Fighting Fans of the Far Away

Chapter 36 Volcanic Stone Flame

Chapter 36 Volcanic Stone Flame
"What is this?" At this moment, Hen was looking at a drawing made of fur in a cave he had just found.

This time, I got a ring from the red-robed old man and Lin Hua each, and got almost 50 gold coins from the ring, and the Erwen Qingling Pill, which was sold for 50 at the auction. A kind of black hemp produced from the volcano in the west of the mainland, a mysterious mid-level flying fighting skill called Pegasus Flying Wings, a piece of good-looking meteorite, and a fifth-rank pill that can completely restore some strengths that have declined due to seals or internal injuries. Medicine Rejuvenation Purple Pill.

What surprised him the most was a treasure map.

With the light of the fire, Hen carefully checked the information hidden in the treasure map.Holding the treasure map, I can feel a little warmth from it, which should be made of the fur of a certain kind of fire-attribute monster.

This is a complete treasure map. On the treasure map is a map. The entire map is very large, with mountains, rivers, seas, islands... There are a few lines of text in the narration, a total of two sentences.

"The volcanic stone flame is hidden in an island called Volcanic Island in the sea of ​​the Sky Star Archipelago. In the magma river deep in the volcanic island, it is born from a piece of Martian rock that has been tempered by the magma for tens of thousands of years. "

"Remember: below Dou Zong, it is strictly forbidden to act alone."

Volcanic stone flame?Hen looked at these two sentences, and the word "different fire" suddenly flashed in his mind.

Different Fire is a unique power system in Dou Break World.

In this vast expanse of heaven and earth, there are some strange fires from heaven and earth, maybe the cluster of flames carried by the center of the meteorite that fell from the sky, or maybe it is the lava and ground fire that has been forged for thousands of years in the depths of the volcano... These strange fires The power of fire is much stronger than the flames catalyzed by battle qi. It can also increase the potency of pills by refining medicine. , and it is extremely difficult to accept it for your own use.

Many alchemists have searched for the strange fire all their lives, but in the end they never got what they wanted. After all, if you want to control the strange fire, you need to introduce the flame into your body, and all the strange fires are violent and destructive things, even if they are Some metal materials known for their sturdiness cannot withstand the calcination of the strange fire, and the fragile human body is undoubtedly igniting the flames.Therefore, only a very few lucky ones, by chance, are able to refine a small cluster of strange fires and cultivate them into their own fire seeds, and these people, without exception, are all leaders in the alchemy world.

However, the attraction of different fires to pharmacists is still huge, so the alchemist community in Douqi Continent compiled the now-known different fires into a "List of Different Fires", of which there are 23 kinds in total.Different Fire is a unique power system in Dou Break World.

In this vast expanse of heaven and earth, there are some strange fires from heaven and earth, maybe the cluster of flames carried by the center of the meteorite that fell from the sky, or maybe it is the lava and ground fire that has been forged for thousands of years in the depths of the volcano... These strange fires The power of fire is much stronger than the flames catalyzed by battle qi. It can also increase the potency of pills by refining medicine. , and it is extremely difficult to accept it for your own use.

Many alchemists have searched for the strange fire all their lives, but in the end they never got what they wanted. After all, if you want to control the strange fire, you need to introduce the flame into your body, and all the strange fires are violent and destructive things, even if they are Some metal materials, which are famous for their sturdiness, cannot withstand the calcination of the strange fire, and the fragile human body is undoubtedly setting itself on fire.Therefore, only a very few lucky ones, by chance, are able to refine a small cluster of strange fires and cultivate them into their own fire seeds, and these people, without exception, are all leaders in the alchemy world.

However, the attraction of different fires to pharmacists is still huge, so the alchemist community in Douqi Continent compiled the now-known different fires into a "List of Different Fires", of which there are 23 kinds in total.

Although the Misty Cloud Sect is only in the middle and lower positions among the first-class forces in the Northwest Continent now, as the former overlord of the Northwest Continent, its background is still there.Thanks to the rich collection of the Yunlanzong Book Collection Pavilion, Chen found a record about the strange fire in an ancient book.Hen is very interested in this kind of strange fire. After all, he is from the Uchiha clan and has dealt with fire since he was a child.And Naruto World does have flames similar to "different fires", such as Itachi and Sasuke's Amaterasu.

"The volcanic stone flame that ranks seventeenth in the different fire list? Interesting, I don't know who is more powerful than Amaterasu." At this point, Hen gently stroked his eyes and said to himself.

However, although he has obtained information about "Volcanic Stone Flame" and knows the location, Hen will not consider looking for "Volcanic Stone Flame" in a short time.

There are two reasons. One is that I have never heard of the Tianxing Islands, so it is naturally impossible to know the location.Looking at the map on the treasure map, I can see that there are countless islands in the vast and boundless sea in the painting, which really look like stars in the sky.And on an island deep in the sea, there is a flame mark painted on it, which should be the location of the volcanic stone flame.

The second is that the treasure map mentions that only those of the Dou Zong level can go there alone. It can be seen that it is not easy to recover this "volcanic stone flame". As far as the strength of my six-star Dou Ling is concerned, I still need to wash it off. sleep.

"It seems that when we have time in the future, we need to check the location of the Sky Star Islands carefully," Hen said lightly, "But don't worry, Dou Zong, it will take at least a few years to reach it."

(End of this chapter)

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