Chapter 955
Zhao Yufan and his group entered the private room, which was already full of dishes, and it seemed that there were signs of being passive. Obviously, the Haoyue King had already eaten alone just now.

"The food is good, but you're very rude." Han Xiaosong couldn't help but said, after all, they were all his friends, and he didn't want the two of them to get too tense, especially with Yi Long and the others as a lesson from the past. So he didn't want to cause conflicts between the two because of some trivial matters.

"Trouble, if Brother Zhao dislikes it, I'll ask someone to change the table." King Haoyue spoke, looked at Zhao Yufan, and asked what he meant.Zhao Yufan shook his head slightly, expressing that he didn't care. His behavior made King Haoyue put a smile on his face, and he pushed the door to let Zhao Yufan advance.

Entering the box, the three sat down.

Han Xiaosong re-introduced the two to each other. Zhao Yufan and Haoyue Wang were smiling, and they couldn't tell what the meaning was hidden in the smiles, but their smiles were definitely not the normal happy smiles.After a while, Han Xiaosong saw the two of them just laughed and said nothing, scratched his head, and tapped the table lightly with bamboo chopsticks, "Hey, two are talking."

Zhao Yufan thought for a moment, and said first: "I have long admired your name."

"Haha..." King Haoyue laughed, leaned forward and put his head in front of Zhao Yufan, staring at him and said, "He paused when he said this, and then said: "Hehe... I heard that you came to the main city with that bastard Right? "The bastard in his mouth refers to Emperor Haoyue. You're welcome, I don't have a big name, but you have recently become famous and caused a sensation in the entire holy world."

"You're welcome, what's your opinion on the current situation?" Zhao Yufan asked.

King Haoyue thought for a while, grabbed a greasy chicken leg and gnawed it, biting the oil on his lips and said: "The situation is not good now, the two sides are in a stalemate, if the border crisis can be resolved, then that old bastard There is time to deal with these people."

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Yufan asked again.

"I..." King Haoyue stared at Zhao Yufan for a long time, and then said, "I am going to kill that old bastard." A strong killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he really hated Emperor Haoyue.

Zhao Yufan could feel that King Haoyue's words were sincere, and he could also feel that his killing intent was genuine, which made him quite puzzled, why would King Haoyue be so cruel to his father?Is it just because Emperor Haoyue drove him out of the shrine and made him a beggar?

"Do you know why I'm so cruel to him?" King Haoyue stared at the two people in front of him, gritted his teeth, and said, "My mother's Liu family made great contributions to him, almost occupying the control of the four provinces back then, and because of these, he made people Frame my mother, and get rid of the entire Liu family, and now no one in the Liu family is still alive, including my mother!"

Zhao Yufan was a little creepy, he didn't expect Emperor Haoyue to be so ruthless, frowned slightly, and suddenly said, "Your situation is very similar to Mr. Bo of Six Doors."

"It's not just thinking, it's the same in the first place. Emperor Haoyue has only a few wives on the surface, but who knows how many women he has behind his back? Almost all of these women have backgrounds, and he rose from these backgrounds. You guys Do you think he is a good person?" King Haoyue looked disdainful, picked up his wine glass and took a big gulp.

Suddenly, Zhao Yufan suddenly thought of Tianbao Province's pamphlet, could King Tianbao and the others just follow the example of Emperor Haoyue?According to the personalities of Tianbao Wang and the others, they should not be able to think of this kind of strategy. Maybe they all knew about this strategy before, so they also want to follow the example of Emperor Haoyue to strengthen their own strength.

If I have time to ask Yi Long and the others about this matter, Zhao Yufan thought to himself, then chuckled and said, "Hehe... If you want revenge, I can help you, even if I make you the new Emperor Haoyue." impossible."

King Haoyue was stunned, unexpectedly, Zhao Yufan went straight to the point, and caught him off guard, "I don't want to be the emperor of Haoyue, it's so boring, look at me, don't I feel good now, I'm living a carefree life."

"You are really not suitable for governing the country. It's a pity that I don't have a better candidate now." Zhao Yufan was very helpless. He couldn't find a suitable candidate now, and King Haoyue's character is not bad so far, and he deserves in-depth cooperation.

"I feel that there is someone who is suitable for governing the country, and his ambition is to benefit the people. You should like such a person." King Haoyue looked at Zhao Yufan, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The person he was talking about was really distressing. Sometimes he is too lazy to walk with this person.

"Who?" Zhao Yufan asked.

King Haoyue replied: "The youngest prince in the twelve provinces, 'Chen Zhong', is known as 'King Yun'."

"King Yun..." Zhao Yufan murmured, looked at Han Xiaosong, and saw Han Xiaosong nodded slightly, indicating that he knew this person, he couldn't help but glared at Han Xiaosong, since he knew this King Yun, why didn't he come sooner? Talk to yourself.

Han Xiaosong was also very helpless. He remembered that Zhao Yufan clearly told him that he wanted to find someone who was related to Emperor Haoyue. In fact, this King Yun and Emperor Haoyue had nothing to do with each other. Perhaps there is a slight blood relationship.

Zhao Yufan tilted his head slightly, thought for a moment, and asked, "How is this person?"

"He is a guy who serves people, and the province he governs is definitely the richest among the twelve provinces, but he is too young, so many people in their province disapprove of him, and many of his plans cannot be implemented. "

Zhao Yufan pondered for a moment, and hoped that King Haoyue would recommend him to meet this King Yun.Several people set off and rushed to King Yun's mansion in the main city immediately.

King Yun is a handsome young man, slightly older than Zhao Yufan and the others. He is 28 years old and easy-going. Zhao Yufan gets along very well with him, and some of his visions for the future are eye-opening.When a few people went out to eat, Zhao Yufan finally understood what it means to see injustice, and he drew his sword to help. This King Yun will take care of it whenever he sees injustice. If he is allowed to become Emperor Haoyue, he will definitely become a wise king , and this person attaches great importance to love and righteousness, which makes

Zhao Yufan didn't have to worry about him attacking him after he became Emperor Haoyue.

Zhao Yufan unabashedly explained his intentions. He told King Haoyue and King Yun very bluntly that he just wanted to overthrow the current rule of Emperor Haoyue and establish a new leader. He also told them that he wanted to find a new leader who truly cared for the people. .

King Haoyue raised his hands in agreement, but King Yun was very hesitant. He was not opposed to one of the seven provinces of Emperor Haoyue, nor was he to support a province of Emperor Haoyue, but a peculiar province that supported both sides. He could not Controlling the people in the entire province, so some people in the province support Emperor Haoyue, while others do not support Emperor Haoyue.

(End of this chapter)

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