Fighting Fans of the Far Away

Chapter 8 Start Cultivation

Chapter 8 Start Cultivation

The process of healing Yunshan lasted almost ten days. In fact, on the seventh day, Yunshan's injuries had already healed, but Yunshan was still cheeky, and Yaohen lost three more days to him. Wood Dun Chakra .

I am a powerhouse at the peak of the Dou Huang, and I am extremely eager to break through the Dou Zong. Now a force that can help me break through is in front of me, how can I easily miss it?So after losing the Wooden Chakra for another three days, he started to prepare to break through the Dou Zong again.

In the Yunlan Palace, Yunshan, who was sitting above the head, looked at the many elders sitting below with a happy face, and threw a heavy bomb.

"This sect has been helped by a master recently, and the injury has healed. After ten days, I will go to the back mountain to retreat and prepare to break through the fighting sect again! My retreat can be as short as a few months or as long as a year. The Yunlan sect cannot be leaderless. , Yun Yun is young and difficult to convince the crowd, so I plan to appoint an elder as the chief elder, and take care of everything in the sect during my absence."

All the elders were in an uproar when they heard the words. It is a good thing that the suzerain recovered from his injury, and it is worth celebrating.But why is the suzerain going to break through the Douzong again? Has he forgotten the lessons he learned a few years ago?The last time Yunshan failed to break through the Dou Zong, he was seriously injured, and the news spread unexpectedly, which made everyone in the Zong panic.After finally healing the scars, is it hard to be the suzerain and forget the pain?Could it be that the suzerain is addicted to practice, and will not give up until he breaks the Douzong?
Seeing the elders whispering to each other, shaking their heads and sighing, Yun Shan had expected this scene a long time ago, and still calmly said: "Elders don't have to worry, the failure to break through the Douzong last time was largely due to the fact that the sect was too impatient. This time, this sect has learned the lesson from last time, and is no longer eager for quick success, so the chances of breaking through the Dou sect must be much higher than last time."

Speaking of this, Yun Shan recalled the power of Mu Dun before, with a look of intoxication.With the help of that magical power, I can feel that I am closer to the realm of Dou Zong than ever before.

"I'm afraid that the sixth-grade pill, Po Zong Pill, is nothing more than that." Yun Shan muttered to himself.I didn't expect that the mysterious boy who was rescued at the beginning had such mysterious power.

"If that Uchiha mark can keep the Misty Cloud Sect forever, I'm afraid the Misty Cloud Sect will be revived in the future."

Seeing that the suzerain insisted on his own opinion and insisted on practicing in seclusion and preparing to break through the Douzong, all the elders also had nothing to do with Yunshan.In the end, he had to repeatedly tell the suzerain to be careful and not to repeat the disaster of the last time. The Misty Cloud Sect couldn't stand Yunshan's torment again.

Of course Yunshan agreed, and after negotiating with a group of elders, he decided to appoint Dou Wangqiang Yun Ling as the chief elder. During the period of Yunshan's retreat, he will take care of all the daily affairs of the sect.

In Hen's room, Yun Shan looked at Hen and Yun Yun, smiled, and asked Hen: "Is it really not necessary for me to appoint an elder to teach you how to practice Dou Qi?"

Hen shook his head and said: "Other elders have their own affairs to deal with, so there is no need to bother others. It is enough to use the method of fighting qi that is common across the continent."

But Yun Shan said regretfully: "How can I do that? You are so talented, how can you waste it like this! Use the highest-level low-level kung fu method of my Misty Cloud Sect—Smoke and Cloud Covering the Sun Art, that's the decision."

Hen is noncommittal about this, and it's not a bad thing to have a higher starting point, although he doesn't want to have too much involvement with the Misty Yunzong at all, and he won't keep the Misty Yunzong forever.

Yun Shan turned his head to look at Yun Yun again, and said with a peaceful face, "Yun'er, since He doesn't want to bother the elders, then you can occasionally take some time to guide Hen to cultivate Dou Qi."

Yun Yun also nodded and said, "I see, teacher." Hen has saved the most important person in her life anyway, so it's nothing to ask her to take some time to guide him in cultivation.

"Cut, watch me while you're instructing." Hen complained in his heart. He had been in the Warring States Period for nearly 20 years, and he hadn't seen such a big storm. How could Yunshan hide this little thought from him?

Seeing that Yun Yun also agreed, Yun Shan nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well, as a teacher, I can finally practice in seclusion with peace of mind."

In the days that followed, it was nothing more than Yunshan's practice in closed doors. Yun Ling took care of everything in the sect on behalf of Yunshan, and Hen went to the back mountain to practice fighting spirit. As usual, except that the disciples in the sect gossip about the boy in black from time to time.

As a traveler who is familiar with the plot of Naruto, of course he knows the cheating tool of "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique"! ! !Now it's time to practice battle qi, so of course you have to prepare.

In a secluded place in the back mountain of Yunlanzong, Hen took a deep breath, sealed his hands and said: "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!" Hen is a bit lost in his masterpiece, and now he has the strength of a ninja, and these shadow clones are within his power...

Hen stood on the top of the tree and shouted: "Start now, count!"






There were only sixty of them. When I was in Naruto World, I had the power of a Kage-level ninja. Every time I practiced with a shadow clone, there were hundreds or even hundreds of people.

In the end, Hen quickly made a decision, 30 people practice fighting qi, ten people practice physical skills, hand-to-hand combat, etc., ten people practice ninjutsu, and ten people practice illusion!
And Chen about lying on the tree and taking a nap to refresh his spirit?
It's so shameless, to actually let his clones do hard work, but he sleeps a lot. How could those clones agree, and soon they were ready to revolt and eradicate class enemies, so frightened that Hen hurriedly joined the cultivation team...

"Hey, what kind of strange fighting skill is this?" Hiding on a nearby big tree, Yun Yun was dumbfounded looking at the 61 "scars" in the process of training. There is such a training method?
(End of this chapter)

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