Chapter 945 Little Monster
The soldiers who were chasing were also taken aback. They thought they would not be able to catch up with Zhao Yufan and the others, but Zhao Yufan suddenly stopped. Yes, they still slowly approached Zhao Yufan.

"What are you doing?" Mingyue Huanger blinked mischievously, and asked suspiciously: "Are you really planning to block it yourself?"

"En." Zhao Yufan answered seriously, pointing to a mountain not far ahead: "Where are you going to rest, I will catch up with you in a while."

Mingyue Taotian was a little embarrassed, and said with a sneer, "I'm just kidding, we can hold on." The Golden Snake and Jade Girl looked at Zhao Yufan with folded arms, and said, "Really? Can you do it alone?"

"Let's go, let's go." Zhao Yufan waved his hands impatiently, squinting his eyes at the blood lion on his shoulder, and a sly smile flashed at the corner of his mouth. Of course he has the ability to resist this group of elite soldiers, otherwise he wouldn't be so stupid as to let them Let's go first, several people have been running around for several hours, and they really need to rest, there is a big battle ahead, and now they really need to conserve their energy.

Seeing Zhao Yufan's resolute attitude, the few people stopped talking and galloped straight into the distance. The few of them wanted to take a sneak peek at what Zhao Yufan was up to, but after much deliberation, they still didn't watch secretly. Since Zhao Yufan asked them to Wherever they go to the mountain peak, it is better for them to be obedient, so as to save him unnecessary trouble.

"Going away?" Zhao Yufan asked the blood lion in his mind.

The blood lion rolled his eyes, and answered impatiently: "Let's go, you are really troublesome, do you want to take the credit for me?"

"You're getting more and more cunning." Zhao Yufan pouted and patted the blood lion's head: "Come on, I'll go first."

"Uh..." The blood lion was speechless, this guy was bragging for a long time, so he let him deal with these soldiers by himself? "Wait... won't you stop them with me?"

"Can't you do it yourself?" Zhao Yufan asked in surprise.

"Okay." The blood lion replied confidently.

Zhao Yufan looked at the blood lion like an idiot, grinned and said, "That's it." He turned around and left without giving the blood lion a chance to react. By the time the blood lion reacted, Zhao Yufan had already run away Gone.

"Damn bastard, human beings are really insidious." The blood lion complained, his bloodthirsty eyes immediately fixed on the soldiers in front, exuding a strong evil spirit all over his body. He looked like a kitten. He himself felt that he should be very domineering, but in the eyes of the soldiers, he felt very weird and funny. Zhao Yufan ran away, leaving behind an unknown little monster. What combat power.

"Is this a cat?" asked one of the soldiers.

"Who knows, what is Zhao Yufan going to do by throwing away such a monster? Is he trying to stop us?"

"Just this thing trying to stop us? I can trample him to death with one kick."

"Haha... It's reasonable, but it's better to be careful, Zhao Yufan will not put such a thing for no reason."

Hearing the conversation of several soldiers, the blood lion felt angry, and suddenly released the main body, and saw a ferocious monster like a mountain appearing in front of the soldiers. The blood lion's big mouth was enough to swallow it. Several soldiers.

Looking at the ferocious monster, the soldiers stepped back in shock, terrified, their bodies trembling, not to mention attacking, even if they wanted to run now, their legs couldn't move.


There was a loud bang, and the blood lion roared and charged away. Such a huge body could crush the soldiers in front of it with its physical body. Under one charge, the soldiers were killed or injured. Those who could escape would have fled long ago. Walk all lying on this land.

The blood lion didn't leave, but stared at the bloodthirsty eyes and lay down among the scattered corpses, waiting for the next wave of soldiers. Anyway, Zhao Yufan didn't set a specific time for him, so he was going to play for a while.

Zhao Yufan arrived at the mountain peak designated by Mingyue Huanger and the others. After waiting for a while and seeing that the blood lion hadn't returned, he guessed that this guy would play a little longer. He looked up at the mountain peak, where there were lush trees and strange rocks. Mingyue Huanger and the three of them are on top.

Zhao Yufan frowned and pondered for a moment, and finally made an astonishing move. Instead of going up the mountain, he returned directly to the place where the blood lion was, with a serious expression on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.Before he could find the blood lion, the blood lion had fled back in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yufan asked in surprise seeing the blood lion's embarrassed appearance.

The blood lion jumped onto Zhao Yufan's shoulder, took a few breaths, and then said angrily: "Don't mention it, it was able to stop them for a while, but how many saint domain masters appeared."

"How many?" Zhao Yufan asked solemnly.

The blood lion thought for a while, and replied: "Ten."

"Ten masters of the sanctuary..." Zhao Yufan murmured, thankful for the decision just now, he planned to walk separately from Mingyue Huanger and the others, so as not to be caught by others, but he didn't expect that just after he acted, the enemy also began to divide their forces into several teams to deal with them. Carry out siege.

Now the enemy is divided into several teams, and each team has the ability to chase and kill them, or even kill them completely. At this time, if they act together, they are likely to be surrounded by them, so Zhao Yufan chooses to disperse, so as to distract the enemy's attention power, and even if someone is caught, others can rescue them.

The most important thing is that Zhao Yufan wants to attract the attention of most of the enemies and delay Mingyue Huanger and the people who escort Mingyue Huanger. The plan is set by him, so he has to put in all his efforts to be perfect. It's his responsibility, so he has to do it.

"Blood lion, I'll wait for you here. Go to the mountain and tell Mingyuehuang'er and them that we will split up and give them this letter too. Remember... just go with your current body and bite with your mouth. Don't let them discover your real body."

When the blood lion heard Zhao Yufan's last request, his expression changed slightly, and he asked suspiciously: "Why can't you use the main body? I think you can trust them."

"I can trust them, but it's about your life. I can't put you in danger just because I trust them." After Zhao Yufan finished speaking, he grabbed the blood lion's tail, threw it behind him, and shouted : "Let's go."

With a whoosh, the blood lion disappeared into the jungle.

In the jungle, the blood lion cursed dissatisfiedly: "Bastard, someone will hunt you down in a while, and let you treat me like this." His curse really worked, and after a while, a group of soldiers spotted Zhao Yufan from the right side.

(End of this chapter)

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