Fighting Fans of the Far Away

Chapter 48 Advanced Fighting King

Chapter 48 Advanced Fighting King
Hen didn't take the matter of compromising with Xue Jian to heart, after all, the most important thing right now was cultivation.Now I am already the second best in the inner courtyard, and I will have enough "fire energy" income every month.Although because of the cultivation of the shadow clone, his fire energy consumption is almost seven or eight times that of others, but because of Zi Yan, he does not lack that thing at all.So there is no need to squander the fire energy on the fire crystal card that Su Qian gave him in less than ten days like when he just entered the inner courtyard, so that he has to hunt monsters, obtain magic cores or talk to people in the inner courtyard. Gain fire energy by competing in the arena.

Inside the Sky Burning Gas Training Tower
A relatively spacious practice room with a stone placed in the room.At this moment, Hen was sitting cross-legged on the stone bed, operating the mental method of the Misty Cloud Sect that he had practiced, condensing a steady stream of fighting energy in the fighting energy crystal nucleus.

Hen suddenly noticed a cluster of strange flames inexplicably appearing in his body, and he couldn't help feeling a little flustered. This cluster of flames was so weird that it was beyond common sense. I'm afraid they wouldn't regard this cluster of slightly distorted invisible strange objects as a kind of flame.This cluster of invisible flames is not too powerful, but the human body is always the most vulnerable place. Here, even the Douhuang strongman dare not let the energy of unknown origin break in at will. As long as there is a little damage to anything, the loss will be incalculable, and even permanent.

Since the appearance of this cluster of invisible flames, the high temperature radiating from it has caused the meridians, bones, muscles and other organs in Ling's body to start to feel a little tingling pain. Hen understands that this is a precursor to being burned by high temperature , if it continues like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before the meridians in the body, etc., will lose their function under this damn flame, and once the meridians lose their function, then for a person who cultivates Dou Qi , Undoubtedly, it is the ending of being reduced to trash!

"As expected of a training accelerator!" Dou Qi spewed out suddenly, and immediately rushed into the invisible flames under the gaze of He Xinshen.The surface of the invisible flame was extremely small, so not even a second passed, and the grudge that rushed into the flame pierced out from the other side again.

"This..." Tightly controlling the battle qi that passed through the invisible flame, Hen was shocked to find that the originally rather thick battle qi had shrunk by nearly [-]% after passing through the invisible flame twice as much.However, even though the volume has been doubled, the much smaller Dou Qi gives Hen an extremely solid feeling, just like when the Dou Qi passes through an invisible flame, it will be a little bit scattered by it The vindictive energy of the two is tightly twisted together. As a result, the force that can be erupted from this much smaller vindictive energy is definitely greater than the previous turbulent vindictive energy.

With the help of Falling Heart Flame, Hen Na's strength at the seven-star Dou Ling has made unprecedented progress, almost a perverted improvement speed of one star a month, which naturally makes the students, elders, and even the vice president of Canaan College All expressed surprise.

"This pervert!!!" Wu Tianlang, Xue Jian and other people who had been anxious with Hen were all envious and jealous. Even Su Qian was a little ashamed after learning about this, and she was not so perverted when she was young.


"Okay, it's time to practice, and strive to become a fighting king within this year!"

He wiped out the last bun in his hand, and continued to sit cross-legged on the stone bed, attacking the Dou Wang.

Practice is the most time consuming, anyway, when he is hungry, he goes to the restaurant in the inner courtyard to buy something to eat.Anyway, I have gold coins, and I don't care about such a small consumption. I can't be sorry for my stomach.

Have you finally broken through? Hen happily felt the fighting spirit in his body.At this time, the sea urchin-shaped bucket crystal has completely disappeared.Following a rumbling sound in the body, streams of mighty battle energy like floods rushed out from all over the body, and finally flowed in the crystal meridians.And amidst the rush of battle qi, the tough and strong meridians were like a dam built long ago, filled with raging water, the meridians contracted and expanded, making an inaudible sound of joy.

These grudges gushed out directly from various parts of the body, instead of appearing just after the cyclone circulated as before.

When Hen came to his senses, he stared at his hands, and suddenly shook them!With the grip of Qi Lan, the space in front of him suddenly fluctuated, as if the space had been pinched and exploded.Then he dissipated the energy on his palm, and his shoulders trembled slightly. Immediately, the battle energy in his body suddenly surged out, and finally along a strange meridian route, finally surged out from his back.

"Peng!" The black fighting spirit wings shot out from behind fiercely, with a width of more than one foot and a long arc, like the wings of an angel, gorgeous and stunning.

"No, the wings of an angel are white, and these are more like the wings of a fallen angel." Hen tilted his head slightly, looking at the black wings of a fallen angel stretched from behind, and smiled self-deprecatingly.He didn't practice flying fighting skills, nor did he use other powers. He completely relied on himself to display his fighting spirit.

"Dou Wang, you can barely be considered a master now." Fanning his fighting spirit wings, he slowly flew away from the ground.Hen clenched his fists, feeling the power of the Dou Wang rank, and it really couldn't be compared with Dou Ling.

The symbol of the Dou Wang "fighting spirit transforming into wings", Hen has finally stepped into the ranks of the strong in the mainland!Although he is only the lowest level strongman, he finally has the qualifications to attack the strongest.On the Dou Qi Continent, the most common people are those low-level cannon fodders, who have been running around all their lives, not to mention fighting kings, and they can't even reach the level of a great fighting master. They can only grit their teeth and hold on, hoping to become a strong one one day.The greater the hope, facing the ensuing blow, I can only bury my unwillingness in my heart, and finally accept the fate of cannon fodder silently.Hen is much luckier than them.

The gap between Dou Wang and Dou Ling, in the eyes of a real strong man, only when he reaches Dou Wang can he be called a strong man, even though he is only the lowest level strong man.

It is true that everyone under the Dou Wang is an ant!

(End of this chapter)

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