Fighting Fans of the Far Away

Chapter 77 Investment in the Son of the Plane

Chapter 77 Investment in the Son of the Plane
"Little Yanzi, I don't want that Qinglian heart fire." Hen walked in front of Xiao Yan who had just fed the colorful little snake with the accompanying amethyst source, and said lightly
"What? No more!!!" Xiao Yan was astonished when he heard the words, thinking that he had heard it wrong, even Yao Chen on the side was dumbfounded.

This is Qinglian's heart fire, strange fire!He just gave it away!Of course, if they knew that the eleven fire lotus seeds that Hen got could give birth to a new strange fire, they would definitely yell: "Nima meat is all eaten, please save us some soup!" ! !
"You boy, you are so generous!" Venerable Tianhuo said leisurely in Hen's mind, "Although Qinglian's heart fire ranks low on the list of different fires, it is still a different fire. Countless people yearn for it." Things, you just give them away."

"Teacher, have you forgotten what the identity of Venerable Medicine is? A half-step ninth-rank pharmacist!!! If you owe him an adult today, the rewards in the future will be very objective. We can easily get pills, even eighth grade pills, from him in the future!"

"Not to mention the space trade fair you mentioned last time, I'm very interested, if you don't have a few pills of seventh or eighth grade, or a few books of high-level exercises, fighting skills, etc., you can't buy anything. "

"Yo, I didn't expect you kid to make up your mind to hit this point. That's right. I haven't been to the Space Fair for hundreds of years." Speaking of this, Venerable Tianhuo also laughed at himself, "The last time I participated in the Space Fair , It was also my first time to participate in a space trade fair, I spent a long time shopping there, only to realize that I couldn’t afford anything, hahaha!!!”

"Brother Hen, you really gave this to me for nothing." Xiao Yan asked cautiously. In his eyes, as a fellow Hen, he doesn't like people who lose money, even if the other party is Xiao Yan, who is also a time traveler. like this.

"It's impossible to give it away for nothing," Hen's dark eyes flashed a gleam, and he said again, "You can exchange it with advanced fighting skills, exercises and so on."

"I don't have what you want now." Xiao Yan smiled wryly. There is almost nothing on him that can be seen. Well, maybe the teacher's Bone Spirit Cold Fire should be listed here, but it is impossible for the teacher to use the Bone Spirit Cold Fire. fire in exchange.

"I don't have it now, I can give it later when I have it." Hen looked up at the blue sky and said lightly.

"Are you so sure that I will have what you want in the future?" Xiao Yan smiled bitterly. After all, he is only a five-star fighter now, and those things are too far away for him.

"You know what a p." He stared at Xiao Yan, and secretly said, "As the son of the plane favored by heaven, he will definitely do something great in the future."

Although he has forgotten most of the plot, according to the few vague memories in his mind, Hen is still sure that Xiao Yan is the son of the plane staring at the halo of the pig's feet.When Hen watched "Naruto" in his previous life, he could always see that the son of the plane had a pig's foot aura on Naruto. Obviously, there were many times when he was in danger of dying, but in the end it was all because of various reasons.And I also saw in Xiao Yan the characteristics similar to Naruto's son of the plane, so there is no need, and there is no need to fight against Xiao Yan, let alone the level of Dou Qi Continent is higher than that of Naruto World, the way of heaven It is bound to be stronger than the Heavenly Dao of the Naruto World, so forget it if you use your own strength to resist the favor of the Heavenly Dao.

What's more, my goal is to cultivate enough to leave Dou Qi Continent and return to the level of Naruto World. If so, why not invest in Xiao Yan?The son of this kind of plane will definitely do something great in the future, and Xiao Yan is also a kind and righteous person.With the help I gave him today, I might be able to get a lot of advanced cultivation resources from Xiao Yan and Yao Chen in the future, such as high-level exercises, fighting skills and even pills.

Although I am also a pharmacist, I am only at the stage of "refining for fun" in refining medicine, and I am more inclined to practice ninjutsu, fighting skills, and pupil skills.After all, in the future, I may have a big bug such as earthen tools adding life.As long as you have soil tools to add life, refining medicine and so on, you can copy it in Sharingan, so I can say that I am not very "progressive" in refining medicine now.

"Teacher," Xiao Yan didn't know whether to agree or not, and looked at his teacher in confusion.

