Chapter 86
In an inn in Wutan City, four men in black robes are plotting.

One of the black-robed men with Dou Wang cultivation level said: "Returning to the law, Yun Ling of the Misty Cloud Sect has a superstition, and the Xiao family we are looking for is in Wutan City."

"Very good, go back and give Yun Ling a Dou Ling Pill and a Huang Ji Pill as a reward. That old boy in Yun Shan always seems to be phony to me. If it weren't for him being a three-star Dou Zong, our Soul Palace is in the Northwest Continent. There are not enough people around, and this protector has already taken his soul. I think that cloud edge is good, I can help it." The black-robed man who claimed to be the protector headed in the middle nodded, and motioned for the fighting king to continue. go down.

"According to Yun Leng's letter, Xiao Yan killed Mo Cheng. He wanted to take Xiao Yan down, but a Dou Zong appeared to support him. Under the pressure of that Dou Zong, Yun Shan let Xiao Yan go. .”

The protector asked: "Who is that person? What is his cultivation level?"

"I don't know, I only know that it is a fighting sect, but I don't know exactly what cultivation level it is."

Another black-robed man with Douwang cultivation level said in surprise: "I never thought that the Xiao family boy would have such a powerful backer!"

An old man fighting the emperor snorted coldly: "I don't believe that there will be any powerful people in this border land! Dou Zonghai, who we killed in the Soul Palace, has gone. If he knows the way, then it's fine. If he doesn't know the way , hum..."

The headed guardian shook his head: "Even if we can deal with him, we can't take action. Don't forget, there is still an ancient clan staring at the Xiao family. This is the critical period of our Soul Palace plan. We must not let the ancient clan Grab the handle of our Soul Palace's meddling with the Xiao family's jade plaque."

Dou Wang, who reported the news, echoed: "Yes, if it weren't for this, we would have taken down the Xiao family long ago, why wait until now..."

Another Dou Wang asked: "Xiao Yan will be back soon, should we apply for support from the Soul Palace, or should we evacuate Wutan City first?"

The leader of the guardians immediately vetoed it: "If you just withdraw like this, you will definitely be punished by the superiors when you go back. I plan to take some pills to lure the Jialie family and the Auba family to attack the Xiao family. If it goes well, then Xiao Yan will come back." At that time, the Xiao family had already been destroyed. If things don’t go well, I will personally go out and wait for the opportunity to kidnap Xiao Zhan, the head of the Xiao family, and slowly torture me about the whereabouts of the jade plaque. What do you all think?”

"It won't expose us, and it won't return in vain. It's a good idea!"

"Just do it!"

"Yes, just do it!"

"Okay, you guys are going to visit the patriarchs of the Jialie family and the Auba family tonight, give them some third- and fourth-grade elixir, and make them a few big fighters or fighters to strengthen their courage. After a while, we will Do it!!!"


After leaving Yunlan Mountain, Xiao Yan bid farewell to Ling Ying, and did not return to the imperial capital. He and Hen changed their course and flew in the direction of Wutan City.

The reason why Hen walked with him was that he was going back to the Warcraft Mountains, and in a sense he was on the same road as Xiao Yan; After buying some things, although you can go to Qingshan Town to buy them, Wutan City is a big city after all, and there are many kinds of goods.

During this period, Queen Medusa came out, and asked Xiao Yan domineeringly when she could refine the Spiritual Melting Pill for her, but due to the peak strength of the Scarred Fighting Sect, she immediately said that it is okay to wait a little longer, and then Transform back into the shape of the swallowing python.

"Huh..." As soon as he stepped into Wutan City, Hen immediately felt something interesting.

"What's the matter, Brother Hen?" Xiao Yan asked.

"It's nothing, but..." Hen smiled lightly, "I just realized that Wutan City has five more fighters than when I came last time, and..."

"And what?"

"And it seems that there are about seven big fighters gathered in your house, 25 fighters."

"What!" Xiao Yan was shocked when he heard the words, he knew what a big fighter means in Wutan City, maybe it's nothing in front of his four-star Dou Ling, but he can definitely walk sideways in Wutan City.

"I have to go back and have a look!" Xiao Yan suddenly had a very bad premonition, and immediately rushed towards Xiao's house.

"Well, the family is sometimes a burden." Looking at Xiao Yan's urgent figure, Hen suddenly remembered that he was so eager to fight for the family more than 20 years ago.

For more than ten minutes, Xiao Yan crossed the street with ease, then suddenly stopped, looking up at a large courtyard at the end of the street.There is a huge word "Xiao Family" on the courtyard gate.He let out a sigh of relief.

Standing at the door of his house.Xiao Yan was much quieter.His eyes swept around the Xiao family.When he left home.It's almost crowded here.But now it seems quite deserted.Standing neatly at the gate in the past.Now, none of the powerful guards were seen.

"What happened?" Xiao Yan frowned, but remembering his current four-star Dou Ling cultivation, several great fighters are considered P, turned around and approached the gate, but just as he stepped in, there was an angry voice , but it rang from behind the door: "Who are you? You really think my Xiao family is easy to bully, don't you?"

"You" glanced slowly over the girl, and the memory of those years ago rose from the depths of his mind, Xiao Yan's face softened a little, and he smiled lightly: "I remember, your name is Xiao Qing, right?" ? Cousin Xiao Mei’s younger sister, whom I haven’t seen for four years, has grown up so much.”

"Cousin Xiao Yan? It's really you, you're finally back! That's great, the family is finally saved." Xiao Qing'er immediately cried happily.

Hearing someone yelling happily, someone from the Xiao family came out to check. Since the tragedy the night before, no one in the Xiao family has yelled so happily.

"Cousin, what happened to make you so happy"

"Look who is back?" Xiao Qing pointed at Xiao Yan and said.

Seeing the return of their little patriarch, everyone in the Xiao family immediately understood why Xiao Qing was so happy.

"Cousin, woo woo, you are back, something big happened in the family, those bad guys want to take advantage of the fire, come to Xiao's house every day, I heard from mother that they want to rob our square market, these days we even I dare not come out." Lifting the crying little face from Xiao Yan's arms, Xiao Qing sobbed with red eye circles.

Slightly nodding his head, Xiao Yan patted Xiao Qing's back with a smile, and said in a low voice: "Okay, little girl, don't be afraid, leave these matters to my cousin, I am a fighting spirit, hurry up Take me in and have a look."

"Cousin, you, have you advanced to Fighting Spirit?" Xiao Qing pointed to Xiao Yan and asked.Let people not live anymore, Xiao Yan left two years ago just as a fighter, and now he went out for a circle, why did he become a fighter.

"Ah, although it's been a bit of a pain, it's still worth it." Xiao Yan nodded and admitted the fact that he was already a Dou Ling.

The jaws dropped all over the place. If there is such a good thing, even if it is suffering, they are willing.

"Okay, don't worry about my promotion, let's settle the family affairs first." Things still have to be prioritized.

"You are already fighting spirits, who else in Wutan City can do nothing to my Xiao family?" The Xiao family members who were watching immediately cheered.

"Yeah." Xiao Qing nodded her head anxiously, and led Xiao Yan the way.

(End of this chapter)

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