Fighting Fans of the Far Away

Chapter 94 Planning a Deal

Chapter 94 Planning a Deal
Inner courtyard of Canaan College, inside the student dormitory
"What? The person who broke through Dou Zun a few days ago was actually you!!!" Xiao Yan pointed at the ice mountain face in front of him tremblingly.

"Yes, thanks to the Nine-Turn Breakthrough Method, I directly stepped into the Three-Star Dou Zun."

"Three-Star Dou Zun? Ahhhh!!!" Looking at Hen's expression that should be taken for granted, Xiao Yan seemed to have received quite a blow.Since coming to Canaan Academy, relying on his five-star fighting spirit cultivation, many students and instructors who complained about him, a freshman who skipped class for two years, obediently shut up.

In the inner court trials, the old man Hu Gan even gave him the green light to enter the inner court without the test.As for the reason, it's not the same as the iceberg face more than ten years ago.In the fire energy hunting competition that entered the inner courtyard, there were all kinds of pretense and slaps in the face. Even the two six-star masters, Black and White Guansha, were directly beaten to the ground as soon as they came up.Now Xiao Yan has become a big celebrity in the inner courtyard, and he is a little bit ecstatic.As a result, that little sense of pride was instantly shattered by his old senior.It's like a guy who passed the provincial key points, when showing off to his old acquaintances, they just said "oh" lightly, and then left with a sentence of "I'm going to study abroad", and then left.Can you slap your face?
Also shocked was Yao Chen, he also broke through to Dou Zun when he was 40 years old, the person in front of him seems younger than himself at that time, right?
"Cough, Boy Hen," Yao Chen coughed softly, and said softly, "You should be thirty this year."


"29? You are too perverted. There are very few three-star Dou Zun at this age, even in ancient families." I only broke through Dou Zun when I was 40 years old. Breaking through to the three-star Dou Zun, let no one live!If he knew that Chen didn't start practicing Qi until he was 16, he might spit out a mouthful of old blood.This makes those old monsters who have practiced for hundreds of years feel embarrassed, and those who have been stuck at a low level after practicing for a lifetime, it is better to go home and farm, and it will not hurt people like this.

"Okay, it's time to get down to business." Looking at the master and apprentice who were still sighing, Hen waved his hand, indicating that it was time to get down to business.

"I came to you this time to discuss the resurrection of you and my teacher."

As soon as he heard the word "resurrection", a trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of Yao Chen and the silent Venerable Tianhuo beside him.This was what the two of them had been longing for, not to mention the possibility that Hen could help them directly step into the semi-holy realm.

"Brother Hen, last time you said that the resurrection of Teacher and Mr. Yao was related to Xun'er?" Xiao Yan asked with some puzzlement, remembering that Hen said that the good fortune of Yao Chen and Venerable Tianhuo had something to do with Xun'er.

Glancing at Xiao Yan, Hen said lightly: "The Hall of Souls has been looking for your family's ancient jade. It can also be understood that the Soul Race is looking for your family's ancient jade, and that ancient jade is an ancestral item of your family, so why not?" Can it be understood that it is also an ancestral item of the Xiao clan thousands of years ago?"

After hearing this, Xiao Yan and Yao Chen fell into contemplation. After a long time, Yao Chen said slowly: "It's not unreasonable to say that, before I was expelled from the Yao clan, I also overheard some elders mentioning After similar incidents, it seems that there is a treasure in the ancestral hall of my Yao clan, which is guarded by two Dou Sheng elders. Maybe it is also a treasure like ancient ancestral jade."

Hen nodded, and continued: "Since Xun'er's father is a Dou Sheng, and their family also covets that piece of ancient jade, is there a possibility that Xun'er's family is also an ancient family?"

"Hiss..." Xiao Yan, Yao Chen and Venerable Tianhuo couldn't help taking a cold breath when they heard the words. If what Chen said was true, then the ancient jade handed down by Xiao Yan's family would involve the top forces in Dou Qi Continent.

