters escorting Mingyue Huanger were still ahead, but Beiming The underworld army is only a dozen miles away from them, and they can catch up at any time. The so-called praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. The Beiming army was so anxious to hurry on the road, they kept traveling around the mountains and rivers, and slowly followed behind them.

"Zhao Yufan, shouldn't we hurry up and catch up with them? In case the Beiming Army fights with our people, we can also help in secret." Mingyue Taotian said, after these days, they can be regarded as helping their comrades in front to delay It's been a long time, and it has also caused some troubles to the Northern Underworld Army, so he thinks that the four of them can still help the group of Sanctuary companions in front.

However, Zhao Yufan taunted him very unceremoniously, and said very bluntly: "With our little strength, what can we do to help Sanctuary? Cook for them? Even if we cook, there are also Sanctuary, let's go It's a burden." He said so, but he was still thinking about how to create a little trouble for the Northern Underworld Army.

Mingyue Taotian was ridiculed, and instead of being angry, she laughed, and laughed very cheaply: "Hey... isn't it you, you can think of a way for us, you are so insidious and cunning, you can think of a way to deal with the Northern Dark Army .”

"Pay attention to what you say, I'm not being sly or cunning, but rather intelligent." Zhao Yufan rolled his eyes, corrected a sentence, and said, "The strength of the Beiming Army is about the same as ours, and they won't take the initiative to attack in a short time. They should be waiting for support, and they still need to investigate whether the emperor is there, if they know that the emperor is not there, there may be other countermeasures."

"That's what I said, but we can't travel around. Seeing that our companions are in danger," Mingyue pouted, then blinked at the two girls and asked them for help.

The Emperor Mingyue and the Golden Snake Jade Girl looked at each other, nodded silently, expressing their agreement with Mingyue Taotian's words, and then the Emperor Mingyue said a little unbearably: "You'd better think of a way, don't fight if you can, so as not to let others because of me Lots of casualties."

Zhao Yufan nodded, and replied helplessly: "I will think about it, but there is really no way at the moment, let's go on our way first, and see what the situation is talking about."

Several people ran wildly for more than a day, and finally they were still more than [-] miles away from the Beiming Army. At this time, they were only a thousand miles away from Tianbao Province. It was not good or bad for them. The grievances between Tianbao Province and Zhao Yufan are almost irresolvable hatred, but Zhao Yufan designed the route to include Tianbao Province, and specially designed the route to go directly to the entire Tianbao Province, and even made the team walk to the interior of Tianbao Province at the expense of detours There are various signs that he has full confidence in Tianbao Province.

But no matter how Mingyue Taotian asked Zhao Yufan, Zhao Yufan just smiled and said nothing.

"Taotian, can you contact the team in front and let them slow down a bit, so we can reach Tianbao Province first before they do," Zhao Yufan said.

Mingyue Taotian nodded, stared at him suspiciously and asked, "Are you thinking about Tianbao Province's arrangement? But as far as I know, although you have a great reputation in Tianbao Province and there are many people who support you, after all, the army and some experts are Obeying the orders of King Tianbao and the city lords, it seems that you can't subdue them with your current power?"

"Who am I going to subdue them? What's more, the time is too short, I have no time to prepare." Zhao Yufan said, hearing his words, Mingyue Taotian and the others were speechless, Zhao Yufan's words seemed to tell them: He can really subdue the people in Tianbao Province , it was just because the time was too short that he was not prepared. If he could really subdue all the forces in Tianbao Province, it would definitely be a sensation in the Haoyue Empire. He could even become an important figure overnight. After all, he was Take control of a province.

I wanted to think about it, but Mingyue Taotian and the others didn’t think Zhao Yufan would have this ability. Mingyue Taotian squinted at Zhao Yufan a few times, and gave a weird “tsk tsk” twice, expressing his little sarcasm, “You are so loud, if you really have this With ability, then we should be unimpeded in Tianbao Province, right?"

"Of course." Zhao Yufan said firmly, looking at Mingyue Taotian as if he was looking at an idiot. If it cannot be unimpeded, how could there be Tianbao Province in his route, but he needs to do some things to unimpeded.

"What can you do?" The Golden Snake and Jade Girl looked at Zhao Yufan suspiciously, her heart beating faster.

Zhao Yufan pursed his lips, and pointed to his own mouth mysteriously.The Golden Snake and Jade Girl didn't understand at first, but after thinking about it for a moment, they suddenly realized what he meant, and their faces changed drastically. Even Emperor Mingyue looked at Zhao Yufan in astonishment, sighing in his heart for his boldness and self-confidence.

Mingyue Taotian stared at Zhao Yufan, put away his playful mood, and asked very seriously: "Aren't you too hasty? If I had known that you were using this method, I would never agree with the route you designed." He bit Teeth, a little annoyed and a little helpless, because it's useless to say anything now.

The Golden Snake Jade Girl is quite normal, she knew that Zhao Yufan was acting strangely, and she couldn't think of him with common sense, but even though she was prepared, she was still shocked, "You mean to use your mouth to convince them, let them give Shall we make way?"

Zhao Yufan gave an "en" and said sternly, "Not only let them make way, but also let them help us stop the Northern Dark Army."

"Are you sleeping? What are you dreaming in broad daylight?" Golden Snake and Jade Girl rolled her eyes, and the more she listened to Zhao Yufan's words, the more unrealistic she felt.Mingyue Taotian and Mingyue Huanger's complexions were not very good. Zhao Yufan's idea was to gamble with everyone's life.

Zhao Yufan saw that the faces of several people were quite ugly, and he was a little embarrassed, but he quickly said firmly: "Don't worry, I am sure of doing this. Even if the people in Tianbao Province are not willing, I will have a way to let you leave safely. I won't make fun of your lives." Hearing what he said, Mingyue Taotian's expressions softened a little, but they were still a little worried about Zhao Yufan's words, after all, this matter related to the lives of countless people.

Mingyue Taotian went out immediately, and ordered someone to tell the companions in front to postpone the time of entering Tianbao Province, and then Zhao Yufan and the others rushed to Tianbao Province without stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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