Swire Overlord

Chapter 99 A boy in the snow

Chapter 99
On the white snow, faint footprints appeared, and the footprints stretched all the way to the Shuanglongfeng Ghost Tower.

Under the Ghost Tower, Zhao Yufan looked in the direction of the Mingyue Department, and seemed to have forgotten Wan Kexin who had just arrived.

"Something happened!" Wan Kexin frowned.

"Have something happened to Han Bingyue and the others?" Zhao Yufan asked, and then added: "Did they cause trouble?"

Wan Kexin shook her head slightly, and said reluctantly: "Do you remember the matter of Shenlong?"

Thinking about Shenlong, Zhao Yufan's mouth flashed a sly smile, and nodded slightly: "Remember, is it about Shenlong?"

"Well, the suzerain has recently received secret protection. Not only did Qingyunzhuang's master 'Liang Gong' not die, but his strength has skyrocketed. He has reached the fifth level of a high-level martial artist. This person now lives in Maple Leaf Village near Liufeng Mountain!"

"Now the suzerain has sent Han Bingyue and others to hunt down Liang Gong, but Han Bingyue and others are not Liang Gong's opponents. I guess he sent Han Bingyue and others to let you go down the mountain to help them." Wan Kexin guessed the suzerain's intention. Intentionally, he looked deeply at Zhao Yufan, his eyes full of worry.

Zhao Yufan hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Has Han Bingyue set off?"

Wan Kexin nodded and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Liang Gong is insidious and cunning. I guess Shenlong once helped him, so his strength has skyrocketed. Han Bingyue and the others should have improved their strength now. Even if they are not Liang Gong's opponent, they will not be in danger, but... in Wanshou The mountain is too boring, I'd better go out for a walk."

Hearing that Zhao Yufan was about to leave the sect, Wan Kexin slightly raised her eyebrows and asked, "But, what if the suzerain punishes you for leaving the sect without permission?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Zhao Yufan jumped up, stood on the top of the ghost tower, and said with a sly smile: "So, I want him to agree!" After speaking, he looked towards the direction of the palace of deliberations, cast a spell to kill, and roared: "Disciple Zhao Yufan! I have to leave the Qinglan Sect for the time being, please grant permission from the Sect Master!"

"Disciple Zhao Yufan, I want to leave Qinglanzong, I hope the lord will allow it!"

"Zhao Yufan wants to leave Qinglanzong, please allow me!"

He roared three times, and the sound spread from the top of the ghost tower to several miles away, and the sound continued for a long time, echoing in the sky.

The disciples were busy with their own affairs. The sudden voice made them look in the direction of the ghost tower in surprise. Although many people couldn't see the people on the ghost tower or even the ghost tower, they could tell the words from the voice. The first person is Zhao Yufan, they are too familiar with this voice, because they can hear this voice every morning or night, so they remember it very firmly.

The suzerain could hear it too, he slowly closed his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Come here, inform Zhao Yufan that he can leave Qinglanzong temporarily!"

Countless people have heard what Zhao Yufan said, and they remember that Zhao Yufan said three sentences, the three sentences have the same meaning, but the words are different, and one sentence is shorter than one sentence.

It can be seen from his attitude that his tone is respect first, then politeness, and finally toughness. This is his attitude, his attitude towards Qinglanzong, and his attitude towards the suzerain.

The disciples were extremely surprised. In the entire Qinglan Sect, Zhao Yufan was probably the only one who dared to speak to the suzerain with such a changed tone, and after speaking, he was still safe and sound.

Soon, the disciples learned that the suzerain agreed to Zhao Yufan's temporary departure, which made the disciples even more puzzled. Zhao Yufan talked to the suzerain with this attitude, and the suzerain not only did not blame him, but agreed.

Zhao Yufan left, and the entire Qinglan Sect became calm at this moment.

There is only one Maple Leaf Village near Liufeng Mountain.

There are very few people in Fengye Village. There are only about 300 households, and the entire village has only [-] to [-] people. They live in harmony and do not contend with the world.However, recently, a group of unexpected guests came to the village.

This group of uninvited guests included Liang Gong, Han Bingyue, and others. Many people appeared here with the purpose of catching Liang Gong. Because Liang Gong seemed to have the secret of the dragon on him, many people wanted to catch him, not only It was Qing Lanzong who got the news, and other sects also got the news.

Today's weather is gloomy, with patches of cloudy clouds floating in the sky. Unknowingly, patches of snowflakes fall, and the earth is instantly covered with a layer of silver robes.

Maybe it was because of the snow, so the village was quiet and there was no sound.

"crunch, crunch..."

In the snow, the sound of stepping on the snow gradually appeared, the sound was very soft and crisp.

A young man in white robes, wearing wolf leather boots, suddenly stopped at the head of Yefeng Village. Despite the wind and snow blowing, his eyes swept across the two rows of houses on the left and right, and his eyes fell straight on the snow-white road between the two rows of houses. An expression of thought emerges from above.

Not only he was thinking, but also the group of uninvited guests temporarily living in the common people's house in Maple Leaf Village. They stared at the blurred figure at the head of the village along the window or the crack of the door, guessing who the people outside would be?
who is he?No one knew, Liang Gong didn't know, Han Bingyue and others didn't know, and the others didn't know.

Why don't you know?Because there was too much snow outside, because the man kept his head down, and because there was a layer of white snow hanging on his body, they didn't know.

The white-robed boy at the head of the village didn't move, and the wind and snow didn't stop, so he didn't move.

Gradually, the snow on his body became more and more, and he became a snowman.

He remained motionless, and the uninvited guests remained tense.

In a common people's house, Han Bingyue's face was as cold as the wind and snow outside, and other people's faces were also full of coldness, only Mo Qi had an impatient look.

Mo Qi secretly lay on the crack of the door, looked at the snow-white figure standing still, and cursed: "It's his uncle, is he sick?"

Han Bingyue looked at Bai Xue outside the window, and said coldly: "It's not that he's sick, he's waiting for us to go out!"

Can Yue nodded silently, frowned and said: "Although he has not moved, he has caused us invisible pressure, so that we have to go out to meet him, but let's wait, someone should be more nervous than us!"

There are indeed people who are more nervous than Canyue and the others, Liang Gong is particularly nervous, the people of Excalibur Sect are also nervous, the people of Tiangang Sect are also nervous, the people of Xingju Pavilion are also nervous, and the others are also nervous. They are no less nervous than Han Bing moon them.

The people of Xingju Pavilion finally couldn't bear it any longer. Although their Xingju Pavilion was not one of the six major sects, they belonged to the major sects in the Zimang Empire. Their goal has always been to become one of the six major sects. Now they have to prove that they are better than others. The disciples of the six sects are strong!

Therefore, people from the six major sects dare not go out, but those from Xingju Pavilion dare to go out.Xingju Pavilion's disciple 'Ye Tao', holding a long sword, pushed the door out.

The moment he opened the door, a gust of cold wind mixed with white snow came towards him, causing Ye Tao to shiver uncontrollably. He closed the door, frowned and stared at the snowman a hundred meters away. A killing intent flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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