"If this is the case, then Xun'er's father is really cruel. For a piece of ancient jade, he actually sent his young daughter to the Xiao family for foster care." Yao Chen also lamented Xun'er's father's cruelty.

"Okay, now it's time to focus," Hen said with a light smile, resting his chin on one hand, "If Xun'er's family is an ancient family, it must have been passed down for so many years, and Xun'er's family has a rich collection, such as pills, Medicinal ingredients, Dou Zun, and even the bones of Dou Sheng..."

"Wait a minute, are you saying that we need to get the bones needed for the resurrection of Teacher and Yao from Xun'er's house." Before He could finish speaking, Xiao Yan slapped the table, and immediately understood Hen's intentions.


"You kid, you have an idea," Yao Chen also shook his head and smiled wryly, "You actually put your idea on the ancient family, I don't even know what to say about you."

"Why, can't it work?" Hen folded his hands on his chest, and said indifferently, it seems that there is no difficulty in getting the Dou Zun from the ancient family, and the remains of the Dou Sheng.

"The remains of the Dou Zun are extremely precious and have great uses, let alone the mighty Dou Sheng," Yao Chen said with a wry smile, "Even the remains of the ancient family's Dou Sheng are almost all It is absolutely impossible for the ancestors of the family to be exchanged."

"If that's the case, then I will ask Xun'er's family to ask for two skeletons of Dou Zun, plus two complete skeletons of Dou Sheng, such as arms and thighs." Thinking of the details of the resurrection of the original Chinese medicine dust in my mind, I can only settle for the next best thing, "Even if there is no complete body of the fighting saint, as long as the bones of the fighting saint are integrated into the body to be refined, although it is impossible for the fighting saint, it is still possible There is hope to hit the semi-holy."

"It's not unreasonable to say that." Yao Chen stroked his long white beard, nodded thoughtfully, but started to feel troubled again, "The bones of the Dou Sheng are not so easy to get. Even if they have it, what can we exchange with them?"

"Have you forgotten the 'Health Tai Chi Jue'?" Looking at Yaochen and Xiao Yan who were frowning, Venerable Tianhuo said coldly.

"You mean that?" After being said by Hen, Yao Chen immediately understood what Hen was talking about.When they were in the Jia Ma Empire, Hen and Xiao Yan showed the Yang Style Taijiquan they had learned when they were in college, according to the memories in their minds, to Yao Chen and Venerable Tianhuo.

According to Yao Chen's words, although 'Tai Chi' is unbelievably vulgar, and it is only a low-level yellow class, but its artistic conception of using strength to fight is indeed very rare, and it can also improve the body and prolong life!After Yaochen and Venerable Tianhuo improved it, created the Dou Qi running route of Tai Chi, and introduced the Dou Qi training method, they insisted on creating a "Health Tai Chi Jue" that is comparable to the mid-level or even advanced exercises of the earth-level!
According to Yao Chen's estimates, once this skill is refined, it may be more effective than swallowing eighth-grade pills!
After trying to practice this set of exercises, Hen and Xiao Yan found that this 'Health-preserving Tai Chi Jue' has the effect of nourishing the body, prolonging life, and even improving cultivation aptitude.

"If this is the case, it's not impossible to make a deal." Yao Chen thought for a while, and felt that the idea of ​​Hen's deal with the Gu Clan was not unfeasible, and added, "But in order to facilitate this deal, it's best to Prepare some more chips, why don't you get some high-level pill recipes from me?"

Venerable Tianhuo stroked his beard, closed his eyes and thought for a while, and said firmly: "You can take my 'Five Wheels from Fire', as long as you can successfully resurrect and step into the semi-holy state, it's totally worth it! !!"

Xiao Yan also smiled wryly: "It's really not possible, you can also exchange that piece of ancient jade from my house."

(End of this chapter)

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