Chapter 961 Divide
Zhao Yufan's enemies haven't said anything yet, but his friends around him have already started to dissuade him. If this goes on like this, Bo Juntang behind Boren will probably be angered. There are still experts from the Immortal Realm at the scene. If the two sides fight, they will suffer. , after all, this is Bojuntang's territory.

Han Xiaosong was the first to speak, and he didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only whisper, "Forget it." It's okay not to say anything, but as soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Yufan rolled his eyes and motioned him to shut up.

Han Xiaosong was frustrated, and the others opened their mouths or swallowed back the words that were on their lips. Judging by the current situation, Zhao Yufan didn't intend to stop.

At this moment, Boren's heart has been shaken. If he doesn't apologize, his fate may be even worse. It is impossible to save himself by relying on the sanctuary, and the masters of the immortal domain will not act because of him. If Bojuntang orders these immortal masters, they will do so. , but seeing Bo Juntang's expression, he doesn't plan to make a move for the time being. If he really apologizes, then what face will he have to face these people in the future?

"If you don't apologize, kill him." Zhao Yufan said.

Hearing this, Qingzhu couldn't help but increase the strength of the sword in his hand, and everyone who watched was stunned. They had already realized the ruthlessness of Qingzhu and Zhao Yufan, and now that Zhao Yufan said such words, Qingzhu would definitely follow suit.

"Apologize!" Qingzhu said coldly, her sword moved upwards slightly, and then fell slowly. This sword is very simple, but to Bo Ren, it is no less than a mountain pressing hard on his chest, and it can make him fall at any time. Crushed to death.

In the face of such a difficult situation, Boren's face was pale, and the ten fingers of both hands were firmly grasped into the ground. He said in grief and powerlessness: "I...I apologize. I'm sorry..." After saying this, he was out of breath, A mouthful of blood spurted out again, his eyes widened suddenly, and he passed out.

Qingzhu took back the little foot that was on Boren, and obediently went back behind Zhao Yufan, as if nothing had happened, but she was still a little flustered in her heart, and asked in a low voice worriedly: "Master...won't you cause trouble? "

Zhao Yufan was speechless, everything was done, what is the use of asking these things?This little girl is getting more and more naughty.Looking at Bo Juntang, Zhao Yufan's expression became serious. Bo Juntang and a group of people had already walked towards him slowly, and the other seven emperors of China also came to him with their people. It seems that Bo Ren's incident really touched Bo Jun. Church.

Bo Juntang just found a puppet, but Zhao Yufan was abolished before the puppet came into use. It would be a lie for him not to be angry. Besides, everyone knew that Boren was his man, and even his son. To humiliate Boren so much, isn't it obvious that he is provoking his own authority?

Walking in front of Zhao Yufan, Bo Juntang snorted coldly and said, "You have a bad temper, don't you? How dare you hurt Emperor Haoyue? Do you know what crime this is?

"What crime?" Zhao Yufan asked leisurely. He didn't take this matter to heart at all. It can give other forces a reason to fight against Bo Juntang and compete for the position of Emperor Haoyue justifiably.

"Hmph! This crime should be blamed on the Nine Clans!" Bo Juntang said in a deep voice, his clothes were windless and automatic, and the murderous aura surrounded him, making people feel waves of pressure. Faced with this pressure, Zhao Yufan could only reluctantly Resistance, who made him weaker, or Tianyu.

The four girls from Qingzhu immediately helped Zhao Yufan behind him, helping him relieve most of the pressure around him. At the same time, the four of them jointly exuded a murderous aura to fight against Bo Juntang, but the four of them were far behind Bo Juntang. At this time, the Emperor Mingyue and the Golden Snake and Jade Girl were also secretly helping, which dispelled Bo Juntang's aura.

Being resisted by a few sanctuary girls is not a shameful thing, but it is not something to show off. After all, she is a young girl, but Bo Juntang is the number one master of Haoyue Shenzhou. Some couldn't hang on, staring at Zhao Yufan sullenly, sarcastically: "Will you hide behind women?"

"At least these women are willing to stand up, but the women in your Bojuntang were pushed to the front by you and killed, so you have no face to mock others, let alone any woman, because you are not worthy."

King Haoyue's voice suddenly sounded in the crowd, and the mocking voice made Bo Juntang's expression extremely ugly. Only King Haoyue dared to say such words.

"You are my son too!" Bo Juntang said such a sentence, a sentence that was somewhat unpredictable, and he didn't know whether he was scolding or explaining something.

"Son? Your son is also a tool you use, right?" King Haoyue pursed his lips, and cast a disdainful glance at Boren who was being carried away, the color of the wind in his eyes became stronger.

"Bold! You dare to talk to the emperor like that. This is the crime above. Believe it or not, I will execute you immediately!" Long Tong roared and rescued Bo Juntang. Naturally, Bo Juntang cannot justify or explain this kind of thing. .

"It's not that easy to catch us in horror." Zhao Yufan said softly. When he said this, the crowd around him suddenly became tense. They were clearly divided into three factions. One group was those who wanted to fight against Bo Juntang, and the other group supported Bo Juntang. One side is neutral, and the two sides have similar forces. In a real fight, the outcome is really unpredictable. This is why Bo Juntang didn't make a move. If the odds of winning were higher, he would not abdicate.

"Forget it, I'm not Emperor Haoyue anymore, and these matters are also related to me. Let's talk about everything after Emperor Haoyue wakes up." Bo Juntang chose to be patient. At this time, we can't start a full-scale war, and other people in Shenzhou are watching Lively, if a war starts at this time, it is estimated that other people from China will help Zhao Yufan and the others, so he will be even more passive.

Zhao Yufan obviously knew that Bo Juntang would have scruples, so he waved his hand very bluntly, and said arrogantly, "Go! Let's go back."

A group of people evacuated in a mighty way. Their departure this time is considered to have torn the last line of defense with Bo Juntang. In the future, they will no longer have a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but only a relationship of interests, and this will lead to wars everywhere, and many forces The interior has also begun to disintegrate, such as the executive department, which has four departments, and the people in the four departments have different opinions, so they will part ways at this time, and each seeks his own ideas.

This war lasted for a month. The main purpose of the war was to compete for territory. Now that they have torn their faces, the most important thing now is to compete for their own territory. Only when they have their own territory can they guarantee a safe future. , can also guarantee the battle ahead, and only in this way can they differentiate the purpose of each force.

Now Bojuntang and the others centered on the main city of Haoyue and spread out in a circle, occupying five-tenths of the towns in the entire Haoyue Divine State, and the remaining five-tenths of the towns were also divided up by Zhao Yufan and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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