Fighting Fans of the Far Away

Chapter 74 Furukawa's Ambition

Chapter 74 Furukawa's Ambition

Take the thick-winged bird and head towards the Tagore Desert, soaring in the sky, overlooking the retreating forest below.But this flying speed is not very fast, not even as fast as the ink eagle I drew.

But during the flight in the past few days, Hen can study the newly acquired power well.

With one palm, a purple flame appeared in his hand. Under the continuous output of Chakra, the purple flame was burning violently.

"Is this the Ziding Skyfire that the Amethyst Wing Lion King was born with... Indeed, the flame has reached a mature stage. There is a trace of the violent soul power of the Amethyst Wing Lion King in the flame, and the physical destructive power of the flame is also very strong , although it is not as good as the different fire." He murmured, "I tried it last time, using Ziding Tianhuo to increase the power of the fire escape, this method is indeed feasible. It is only a C-level fire escape, and four fighting spirits jointly fight Defense by all means is like paper in front of Huo Dun. In this case, the power of Huo Dun has indeed increased a lot, but the accompanying chakra consumption has more than doubled, but compared to before The Falling Heart Flame is still very cost-effective, at least when dealing with some not very strong guys."

Hen retracted his palm, and retracted Ziding Tianhuo.

The breeze blew past, bringing with it a sultry atmosphere. He bent down and looked down, and saw that after turning over several major mountains, what came into view was a boundless desert of yellow sky. In less than half a day, , you can reach Iron Desert City.

In the vast desert, the golden sand is the only main theme here. The strong wind carries the sand and sweeps across the sky and the earth.

Hen said lightly, "Let's go here... I heard that there are many elixir in the Tagore Desert. When you get here, you should first look for it in the medicine shop in the city. If you can't find it, go look for it in the desert."

"By the way, there is also that Pill King Guhe, he is not staying in Yunlan Mountain, what is he doing in this land of yellow sand? Do you want to go and see?"

When he was still hundreds of meters away from Tiemo City, Hen jumped from the back of the thick-winged bird and jumped down in the sky!
This jumped from a height of thousands of meters. If others saw this, they would definitely be dumbfounded for a while.After all, generally speaking, only those who are above the King of Fighters will have the ability to fight in the sky.Dou Qi turns into wings!Soar high in the sky.

This falls at a height of thousands of meters, even if it is a strong fighting spirit, it will be uncomfortable in comparison, right?But to Hen who is already an Eight-Star Douzong, it's nothing.

Stepping on the loose yellow sand, under the scorching sun, you not only have to feel the scorching sun above your head, but also the hot yellow sand under your feet.

Hen slowly bent down, touched the yellow sand underneath with one hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and keenly felt that the yellow sand contained much stronger fire attribute energy than other places.Generally speaking, in a place like a desert, the sand contains a lot more energy of the fire attribute and earth attribute, but generally the energy of the earth attribute is still the main one.However, the sand here is dominated by energy of the fire attribute, which is weird.

Hen opened Sharingan, and immediately under the vision of Sharingan, earth attribute energy sparsely covered the ground, countless red dots formed intricate and small paths, extending from the depths of the ground to the ground, and the fire attribute energy It's still going up slowly.Hen narrowed his eyes slightly, "These fire-attributed energies come up from the depths of the ground? Could it be that there is something under the Tagore Desert?
"Could it be that the fact that Pill King Guhe came here has something to do with the things under the desert?" Scarlet's eyes flickered slightly, and he said calmly, "It seems that there will be some surprises during this trip to the Great Tagore Desert."

Entering Iron Desert City, Hen has no interest in those desert buildings that are quite different from the architectural styles in the empire, as well as bold men and women with revealing clothes.He found a random passer-by, asked about the biggest pharmacy in the city, and ran in the direction of the pharmacy.

"Sir, this is the fifth-grade elixir five-color grass you want."

In a pharmacy called Huangshazhai, a young girl in her twenties was respectfully handing a jade box to the front of the counter.Wearing a long red dress, she is the niece of the boss of Huangshazhai. Although she is a woman, she is a second-grade pharmacist. She is well-known in the entire Iron Desert City, and she is also a flower in the Iron Desert City...

"Yeah." Hen reached out to take the jade box, didn't care about the girl's strange eyes, opened the healing box directly, looked at the five-colored grass shining with five kinds of light in the box, nodded in satisfaction, and took out a jade bottle from the ring , on the counter.

"A three-grain green panacea." In Huangshazhai, Hen found the fifth-grade elixir and five-color grass that he urgently needed, but the price was not low. After all, it was a fifth-grade elixir. Pin elixir in exchange.But it's nothing, anyway, I still have a lot of third- and fourth-grade pills in my body, some of which I made myself, some I got after conflicts with people outside, and some I got from the remains.

"Three patterns of green spirit pill!" The girl opened the jade bottle, poured the pill into her jade palm, looked at the pill with three circles of pill patterns in her hand, and said in surprise.My uncle had just broken through to a Great Fighter not long ago, if he could take this three-patterned green elixir, he might be promoted to a four-star Great Fighter, and Huang Shazhai would become the top force in Iron Desert City by then.

Although in Huangshazhai, Hen found the fifth-grade elixir five-color grass, but did not find the fourth-grade elixir Shamahua. According to the girl, she was late, and the Shamahua was sold out in a few days. The strong bought it.If you want to get Shamahua in Huangshazhai, you may have to wait for some time.There is no way, it seems that I have to go to the depths of the Tagore Desert to find it myself.

"Sir," while Hen was still thinking, the girl's crisp voice interrupted his train of thought.

