Chapter 51
One month after Danghen broke through Douhuang, Yunlanshan, the gate of life and death.

The three Dou Wang elders of the Yunlan Sect guarding the Life and Death Gate of the Secret Realm, looked at the funnel-shaped energy storm over the Life and Death Gate, and couldn't help being shocked. This kind of momentum is probably the young master of the Secret Realm, and Yun Yun is breaking through the fighting Emperor!

Yun Cha spread his green wings and said, "I'm going to report to the suzerain, you stay here." After speaking, he spread his green wings and shot towards Yunlan Hall like light and electricity.

With such momentum, Yunshan had already noticed it, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the old ancestor Yun Potian was really powerful in creating the Gate of Life and Death!To be able to break through from Dou Ling to Dou Huang in three years!It is gratifying that Yunlanzong has a Douhuang strongman from now on.

Thinking about it, Yun Shan would never forget his business, and quickly ordered all the elders to wait outside the gate of life and death with him, just waiting for Yun Yun to leave the gate.

Feeling the torrential momentum of the Gate of Life and Death, Yun Shan was even more sure that Yun Yun had already broken through to the realm of Dou Huang, and he couldn't help nodding his head to praise himself as the only direct disciple. Not much.

"I don't know how far that boy Hen is at Canaan Academy." Looking at the looming figure in the energy layer inside the Gate of Life and Death, Yunshan suddenly remembered that Hen left Yunlan Mountain three years ago to go out and wander away.

In the secret realm of the gate of life and death, Yun Yun felt the majestic and steady fighting spirit in her body, thinking that she would soon see her teacher who had been away for two years, and thinking about receiving the inheritance alone in the past two years, some people couldn't help crying.

Finally, the space door of the Secret Realm of the Gate of Life and Death opened, and Yun Yun spread her fighting spirit, and her graceful figure like a willow fluttering catkins suddenly appeared on the square of Yunlan Mountain.

"Teacher, Yun'er does not live up to everyone's expectations, she has already broken the Douhuang!!!" Looking at the leader among the many figures on the square, Yun Yun's nose turned red, and the scene of the master and apprentice parting three years ago appeared in her mind again. in the head.

"Good! Good! Good! Yun'er, you only stayed in the gate of life and death for one year longer than you were a teacher, but you were already a two-star Dou Huang on the day you left the gate. You really deserve to be a rare genius in my Yunlan sect for a hundred years." " Having said that, Yun Shan couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, the excitement was beyond words.

At this time, Yunshan suddenly remembered that more than ten years ago, he passed by a village on the outskirts of the imperial capital that was destroyed by a plague that year, and found that there was no peace in the past, and instead, it was devastated by the plague. .There are almost no people in the village. Those who died of illness died of illness, and those who survived have already moved away.Just as he was shaking his head and was about to leave, Yun Shan cast a casual glance. He vaguely saw a family not far away. The courtyard seemed to be neat and tidy, and the lanterns were still lit. Obviously, there were still people living here. .Or driven by curiosity, Yun Shan went straight to the hut.

There was a little girl sitting at the door of the hut. The girl was estimated to be only five or six years old, with delicate features, and she was holding an old book by the light and reading it quietly.Her face was very calm, with a slight smile, but in the empty village in this gloomy morning, she appeared a little sad.

Yun Shan asked her name, is her family still there?She just smiled faintly and said that her name was Xiaoyun, her father had left, her mother had left, her brothers and sisters had all left, and she was the only one left.

Yun Shan smiled wryly and shook his head. He walked forward and was about to hold the little girl's hand, but he suddenly felt the little girl's amazing fighting spirit talent.Yun Shan suddenly understood, no wonder this weak little girl survived the plague.

Yun Shan asked her if she would like to go back to the sect to practice with him, but she just said softly: "I, can I call you teacher?"

Yun Shan held her little hand tightly and said softly: "From now on, I will be your teacher and your father, and Yun Lan will be your home, and I will never let you suffer again!"

She still didn't smile, just nodded slightly, slowly got up and knocked the door lightly, then didn't look back, and followed Yunshan back to the sect...

"Wizard?" Yun Yun recollected the teacher's words, raised her head slightly, and quietly looked at the sea of ​​clouds surrounding the peak of Yunlan Mountain. The moon-white dress and robe she wore looked a little bleak.

"Alas~" Recalling the old and steady thin figure wrapped in black clothes, Yun Yun sighed, lowered her head and rubbed the three thousand black hairs hanging down her shoulders with her fingers, a complicated look flickered in her eyes Guang Guang said softly, "I don't know what he looks like now?"

Sky Burning Qi Training Tower, bottom floor.

This is an extremely spacious and empty space in the tower, covering an extremely large area. If there is no Falling Heart Flame, which is about to begin to manifest its wisdom, at a glance, it may feel empty.

At this time, he has already used the penetration, and the trace of the hidden breath is standing here. Relying on Sharingan, he can see a huge hole with a width of tens of meters in the center of the bottom layer, and there is still room around the hole. The trace of the seal, this is the seal hole of Falling Heart Flame!
Inside the entrance of the cave is hot and viscous magma surging undercurrents, unfathomably deep.Looking at the blood-red magma, suddenly, Hen felt a strong warmth in his heart at some point, and this thick warmth dissipated in an instant, making Hen startled.

"What's going on, why do I feel this way?" He touched his chest in doubt, recalling the warmth, smiled again, and laughed at himself, "Forget it, maybe it's because of the burning of the sky." Because of staying in the tower for a long time, it is better to finish the matter early and leave."

Recalling the novel, the pig’s feet seemed to be at the bottom of the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, and encountered some adventure, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Hen’s mouth, and at the same time, the three Gouyu in the scarlet blood pupils suddenly spun , into a triangle.

"It just so happens that my kaleidoscope Sharingan has cultivated the "Shenwei" today, so let me see what kind of adventures there are under the Qi Refining Pagoda."

(End of this chapter)

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