"Do you really believe that Xiao Yanzi will have those things in the future?" Yao Chen met Hen's gaze, and finally spoke first, "The things you want must be extraordinary."

"Yao Lao," Hen returned calmly, "Xiao Yan is your apprentice, you should have confidence in Xiao Yan, a man of heaven."

Hen's words sounded like compliments, but they were actually the truth.

As a traveler from the earth, he knows what it means to be a son of a plane favored by heaven.As long as it is what the other party wants to accomplish, there will always be various noble people and even a series of coincidences.

However, it is naturally impossible for Yao Chen and Xiao Yan to know about these issues.Perhaps in the future, Xiao Yan who became Emperor Yan will understand the meaning of the words "Heaven's Proud Son", but it is definitely not now.

However, it was obvious that Yao Chen was very pleased with Yu Hen's words, and he was always very satisfied with Xiao Yan.

So Yao Chen laughed and said, "Boy Hen was joking."

Hen stopped talking nonsense, and said straight to the point: "Then what do you think of my conditions?"

Yao Chen's expression was uncertain, he didn't know that Hen would ask Xiao Yan this kind of question, he didn't know what the origin of Hin was, even Xiao Yan said that he and him also knew each other when they were young, and he didn't know anything else (Hen's identity, he I'm stupid to say that).Kehen's series of performances didn't seem like he wanted to harm Xiao Yan, and even occasionally helped Xiao Yan, although it was not for free.But he knows how important Qinglian's heart fire is to Xiao Yan who is practicing "Fen Jue", and the different fire is really important to the master and apprentice...

After a while, Yao Chen smiled wryly and said: "Okay, if you win, I owe you a favor."

Xiao Yan on the other side also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, Qinglian's heart fire is too important to him, although Hen put forward some conditions that he now thinks are absurd, but they did not give a specific time limit.After much deliberation, it is better to get the different fire first.

Hen nodded and smiled, "Very good! You can take Qinglian's heart fire away."

"Brother Hen, thank you very much." Xiao Yan was overjoyed in his heart, bowed his hands to Hen gratefully, and walked towards Qinglian Dixinhuo on the stone platform.

"By the way, Yaolao." Hen took out a fire lotus seed to give medicine to Chen, and said respectfully, "This fire lotus seed seems to be conceived with different fires, please trouble you to conceive it with bone spirit cold fire in the future."

"Don't you have a different fire, kid?" Yao Chen looked at Chen suspiciously.

"I just want to see how the fire lotus seeds will be different under different fires." Chen explained, but secretly smiled in his heart, "Yaochen, Xiao Yan, when you find out that the fire lotus seeds are in the cold fire of the bone spirit Under the gestation of the mother, when it grows into a different fire that is higher than Qinglian's heart fire, are you surprised or surprised?"

"Okay." Yao Chen thought for a while, and agreed to Chen's request. He also wanted to see how the fire lotus seeds would grow under the cold fire of the bone spirit.Of course, when he and Xiao Yan saw that what was conceived was actually a new fire that was far superior to Qinglian's inner fire, they looked like dogs.

It turns out that this guy has finished all the good things!
After talking with Yao Chen, Hen felt the strangeness around him, and immediately released his soul perception. It turned out that Furukawa's gang had already rushed here, probably for the strange fire.

"Xiao Yan, someone is coming, you should hide in my divine power space first!" After finishing speaking, the three-hook jade in the original blood pupil turned into a triangle.

"What?" Before Xiao Yan could react, he found that the space around him began to twist and spin in a spiral shape, and he was also sucked in.

"Little Yanzi!" Yao Chen looked at what happened in front of him in surprise, but before he asked for an explanation, he was also sucked into the Shenwei space by him.

After absorbing the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire into the Shenwei space, Jian Hen held a huge flower in his hand, which bloomed brilliantly in the dark night. The beautiful green lotus seat stood in the dark night sky with his feet on the void!



Furukawa's face was startled suddenly, and he suddenly turned his head to a direction in the sky. The frenzy in the depths of his eyes finally couldn't help erupting, from his chest to his throat, and finally couldn't stop roaring out!
"Qinglian's Heart Fire!"

Furukawa, since you're here, I'll see if you still recognize me today.

(End of this chapter)

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