Chapter 207

The smile is like the surface of the water blown away by the breeze, and it disappears in an instant. Afterwards, Xue Yunyan's voice resounded, warm and quiet, with a leisurely and distant emptiness, spreading in Fu Peng's ears: "Butterfly, stubborn stone."

It is the six small characters on today's Wei Zhiyue.

Fu Peng smiled.

"Lang Jun answered correctly." He said, he was relieved first.

The first question is answered correctly, which means that there is a [-]% chance that Mr. Xue Lang is the one the girl is looking for.However, Fu Peng did not dare to be sure, because there was still a question to ask.

He was not in a hurry to speak, first he thought about Qin Su's explanation carefully, and then he said slowly: "'Butterfly, stubborn stone', these six words are an allusion, and they happened on the body of Mr. Lang. Please tell me, sir, who is the person who uttered these six characters in this allusion?"

Between Xue Yunyan's calm eyebrows, something flashed by.

Such an expression rarely appeared on him.If Xue Yunheng was here, he would definitely make a fuss again, or make some sarcasm.

However, the room was very quiet.

Xue Dalang's strangeness was seen by no one except Fu Peng who knew nothing about him.

The silence is like water waves, slowly spreading away.

On Xue Yunyan's face, there seemed to be a look of reminiscence.

That was so long ago, he thought, so long ago that he had forgotten.

There seemed to be a familiar and kind face in front of his eyes, that face was full of wrinkles and full of grooves, only the eyes were as bright as a boy.

These eyes had accompanied him for a long time, and he even thought that he would be under the gaze of these eyes forever, rejoicing because of the joy of these eyes, and also introspected because of the solemnity of these eyes.

Xue Yunyan lowered his eyes slowly.

At that moment, there seemed to be a very faint sadness in the room, even though the sun was everywhere, it was still as bleak as autumn.

Fu Peng quietly raised his eyes to observe Xue Yunyan's reaction, while he was quickly recalling the answer given by Qin Su in his mind.

"Butterfly? Stubborn stone?"

At this time, Mr. Zhu, Xue Yunyan's teacher when he was young, asked him a question when he met him for the first time.

Qin Su learned about this matter from Yintang.

This incident happened when Xue Yunyan was seven or eight years old, and few people knew about it.In the previous life, until the 17th year of the Central Yuan Dynasty, Tao Ruohui, the teacher of the Xue Clan, was famous for his "Choose the Speech", and everyone remembered the previous masters of the Xue Clan, and this allusion between Xue Yunyan and his teacher was also In this way, it was passed on by someone with a heart, and spread all over the world.

It is said that when Xue Yunyan was a child, he actually had a disobedient period. Not only was he naughty and refused to study, but he also made troubles in different ways, which once caused Duke Xue a headache.So, the county magistrate found a learned master for him, that is Mr. Zhu.On the first day that Mr. Zhu met Xue Yunyan, he asked him to guess riddles.

According to legend, Mr. Zhu curled one hand into a fist in front of Xue Yunyan, and asked Xue Yunyan to guess what was in his hand. If he guessed right, he was allowed not to study in the future.Mr. Zhu gave Xue Yunyan two choices, which were the six words written by Qin Su on Weizhiyue:

"Butterfly? Stubborn stone?"

Choose one of the two, and you don't need to read if you get the right answer.

This kind of riddle guessing was really attractive to the young Xue Yunyan, so he simply chose the stubborn stone.

He is naturally intelligent, and this answer has been measured several times.In his opinion, the butterfly's choice is to feint and lead people to make mistakes, while the stubborn stone is the right choice.

After he gave the answer, Mr. Zhu opened his palm, and what he was holding was a dead chrysalis.

The shape is round like a rock, but the essence is still a butterfly.

That is to say, no matter how Xue Yunyan answered at that time, it could be regarded as right or wrong.

Mr. Zhu said that Xue Yunyan gave the wrong answer.

Xue Yunyan refused, so Mr. Zhu said something meaningful, he said: "This chrysalis is you. If you don't work hard at this time, then you will be like this stiff chrysalis, with the passage of time. Gradually turn into a rock, and there will never be a moment when you break out of the cocoon. At that time, you can only watch others turn into butterflies and swim in the world, but you are confined in the same place all your life, and there will be no more Inch."

When Xue Yunyan was a child, he was enlightened by this word, and he suddenly came to his senses. From then on, he collected his mind, studied hard, and finally achieved something.

This very instructive speech was later improved in many scriptures and became a story of the Three Kingdoms. Whether it is the noble families of the Zhao State or the powerful families of the Tang State, all of them regard this matter as an education for the younger generation. When Qin Su traveled between Chen and Zhao, he had heard countless rumors about these six characters.And the six words like aphorisms are also spread everywhere because of their profound meaning.

Speaking of which, she doesn't know whether the second half of this matter is true or not. She only knows that those six words are true, and the person who said these six words is indeed Mr. Zhu, Xue Yunyan's professional teacher. What she knows better is that in the early summer of the 13th year of Zhongyuan, almost no one knew about this matter.

Qin Su took this as the topic, hoping that he could accurately deliver the letter to Xue Yunyan.

Compared to Xue Yunheng, Xue Yunyan's weight in the Xue family is obviously heavier.

What's more, she also ruined a good story about this Xue Dalang's marriage. With her intervention, Xue Yunyan missed his destined lover.

For Qin Su, this marriage is extremely important and must be continued.Therefore, she needs Xue Yunyan's belief in Ziwei Doushu, even if she only believes [-]%.

As long as the letter is delivered to him, Qin Su still has [-]% confidence in getting the letter.And with Xue Yunyan's [-]% trust, coupled with the situation she set up before, the name of Dongling wild old man will definitely make the Xue family look even more fancy.

Naturally, Fu Peng knew nothing about Qin Su's schemes.

At this moment, he was standing in front of the book desk in the upper room, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

At noon in April, the temperature is not low, and you will sweat all over your head after standing for a long time.

Seeing that Xue Yunyan kept his eyes down and remained silent, Fu Peng raised his sleeve and wiped his forehead.

At this moment, Xue Yunyan who was opposite suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at him lightly.

Fu Peng's heart trembled, he quickly stood still with his head down, paused, and finally couldn't help reminding softly: "Mr. Lang, have you thought about the answer to that question?"

Xue Yunyan turned his gaze away, let out a sigh, and Fang said slowly: "Those six words were said by Mr. Zhu, my professional teacher when I was young."

Fu Peng felt relieved.

Sure enough, this Mr. Xue Lang was right.

"Lang Jun's answer is correct." He said with a smile, the frown that was frowned just now was completely relaxed.

Xue Yunyan didn't look at him, but only stopped his gaze at the window, where a few tree shadows were reflected and were gently swaying in the breeze.

 Thank you Xiangyun Piaopiaoxi, the sachet of Yueying*Luoyi children's shoes, thank you for the two safety charms of Anlesi children's shoes, thank you for the peach blossom fan and safety charm of Zhenyiyi children's shoes, thank you for the unbearable light distribution, Qing Nifu The safe talisman of Mingyue and Qiandai 977 children's shoes.Thank you for the children's shoes who voted for the author.

(End of this chapter)

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