942 Empty City
The living room was quiet, and everyone whispered and discussed what to do. In fact, they were already inclined to agree to Zhao Yufan, but the few important people present were silent, and they did not dare to raise opinions rashly.

"What do you think?" Tianbao Wang asked.

"I think it's better to cooperate with Zhao Yufan and the others. At least we can not offend them or Emperor Haoyue."

"That's how I know it. Killing Zhao Yufan is certainly important, but you must have learned how smart he is. If he dares to come here, he must have something to rely on. If we really fall out with him, it will not do us any good."

"Yes, I agree too."

"I also think we should cooperate with Zhao Yufan."

Everyone was overwhelmingly willing to cooperate with Zhao Yufan, which made Tianbao Wang feel powerless, so he could only shake his head and sigh: "Okay, I will leave all the cooperation matters to Yi Long and the others. I'm tired, so please step back." His eyes Godless, he walked out of the living room a little tired, and walked slowly towards his room. Numerous things have hit him hard recently, making him feel that he is already old, and the old can no longer decide anything.

Zhong Li followed Tianbao Wang all the time. Seeing Tianbao Wang's expression, he felt sad, and a surge of anger welled up in his heart. He said coldly, "My lord, I will kill Zhao Yufan tonight."

"Hey..." King Tianbao sighed softly, and said with a wry smile: "No need, I can't kill him, if I die, I can kill him so easily, he's already dead, the matter is a foregone conclusion, so be it, I'm really old Well, it's time to choose a new family patriarch after a while, and I don't want to take this position down, those people have more success than failure."

Zhong Li didn't say anything, he knew that the group of people mentioned by King Tianbao was referring to those people in the living room, if they worked together, they would kill Zhao Yufan, Zhao Yufan would definitely die, it's a pity...

After discussing with Yi Long and others, they found Zhao Yufan overnight and discussed cooperation with him. They were really afraid that Tianbao King would go back on his word tomorrow, so they had to discuss the content of the cooperation clearly tonight. Even if they wanted to go back on their word, there would be no chance. .

It was inevitable to be a little awkward when meeting each other. Zhao Yufan acted very naturally. He had already told Jin Snake Jade Girl and Mingyue Taotian about the specific content of the cooperation. their own opinions for their reference.

After the discussion, Yi Long and the others did not leave. They looked at Zhao Yufan and hesitated to speak.Finally, Yi Long was the first to say, "I'm sorry." Afterwards, several other people also apologized to him.

A smile appeared on Zhao Yufan's face when he heard the words, he patted Yi Long's shoulder, and comforted him: "I told you from the beginning that your family and you will not affect our relationship." Hearing what he said, Yi Long and the others looked better, but then Zhao Yufan said again: "However... what you have done is indeed a little irritating."

Yi Long wanted to say something else, but Mingyue Taotian suddenly helped them and said: "Hey, don't mind too much, every family is like this, and they can't help themselves. It's good that they didn't really harm you. If it was me, maybe I would kill you."

Although he knew that Mingyue Taotian was joking, Zhao Yufan still unceremoniously countered: "If you dare to kill me, I will make your Mingyue Shenzhou the enemy of other Shenzhous."

Everyone chatted happily, and Yi Long and the others gradually blended in, but they always felt that they were separated from Zhao Yufan.

It was late at night, and everyone rested separately.

Zhao Yufan, Mingyue Taotian, Mingyue Huanger, and Golden Snake Jade Girl were resting in the same room. Mingyue Huanger and Golden Snake Jade Girl were on the bed. Zhao Yufan and Mingyue Taotian figured out their own way. It can also be assembled quickly.

Zhao Yufan seemed to be sleeping soundly lying on the table. Suddenly, his eyes opened, facing the bright moon in the dark night above the window. Moved away from the table, tiptoed to Mingyue Taotian, lowered his voice and said: "Hey, wake up."

Although the voice was soft, Mingyue Taotian and the others heard it all. Although they were sleeping, they kept vigilant. When they heard something, they immediately opened their eyes and looked at Zhao Yufan strangely, not understanding what he was going to do.

"What are you doing? You won't be allowed to sleep anymore?" Mingyue complained monstrously, staring straight at Zhao Yufan. If eyes could kill, Zhao Yufan probably died long ago.

"We should go." Zhao Yufan whispered.

"Why?" Mingyue Huanger asked strangely, this place should be safe for the time being, they have already reached an agreement with Tianbao Wang and the others, who else will be against them?But... She suddenly thought of something, and nodded immediately: "It's time to go." King Tianbao and the others will not harm themselves and others, but the people in the mansion are full of chatter, if there are no spies from Emperor Haoyue and the others, it is almost impossible , so they have to leave, if they don't leave, it is estimated that General Beiming and the others will kill here.

Several people left without saying goodbye to anyone.In fact, from the very beginning, Zhao Yufan and the others didn't say why they were leaving. I remember that Yi Long asked them that Mingyue Taotian originally wanted to explain that he would leave tomorrow, but Zhao Yufan answered first, "They may leave at any time."

A few people quietly left the mansion, went straight out of the city, and returned to the back of the Beiming Army by detour. King Tianbao and the others did not express any dissatisfaction after learning that Zhao Yufan and the others had left. Anyway, they have joined forces, and what they have to do now is to help Zhao Yufan At the same time, they still couldn't let Emperor Haoyue catch them.

The sanctuary masters who escorted Mingyue Emperor's son had already entered Tianbao Province, and they had been tense all the time. Everyone knew about the grievances between Tianbao Province and Zhao Yufan, but Zhao Yufan chose this route, and not long ago, Mingyue Taotian asked them to postpone it. There must have been a problem when they entered Tianbao Province, so at the moment they entered Tianbao Province, they all became vigilant, and they were very dissatisfied with Zhao Yufan in their hearts.

When everyone entered the city, they felt that things were a little weird, which made them even more nervous. Didn't they mean that the people from Tianbao Province were going to deal with them?Why did the people in Tianbao province not move when they came?And there was no one on the whole street, like an empty city.

After a while, they finally saw a group of people gathered in the dark not far in front of them. Before they had any reaction, the Tianbao King and others who had been waiting for a long time went up to meet them, and felt chills at the escort of the Mingyue Emperor. Ask warmly, and promise to escort them out of Tianbao Province safely.

(End of this chapter)

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