Chapter 992 Half a Year
The savings that Zhao Yufan has praised over the years are quite huge. He has absorbed countless energies with the method of absorbing stars, and traces of energies enter his body along his hair and accumulate slowly.Soon, the energy he could hold had reached saturation, and if he continued to absorb it, it was estimated that he would explode and die due to the excessive energy he could not bear.

The blood lion was a little nervous, because Zhao Yufan's breakthrough was not something ordinary people could achieve. In the entire holy world, few people could reach that level, and Zhao Yufan was going to break through this level now. If he succeeded, he must be There are countless strong men in the entire holy world. If they fail, they will only die.

The blood lion was anxious and uneasy, but he had no choice but to squat aside silently, guarding Zhao Yufan.

As the battle turns and the stars move, the sun and the moon shuttle.

I don't know how long the time has passed, Zhao Yufan's body has been covered with a thick layer of dust, and the dust is still a little white, that is the snow on his body has just melted, the blood lion remembers very clearly, he and Zhao Yufan have already met here. It's been half a year.

The moment Zhao Yufan woke up, he asked, "How long has it been?"

"Half a year!" The blood lion replied helplessly.

"Half a year?" Zhao Yufan's expression changed. Half a year is enough time for many things to happen. He doesn't know what the situation is like now. What worries him most is Fanyue City.

Zhao Yufan didn't care about thinking too much, so he drove directly to the nearest city, wanting to find out the news. He pretended to be a passerby, and listened to people's discussions in teahouses and hotels, and he also roughly understood the current situation. The current situation of Fanyue City Not great, but not as bad as expected either.

The current situation is very unfavorable to Zhao Yufan's Fanyue City, but nothing major has happened in the three major divine states. Although there are frequent battles at the border, they can compete with the four major divine states, and the main purpose of Haoyue Divine State is Fanyue City. However, even with the help of the Huguotang, Fanyue City was not captured. This is still on the premise that the four daughters of Qingzhu and the Emperor Mingyue have not returned. If Qingzhu and the others return to Fanyue City, maybe Fanyue City can still organize Counterattack, anyway, Fanyue City is safe and sound, and there is no disturbance inside, but the five major divine states still have the upper hand, controlling Fanyue City and the three major divine states within a certain range.

Where exactly is Zhao Yufan?It has become the most mysterious thing today, and it has also become a taboo. No one knows why Zhao Yufan disappeared. The Eight Great Divine Regions sent countless people to investigate, but they didn't find Zhao Yufan.

"Do you want to surprise the enemy?" Blood Lion asked, he wanted to sneak attack the enemy with Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and chuckled, shook his head and said, "No, my appearance is the biggest surprise and attack for them."

Blood Lion and Zhao Yufan have been together for such a long time, and he still doesn't understand some things, so he didn't continue to ask. Instead, he returned to Fanyue City with Zhao Yufan. At this time, Fanyue City did not become defeated because of the war, but became more prosperous. The number of people has been continuously increasing. Now the people in Fanyue City are counted in hundreds of millions, and the army is also close to 4000 million, which can reach the level of all the people. Of the [-] million troops, [-] million are reserve troops. , They are ordinary people, but they enjoy the treatment of soldiers, so the enthusiasm for joining the army here is also very high.

"How do we go back?" Blood Lion asked.

Zhao Yufan scratched his head, looked at it in amazement and said, "Go back, do you still want to fly back?"

"No, I mean going back secretly, or going back directly." Blood Lion explained helplessly.

"Go back directly, we want everyone to see that we are back." Zhao Yufan strode forward and saw several of the 360 ​​cities standing there, and there were traces of war on the walls.

There are very few people in the holy world who don’t know Zhao Yufan. In the past, Zhao Yufan’s arrest warrants were flying all over the sky, and now his portraits are flying all over the sky, so the soldiers recognized him as soon as he arrived at the gate of the city, and they were all stunned. .

"Yes, is it Zhao Yufan?"

"It's him, it must be him, the city lord is back..."

"The city lord is back..."

The sound was like waves, undulating with each other, from 360 cities to 36 cities, to the Twelve God King City, and to the City Lord's Mansion in Fanyue City.

Han Bingyue and the others heard that Zhao Yufan was back. They didn't believe it at first, thinking it was an enemy's conspiracy, but when they heard that Zhao Yufan had already walked towards them, they felt that something was wrong, and followed everyone to the place where Zhao Yufan appeared .Sure enough, the person walking towards them was really Zhao Yufan. Han Bingyue and the others had the urge to cry with joy. They hadn't seen Zhao Yufan for half a year, and they didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Now they finally saw him appear, and they suppressed their emotions for half a year. Finally released.

"It's good to be back." Han Bingyue said lightly, with tears flickering in the corners of her eyes.

Can Yue frowned, exhaled lightly, and said nothing, but her trembling delicate body proved that she was very excited at the moment.

Lin Tao and Lin Yu glanced at each other, and their hearts were full of relief. They had been striving for Zhao Yufan's goal. Although it was impossible to catch up with him in their lifetime, they were still proud.

Mo Qi squeezed out a few tears, and grabbed Tie Yunshan excitedly, "He's back, he's finally back, I knew he couldn't die."

"Well, it's really not easy to die." Tie Yunshan said, he didn't know whether he was happy or surprised.

Amid the cheers and support of the crowd, Zhao Yufan entered the Mansion of the Lord of Fanyue City. They were the only ones left in the mansion, so they were welcome. Mo Qi couldn't help asking where Zhao Yufan had been in the past six months?
Zhao Yufan didn't tell everyone. Even if he did, they probably wouldn't believe it. Then someone can practice for half a year.He inquired about the recent situation, and the recent situation is not very good, because of the encirclement and control of Haoyue Shenzhou, their current food and supplies are a bit short, although they have been cultivating fertile land, but the food for so many people is not enough for them in Fanyue City , and need to buy from outside, but the people of Haoyue Shenzhou strictly forbid merchants to do business here, let alone doing business, it is impossible to come to Fanyue City, and now Fanyue City is an empire under siege.

However, Zhao Yufan's return seems to open a gap in the besieged empire, allowing Fanyue City to completely heal some minor problems. They knew how strong Zhao Yufan was. At the beginning, the Five National Guards jointly wanted to stop Zhao Yufan, but Zhao Yufan disappeared. Now that he is back, his cultivation must have improved, even if he didn’t Raise, terror is also a huge threat.

(End of this chapter)

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