Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 202 Discussion

Chapter 202 Discussion
Lu Tieshi was going to come back with his mother and daughter-in-law, but he was talking to his father and himself. He was pulled away and did not leave immediately. At this time, he held down his wife and said, "Lie back quickly, and be careful of catching a cold." He relieved himself The big clothes lay side by side with her.Although this is actually Lu's house, both of them are just outsiders, so it's not easy to do anything else, and because it's Chinese New Year's Eve, they huddle together to talk.

"How do you play your cards so well? You have always been the only one who wins."

"You also said that I play cards well, and I was just about to ask how you can throw three sixes over and over again?"

"That's easy. I only think of these three dice as hidden weapons made of stone, and I can do whatever I want with them. But you alone are very powerful against the three of them!"

"Playing cards is even easier. If you think about it, there are only cards in your hand, those on the table, and then you can guess who has what cards by watching what everyone plays. Although you can't win every time, you still have a good chance of winning. I can do it." Ning Wan laughed again when she said this, "My luck in poker is particularly good today, and this is the first time I have played well all night, is it the luck you brought me?"

"Actually, I was lucky when I threw the dice today. Dice are still different from stones, and the force used is naturally different, but it only worked once. It seems that it is also thanks to you!"

"We'll just flatter each other."

"It's not flattery. Among so many women, you are the prettiest and the cutest. If it weren't for all the female relatives over there, I would sit next to you and watch you play cards."

The big family is different from ordinary people, there are many more women than men in the inner house, the women at the family banquet today are not only the wives and ladies of the Lu family, but also several aunts, a few maids, and many daughters-in-law and maids, Among them, there are quite a few good ones, so Ning Wan smiled, "You are the beauty in the eye of the beholder, but I am not that beautiful."

"There is!"

Ning Wan listened to his straightforward answer, but she didn't believe it, this man was looking at her all night, and he never looked at other women very much, so she asked with a smile: "Then what do you think I am more beautiful than the eldest lady and the third lady? "

"Uh," Lu Tieshi was really stuck, "I didn't pay attention to what they looked like."

"Then you still say that I am the most beautiful?"

"You are really the most beautiful. I can only see you, and others don't even like to look at you."

Ning Wan was even happier, "I think you are the most outstanding child of the Lu family!" No less difficult to look at other women than Lu Tieshi, Ning Wan has carefully tasted Tieshi's older brother and younger brother. Elegant, but Ning Wan, who has been with Luo Bing, can see his vanity at a glance. As for the younger brother, he doesn't even have anything that can be vanity, pure idiots. Compared with Tieshi, the two brothers are really different .

Both Lu Tieshi and Ning Wan felt that the other party was excellent, and they saved face for themselves. They couldn't help themselves, praised each other, and hugged each other under the quilt and laughed, "We are so good for each other!"

When they were joking, they didn't expect that many people in the mansion were talking about them.The eldest lady said to her husband just before going to bed: "I thought that my second brother married a little girl from the peasant family, and she didn't want to be on the stage. I didn't want to look decent and smart, but that mouth is not at a disadvantage. Second aunt She usually doesn't go around people, but she choked her for a while and couldn't speak."

Of course Lu Tiecheng also noticed.Although he passed by the flowers since he was a child, he really thought that the daughter-in-law his mother married to him was really outstanding, she was naturally first-class in appearance, gentle and considerate, and her speech and behavior were excellent, but he did not expect the daughter-in-law married by his second brother to look Not only is she not bad at all, but her actions are three points better than that of her own daughter-in-law!

And today, he who always thought he was much stronger than his second brother was humiliated. First, he lost face by throwing dice to grab popularity, and then saw his father attaching great importance to his second brother, which made it difficult for him to accept it for a while. , he had never experienced this before, and when he heard what his wife said, he became depressed, "Who knows how he changed, and married such a daughter-in-law again!"

The eldest lady has been married for more than three years, so she met her second younger brother last year, and it was very different from the meeting again this year, so she said: "Is it because you are married to a daughter-in-law that you are no longer so cold-hearted? I look at this The two are very close, but in one night, they looked at each other and smiled a few times, which is what the saying goes, "Hardly tempered steel has turned into soft fingers!" As he spoke, he felt a little sore in his heart. She is the daughter of the commanding envoy's family, she is outstanding in talent and appearance, and she is married to her aunt's cousin, but her husband is not ordinary to her, and she really doesn't get as much attention as Ning's.

That's true!Lu Tiecheng remembered that the second brother came home last year and sat aside with a sullen face, ignoring no one, but his father was angry, and Mrs. Wu over there was also angry.It is also said that although the second younger brother has made some military achievements, but judging only by his character, he will definitely not have a future.But this year, the person suddenly changed, and he became sympathetic, not to mention that he lost so embarrassingly when he tried to win a game of dice. no!
However, although Lu Tiecheng was unhappy, he would not be discouraged because of it, "We don't have to pay attention to them. A few days ago, my mother said that she would help us find a way to find a job in the capital. When the time comes, you will come to Beijing with me. Wouldn't it be better than Liaodong?" good?"

