Chapter 951 Killing Beiming
"Longtong, I want to go there in person." General Beiming held his fists and suppressed the anger in his heart. He dispatched a thousand Beiming troops to investigate, but there was no news of 1000 people. Duoji Shao, his Northern Underworld Army has a total of 3000 people. In order to pursue Zhao Yufan, they don't have many left. After this time of damage, only 1000 people are left.

Knowing that Bei Ming was eager for revenge, Long Tong didn't say anything to stop him, but directly called several saint domains, hundreds of heaven domain masters, and tens of thousands of troops to cooperate with him.After thanking Beiming, he personally led the team into the trap set by Zhao Yufan and the others.

There are many mountains and forests on the border, and many places have no names. The location where Zhao Yufan and the others are located has no name. General Beiming and the others came here according to the marks left by the people in front of them.

"General Beiming is here. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us." Zhao Yufan looked into the distance mysteriously, with the corners of his mouth raised, as if thinking of something happy.

"Why are you so happy that he's here?" The Golden Snake and Jade Girl gave Zhao Yufan a hard look, then looked away, and asked abruptly, "You don't mean to kill him, do you?"

When these words came out, Mingyue Taotian was shocked, but the expressions of the rest were very calm. The four girls had known Zhao Yufan for so long and had gotten used to his style. It is normal to kill Emperor Haoyue, let alone a General Beiming.The Golden Snake and Jade Girl was surprised in her heart, but he had already guessed that, on the surface, she was calm and composed, with an expression of asking questions.

Mingyue Taotian was speechless for a moment. Why did he feel that he didn't know what Zhao Yufan was thinking? The others were too calm, as if they knew it a long time ago, "Aren't you going to say something?" He looked at the girls and asked.

"What?" Qingzhu asked suspiciously.

"Admonish your young master, it is impossible for us to kill him."

After hearing Mingyue Taotian's words, Qingzhu glanced at him dissatisfied, and said lightly: "I support the young master."

Mingyue was speechless, and could only look at her sister for help, hoping that her sister could stop Zhao Yufan's crazy idea. Mingyuehuang'er stared at her lovely eyes and thought for a while, then asked softly, "Are you sure?"

"There is a 50.00% chance. If we succeed, we will be able to reach Mingyue Shenzhou safely." Zhao Yufan was thinking, his eyes flashed with an eager look. This is an excellent time, and the number of people brought by General Bei Ming is the least. , and as long as they enter here, they can hold other people for a while, and during this time, it is the time for them to kill General Bei Ming.

"Can you listen to me?" Mingyue shouted loudly, these girls completely ignored him, they only had Zhao Yufan in their eyes, and they didn't listen to his opinion at all.

" don't say a few words, you are bothering us." After Mingyuehuang'er finished speaking, Mingyue glared at the sky angrily, pointed at Mingyuehuang'er and said fiercely: "Okay, you dead girl, my pain is in vain. You, I will give you a warning." |
"What are you going to do?" Golden Snake and Jade Girl asked. Although she felt that Zhao Yufan's plan was a bit risky, she was willing to try it. After all, there were several of them in Sanctuary. It is not impossible for the sanctuary to besiege General Beiming together, and it is not impossible to kill General Beiming.

"Qingzhu, can the four of you kill Beiming?" Zhao Yufan asked.

Qingzhu heard the words, thought for a while and replied: "Yes, but it takes too long."

"What about Fire Girl?" Zhao Yufan asked again.

Phantom replied: "If the fire girl can distract him and weaken him by two-tenths, the four of us can kill him in 5 minutes."

"Okay, then the five of you are responsible for killing him, and the rest are responsible for holding the others for 5 minutes."

"Isn't that right? Just a few of us can't resist everyone. If I join forces with the Golden Snake and Jade Girl, we might kill him within five minutes." Mingyue Huang'er said seriously.

"Can you guarantee it?" Zhao Yufan asked seriously.

Mingyuehuang'er didn't know how to answer for a while, she was really not sure that she could kill General Beiming within the specified time, but he believed that his strength alone was stronger than two of the five of Huo Nu and the others, "I No guarantees, but…”

She was interrupted by Zhao Yufan before she finished speaking, "This kind of thing must be guaranteed. If you can't guarantee to kill him within 5 minutes, you can't carry out this mission."

"Hmph." Mingyue Huang'er snorted softly, and ignored Zhao Yufan with her mouth curled up.

Zhao Yufan then assigned tasks to everyone. Fire Girl and the four girls will start to practice tacit understanding from now on. Mingyue Huanger is responsible for using sonic attacks to cause troubles to all enemies, including General Beiming. The task he assigns is to block all the sanctuaries as much as possible and wait for the opportunity to kill them. Relying on the various weird traps set up by Zhao Yufan, otherwise it would be impossible for the few of them to stop them.

"Damn, they are here, there are tens of thousands of people." Mingyue Taotian ran back anxiously, with a nervous face, no matter how they looked at it, it was impossible for them to stop tens of thousands of people.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's take action. If we succeed, all of us will be free. If we don't succeed, we can only die. So we have to do it at all costs." Zhao Yufan said solemnly, and directly plunged into the jungle .

There are many psychedelic formations in Zhao Yufan's traps, the purpose is to trap the enemy. Although there are tens of thousands of enemies, it is impossible for ordinary soldiers to get out of this kind of formation. Even the sanctuary will take time to crack. In addition to Zhao Yufan's attack, they will definitely be trapped for a longer period of time.

Under Zhao Yufan's plan, there were fewer and fewer people around General Beiming, and in the end he was left standing alone on a mountain peak with a sword in his hand, already feeling that danger was approaching.

Although Mingyue Taotian dealt with many people, he was the most relaxed. He was already familiar with the correct movement and functions of the formation, so it was very enjoyable to kill the enemy, but he was upset after killing so many.

The mission of Golden Snake and Jade Girl is relatively firm, but she will kill if she can, and leave if she can't. She keeps harassing the enemy and makes the enemy tired of coping. She has no time to think about how to break the formation. With the surrounding traps, she can persist for a while .

Mingyuehuang'er is the most relaxed one, she plays the piano with peace of mind, causing harassment to all enemies.

Zhao Yufan was the most difficult person. He had to ensure that Emperor Mingyue would not be disturbed by others, and waited for an opportunity to kill Sanctuary and soldiers, so as to relieve the pressure on Mingyue Taotian and Golden Snake and Jade Girl in turn.

(End of this chapter)

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