Chapter 60
"Brother Zhishui! Come down to eat!"

In a huge Japanese-style two-storey house, a girl in a light white dress is standing on the first floor, loudly reminding the second floor.Although this young girl's appearance is not stunning, she can still be said to be a rare beauty, with a lightly smiling face exuding a fresh and ethereal aura, a unique aura.

"I'm coming."

A rush of footsteps came from the stairwell, and Shisui, who was still arranging ninja tools in the room on the second floor, heard the soft voice from the first floor, and hurried down from the second floor.

Seeing the various dishes that had been prepared on the dining table, Zhishui looked at the girl very happily, and said with a smile, "Xiao Yixian, thank you so much."

Both Hen and Zhishui are not good at cooking. Before the little doctor came, they could only eat simple food such as barbecue and broth. Sometimes, in order to improve the food, they would ride Moying to Qingshan Town ten miles away Eating out.

"It's nothing, you and that Senior Hen allowed me to come here to collect herbs, and also allowed me to live here, it's nothing if I cook for you two."

The girl named Little Doctor Fairy covered her mouth and laughed softly.The little fairy doctor didn't know if he had some kind of luck, but accidentally discovered a hidden valley where all kinds of precious medicinal herbs grew.When she entered the valley here to collect herbs, she met Zhishui who was collecting herbs for traces here.After seeing Zhishui, I was told that there were already people living here.

The little fairy doctor felt a little regretful, and was reluctant to part with the rich medicinal materials here, so he boldly asked Zhishui to allow her to come here to collect medicinal materials in the future.As a result, when the little fairy doctor came here to collect herbs for the second time, he met Zhishui who had been waiting here for a long time. Zhishui told the little doctor Xianhen that she could not only collect herbs here in the future, but also live in their house. The premise is that the little doctor will cook for him and Hehen.

When the little fairy doctor saw the Japanese-style two-storey house made by Hen with a wooden escape, he was shocked.I used to live in small wooden huts, thatched huts, etc. I didn't expect to see such a magnificent house here.

In the house, the little doctor met with Hen, and Hen just told her that she could collect medicine here in the future, or find a room in her own house to live in, provided that she had to cook for him and Zhishui.After finishing speaking, he asked Zhishui to entertain the little doctor, and he went to retreat to practice.

"Brother Zhishui," at the dining table, the little fairy doctor looked at Zhishui who was still drinking soup, and asked with some doubts, "Where is Senior Hen? Why haven't I seen him these days?"

"You mean senior?" Zhishui took a sip of the mushroom soup and said with a smile, "Senior just left customs a few days ago and went out to do some errands, so he won't be here these days."

"Is that so?" The little medical fairy rolled her black and white eyeballs and asked again, "Brother Zhishui, what is your cultivation level now?"

"Me?" Zhi Shui was taken aback for a moment, then smiled cheerfully, "It's just a big fighter."

"You're actually a Great Fighter?" Little Doctor Immortal exclaimed, unexpectedly Zhishui was a Great Fighter.One must know that in Qingshan Town where Little Doctor Immortal is located, the most powerful force is the Langtou mercenary group, one of the three major mercenary groups, and the most powerful of the Langtou mercenary group is the head of the group, Mu Snake, a two-star fighter.

"There's nothing to say." Zhishui shook his head and said with a wry smile. He had learned some common sense from the Jia Ma Empire. The status of an ordinary Chunin.I used to be an elite Jōnin in the Anbu, but I didn't expect that in the backwaters of the Jia Ma Empire, which my predecessors said, I could only be regarded as a "Chunin". Can I not hit people?
"Brother Zhishui, what's the matter with you?" The little fairy doctor looked at the somewhat lost Zhishui, and asked with concern, "Da Doushi is a very powerful person." The little doctor grew up in Qingshan Town, and never After leaving Qingshan Town within a hundred miles, she has met the strongest person, that is, a two-star fighter.This young man who has been together for more than two years, is cheerful and gentle, and often laughs, is actually a big fighter, can she not be shocked?

"Alas," Zhishui smiled helplessly seeing the little fairy doctor looking at him with admiration.After all, Little Fairy Doctor is just a well-known doctor in a small town.As for himself, he used to be on the battlefield and was famous in the ninja world as "Shinshi Shishui".As the saying goes, "The higher you stand, the farther you can see", the vision of myself and the little doctor is very different.

"Brother Zhishui, what is Senior Hen's cultivation level?" Little Immortal Doctor asked, biting his lip, with big bright eyes.

"That's it!" Zhishui suddenly became a little speechless, but Hen had told himself not to easily disclose information about his own strength in front of strangers.

At the same time, the city of Wutan hundreds of miles away

"After so many years, Utan City is still like this."

Hen walks on the bustling street, with various shops on both sides, selling all kinds of medicinal materials and even materials in the Warcraft Mountains. Adventurers and mercenaries come here in an endless stream, and it is these people who prop up the entire Wukong The prosperity of Tancheng.

I still remember that when I came to Wutan City, I was still a "little ghost" who had just arrived in the Douqi Continent, and Yun Yun was still a bit arrogant girl at that time.By the way, thinking of Yun Yun, I don't know how she is doing after so many years?
I heard that Yun Yun is now the current suzerain of the Misty Cloud Sect, and he is also the Dou Huang. He is ranked fourth in the list of the top ten powerhouses in the Jia Ma Empire, second only to Jia Xing Tian, ​​the guardian of the Jia Ma royal family. Fa Ma, the president of the pharmacist union, and her teacher, old man Yunshan.Well, although compared with myself, it is still far behind.

"I don't know if that kid is okay?" He stopped in front of the gate of Xiao's mansion, looked at the mansion comparable to BJ Prince Gong's mansion, there was no wavering in Hen's heart, and he even wanted to laugh, it was really because of Xiao Yan, who was also a time traveler. It's really not a good mix, it's not as good as a "second-wear" foreigner like myself.I have been in the Dou Qi Continent for ten years, and I am already a five-star Dou Zong. As for Xiao Yan, he has a third-level Dou Qi.

You read that right, the third stage of fighting spirit. At the age of 15, it is not too much to say that he is a good-for-nothing.But it's strange to say that, according to the information I collected before, Xiao Yan, this little brat, after he left, became the ninth stage of Dou Qi at the age of ten, condensed the cyclone to become a fighter at the age of 11, and successfully condensed the Dou Qi at the age of 11. He became the youngest fighter in the family within a hundred years.It stands to reason that the current Xiao Yan is at least a three-star fighter, but who knows that he became a fighter at the age of 12, but his skills have regressed for three consecutive years and remained at the third stage of fighting spirit.

"That's not right, it's unscientific to stay at the third stage of Dou Zhiqi for three consecutive years." Hen thought with some doubts, and felt that Xiao Yan's experience was a bit strange.

"Forget it, don't want to, go and see him first."

(End of this chapter)

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