"what's up?"

The girl put a smile on her face, put away the jade bottle, and said, "Looking at Mr., I'm afraid you don't know that Pill King Guhe has come to Tiemo City, right? It is said that Pill King Guhe is now sending out invitation letters widely and hiring strong men above Dou Ling with a lot of money." I think Mr. is quite capable, so you can go to Shajin Restaurant to try it out, and if you meet the requirements of Pill King Furukawa, you can help Pill King. Pill King is a fifth-rank pharmacist, so he must be generous!"

Speaking of this, a frenzy flashed in the girl's eyes. After all, Gu He was quite influential in the Jia Ma Empire, not to mention that the girl was a second-rank pharmacist, and she admired Alchemy Gu He very much.

"Shajin Restaurant? Alright, let's go and see what this guy Furukawa has planned."

Hen who had made up his mind, his dark eyes flashed brightly, and said, "Thank you very much."

In the most upscale alluvial gold inn in Iron Desert City, in a luxurious room, there was a wide and long square table. On the chief seat was a middle-aged man in a black robe.A head of gray and white flowing hair, deep eyes with a hint of evil light green, sleeves tied with quaint cloud-like lines, and a handsome face with vicissitudes unique to mature men smell.

Fingers tapped lightly on the table, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

However, both sides of the table were filled with figures of all kinds. The first person sitting at the bottom left of Furukawa was a woman in a black robe, but judging from the bumpy figure, it was a woman.

And the first person on the right is a big man with a rough brown hedgehog head, brown eyes like a ferocious giant, and a bit of rebelliousness between his brows, but when his eyes wandered to the person in front of him When it was a woman in a black robe, she always turned away immediately, not daring to look too much.

Similarly, the second person on the right is a tall and thin middle-aged man with gray hair. He is wearing a dark green tight-fitting suit, which makes him look even thinner. However, he can be seen slanting to one side on the stool. The turquoise staff, just look at the two-fist-sized magic crystal inlaid on the top, which faintly reveals a turquoise cold light.Using the magic crystal of the fifth-level monster to inlay the weapon is definitely not something to mess with at first glance.

The second person on the left is a white-haired old man. He looks ordinary, and his left arm is still empty, but the person who can sit in the front row is definitely not an ordinary person.

As for the people starting from the third on both sides, the aura of the discerning people is far inferior to the five people in front.

The middle-aged man sitting in the first seat straightened his body, his deep eyes flashed a little sharply, looked around at the people in the seat, and said indifferently: "Sect Master Yun, Lion King Yan Shi, Windwalker Feng Li, Lei Shilei Na, and all the strong people present here. This time, Furukawa invited everyone to come. I don’t need to say more about the purpose of inviting you here.”

Yan Shi slapped his palm on the table excitedly, and laughed loudly: "Haha, today, let's go to the snake-human territory to make a fuss!"

Feng Li picked up the magic staff, his old eyes glowed brightly, and he said calmly: "The Alchemy King's move is so bold, this old man can't help but get excited..."

A bit of violence flashed in Reina's eyes, and he grasped his only right hand a little bit, and said in a deep voice, "You can do whatever you want, I just want to see the head of Yue Mei, the leader of the Charming Snake Tribe..."

Yun Yun was as cold as ever, and said indifferently: "I only promise to protect your life..."

Facing Yun Yun's indifferent words, Gu He didn't show the slightest bit of dissatisfaction on his face, instead, there was a bit of love hidden in the Ruoyou Ruowu's eyes looking at Yun Yun.He smiled lightly: "Of course, we have to rely on the suzerain to deal with Queen Medusa..."

Facing the dialogue between the five people, the rest of the powerhouses under the seat had no room to speak. Strength is the most important thing. The top ten famous powerhouses in the empire.All they have to do is obey.

Furukawa did not neglect the other [-] or so powerhouses. After all, among those present, the lowest level of strength is the Dou Ling who has reached the advanced level, and there are quite a few of them who are at the peak of Dou Ling or even half-stepped into the Dou Wang.Of course, Furukawa would not give them back, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, you just need to do your best on this trip, no matter whether you succeed or not, I promise in the name of King Pill, that the medicine that I promise to you will definitely be successful." offer."

After these words, Dou Ling's face immediately showed excitement. This is the energy of a half-step sixth-grade pharmacist. As long as he raises his arms and shouts, there will definitely be a steady stream of strong people rushing to help. It was only because of the high-grade pill in the hands of Pill King Gu He that they couldn't stop appearing!
"Pill King, please don't worry, although our strength is far inferior to that of Pill King and the senior experts, but if we work together, we can still barely block the combat power of the two snake-man commanders..."

"Okay, I'll see everyone's heroism later." Furukawa nodded with a smile on his face. Seeing the group of strong men who were looking down for him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of elation in his heart. The heat became more intense.Different fire!I must get it this time!However, Furukawa cast his eyes on Yun Yun next to him vaguely, and then retracted reluctantly, his palms tightened a little, and there was a rare blush on his face, whether it was from excitement or other emotions.Secretly said: Yun Yun... Yun'er, one day, I will let you marry me willingly... As long as I get the strange fire... that day will definitely not be far away!
Just when all the powerhouses toasted to celebrate, in an inconspicuous dark corner, there was a figure that was already transparent, with no figure or breath, looking at the people in the room who were still facing each other. Furukawa, who was toasted by Yun Yun, suddenly had a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect to meet you again during this trip. Anyway, I have time anyway, so let's see what your plans are when you come here."

(End of this chapter)

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