Chapter 965
Surprisingly, everyone did not object to Zhao Yufan's words. Putting aside some grievances and grievances aside, Zhao Yufan is really suitable for the position of Emperor Haoyue. No matter how you look at it, he is the most suitable candidate, but... It is absolutely impossible for them to let Zhao Yufan sat in this position, even if Zhao Yufan introduced the Haoyue King, they would not be able to let Zhao Yufan take the position, because they knew very well that Zhao Yufan's character was not suitable to be the Haoyue Emperor.

Zhao Yufan himself knew it very well, that's why he chose someone else, but unfortunately no one around him was willing to be Emperor Haoyue, and no one was suitable, otherwise he really wanted his own people to control this position.

"Okay, you guys discuss it yourself, I'm going back to rest." Zhao Yufan spoke lazily, then slowly got up and left.Watching his leaving back, everyone looked at each other, and suddenly looked at King Haoyue.

"King Haoyue, do you really intend to become Zhao Yufan's puppet?" It was still King Tianbao who asked the question, and his words almost announced that their Tianbao Province would be enemies with Zhao Yufan again.

Golden Snake and Jade Girl, Han Xiaosong and the others looked at King Tianbao, and then at Yi Long and the others behind King Tianbao. I sympathize with Yi Long and the others.

King Haoyue looked at King Tianbao contemptuously, narrowed his eyes and said, "Hehe... Do you know why Zhao Yufan just said that I am suitable to be Emperor Haoyue? It is because I have a conscience. Even if he becomes the king of a province, he is just a clown in the eyes of others."

King Tianbao's complexion was uncertain, King Haoyue was scolding himself, but he had no way to refute, so he could only say in a cold voice: "It seems that you are willing to be his puppet."

"You are wrong, he has always regarded me as a friend, that's why I cooperated with him." King Haoyue stood up, supported the table with both hands, and said in a deep thought: "Also... If he wants to become Emperor Haoyue, I can't stop him, You may not be able to stop it."

King Haoyue also left, and the rest of the people on the scene were basically a little jealous of Zhao Yufan's influence, even Paramount. The Golden Snake and Jade Girl were in the same situation as Yi Long and the others, but there were also some differences. At least the Golden Snake and Jade Girl and the others Still insisting on helping Zhao Yufan, they dare to confront the family, this is their difference.

"I don't recommend targeting Zhao Yufan." The Golden Snake and Jade Girl said this, and Yi Long and the others felt even more embarrassed when she said this. They felt that they were not as courageous as a woman.At this time, the Golden Snake and Jade Girl continued: "The most important thing right now is to deal with Bo Juntang and the others. Isn't it because of the civil war that Bo Juntang is so down?"

"Also, Zhao Yufan is so smart, how could he not think of your thoughts,'d better not touch him." Han Xiaosong also said immediately.

Afterwards, Mingyue, who had been following the Golden Snake and Jade Girl, grinned to the sky and muttered intentionally: "Let's fight, I really hope you piss him off, and when we meet him, he might come to our Mingyue Shenzhou, hehe..." What he said was ironic On the surface, he was helping everyone, but the implication was that he was helping Zhao Yufan, and his words really made everyone present dignified. If Zhao Yufan was really forced to seek refuge in Mingyue Shenzhou, what would happen to them? quite unfavorable.

Everyone looked nervously at Mingyuehuang'er beside Mingyue Taotian. Mingyuehuang'er's words must have more weight than his elder brother, so they wanted to see Mingyuehuang'er's attitude even more.

The bright moon emperor's beautiful eyes flowed, and the ruddy mouth slightly raised, revealing a gentle smile that could melt an iceberg, and said softly: "I think it's better for you not to touch him, you know his abilities best, some I don't need to say anything, even if he doesn't come to Mingyue Shenzhou, what do you think you can do with him?"

Everyone really didn't think about what to do with Zhao Yufan. They just wanted to suppress Zhao Yufan, so that Zhao Yufan would not be able to compete with them. As for what to do with Zhao Yufan, they really didn't think about it. Let Zhao Yufan know the difficulty and retreat.

But after being reminded by Emperor Mingyue, they suddenly thought of a question, that is, what should they do if they angered Zhao Yufan?Now that Bo Juntang has not been captured, if Zhao Yufan changes his mind to help Bo Juntang, wouldn't they be in danger? Even if Bo Juntang is destroyed, they never thought that they could really kill Zhao Yufan, if he really leaves , and retaliate against them in the future, how terrible the consequences would be. Taking ten thousand steps back, they can kill Zhao Yufan, but Zhao Yufan's life and death friends are also very difficult to deal with. Let's say the five girls, Huo Nu and Qing Zhu, as long as they are willing , any one of these powerful forces is willing to protect them. As for the price they will pay, no one has to think about it. For Zhao Yufan, they can be sure that a few girls can do anything.

The atmosphere was a bit silent, Mingyue Huanger and Mingyue Taotian left first, followed by Golden Snake and Jade Girl and Han Xiaosong, and then everyone from Five Elements City, etc. After they left, the number of people in the camp decreased a lot.

"They're right, what do you think we should do?" someone asked.

After a moment of silence, someone said, "Someone apologize to him, let's ease the relationship."

Everyone nodded, but who should apologize to Zhao Yufan?Everyone thought for a moment, and couldn't help but look at Tianbao King. It was Tianbao Wang who was in the early stage just now, so he must be the one who apologized.

King Tianbao's complexion was already ugly, but now he turned into a wilted eggplant. Unexpectedly, he was the one who offended people, and he was the one who was ashamed. After all, he is also the king of a province. He offended, now apologize to him, where do you want me to put my face?"

"So many things happened between you and Zhao Yufan, do you think you still have face in his eyes?" Bo Jun sneered, looking up at the tent, as if he didn't bother to look at King Tianbao.

The first deputy head of the six doors frowned slightly, looked at Bo Jun and scolded: "Shut up, you can humiliate King Tianbao? He did this for all of us. From now on, you don't need to think about what you say, so it's best not to say anything." After teaching Mr. Bo, he looked at the pale-faced Tianbao Wang: "My lord, how can you say that you and Zhao Yufan also have friendship, and you are better than us if you come forward. If it is impossible, let your son and the others go." .”

Hearing everyone's words, King Tianbao instantly aged dozens of years. He nodded weakly. He thought he could turn around this time, but unexpectedly the result was the same as before. He nodded in agreement, looked at Bao Yuan and Bao Xinrou, and His son and daughter did not look at him, but King Tianbao could see the disappointment on their faces, and he was also disappointed in himself. He got up slowly, and left the tent weakly, ready to apologize sincerely to Zhao Yufan.

(End of this chapter)

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