Zhou Shi has also heard of it, and she also believes it.Although it is very difficult to transfer from Liaodong to the capital, since my mother-in-law said, and my father promised to help, I think it will be possible, so I smiled, "They can't compare with us anyway."

"Naturally," Lu Tiecheng said with a snort, "Even if the second brother has some military achievements, he is only a martial artist in Liaodong. Don't even think about going to the capital for the rest of your life!"

Not to mention that Lu Tiecheng and his wife rested in a good mood, but Lu Tieyuan scolded his daughter-in-law angrily, "Why are you so stupid, you lost so much playing cards!"

The third wife retorted: "Only the second sister-in-law won, and the rest lost. Besides, we win and lose in copper coins. How much can we have? What you lose is a silver coin! One is worth a penny!"

Lu Tieyuan became annoyed, "Although I lost Yin Kaizi, I lost half as much as big brother! What about you? You lost the most at the poker table!"

The third wife understands that her husband really cares about money. Both of them are concubines. On the surface, they appear to be well-clothed and well-clothed, but in fact they are very different from their siblings.Today everyone gambles and plays cards together. Others just take it as a game and don't take money seriously at all, but it's not the case in their room.

I usually win more and lose less in playing cards, and I have long regarded it as an income. The reason why my husband proposed throwing dice to win the red is actually to get some money from his two brothers. After all, he often goes to and from the gambling house and has some experience in gambling. .

As a result, the couple got unlucky together, and not only lost the New Year's bonus in one night, but also added two months' monthly money!

It is conceivable that the days ahead are really difficult.

But now that she has already lost, the third lady still admits that when playing, she can't think that she will win, so she persuaded: "Forget it, we will be at home for these two months, and the suffering will pass. "

Lu Tieyuan became even angrier when he heard this, "You won't let me go out when it's Chinese New Year, is it because you deliberately lost money!"

The third wife was also very angry, but her family background was not as good as that of the Lu family, and she lacked confidence, and she didn't dare to speak back, so she said: "It's getting late, we'll wake up after a while, you should be calm."

Lu Tieyuan knew that his daughter-in-law was afraid of losing face in front of the servants, so he said loudly, "Why are you so calm, I'm just angry with you!" After a few more arguments, he suddenly softened his tone and said, "You open the box!" Give me 20 taels of silver, and I will use it when I go out tomorrow."

Although the third wife has been giving way to Lu Tieyuan, she is not a fool when it comes to money matters, her own dowry is not much, it is the foundation of her life, how can she spend it on her husband?So I just said: "Where do I have 20 taels of silver? If there is a year, I will make a gold-woven skirt."

Lu Tieyuan snorted coldly when his daughter-in-law pushed it clean, "Yesterday you laughed at the family wanting a country girl, but look at it, the second sister-in-law is much more generous than you in spending money. The ruby ​​hairpin is her filial piety, you gave my aunt such a good thing! The clothes worn by the second brother are also her dowry, and they are all high-quality silk! The hook around the waist is still made of jade! You Look at her rewarding the little girls by the handful! And look at you, a man would not spend 20 taels of silver for serious business! You can't even compare to a country girl!"

"You told me what the country girl said!" The third lady sneered, "I don't know who spread it randomly, so you just believe it! Now that you see someone, you know it's impossible to be a country girl! Even if the second sister-in-law's family If she is from the countryside, she must have thousands of acres of fertile land, otherwise how could she raise such a person! And we heard at the poker table that she has a shop and workshop at home! As for the hairpin, needless to say, I don’t have one. Even my mother-in-law probably only has a few pieces of jewelry that are similar to it, good gems are hard to come by, if someone gets it and doesn’t treasure it, what should I use to honor my aunt!"

In fact, the mean words in the third lady's heart have not yet been uttered, even if she really has such a good ruby ​​hairpin to honor her aunt and mother-in-law, how dare her aunt and mother-in-law wear it out in a fair and honest manner?That's a big red that can only be used in the main room!And the husband only cares about comparing himself with his second sister-in-law, why doesn't he compare himself with his second elder brother!I admit that I can't compare with my second sister-in-law, but the difference is limited, right?Some of my sisters also married military officers, and the Miss Zhou who my father-in-law wanted to betroth to my second brother was not as good as myself.

But what can the husband compare with the second brother?The second elder brother is a fierce general with great military exploits, no one in the entire Anpingwei knows it, even the commander can't do anything about him!Where is the husband?He doesn't even have a serious position, who in Anpingwei can look at him seriously?It's really a thousand miles away!

The third lady let out a fierce "bah" in her heart, and cursed silently: "I really should let him take a picture of himself in the urine to see what he looks like!"

Just about to go to bed, but came back again, put the unloaded jewelry into the box carefully, locked it in the box again, hung the key around the neck and stuffed it into the inner coat, felt the icy coolness and felt relieved.Don't let her husband touch the newly made golden butterfly hairpin with soft wings during the Chinese New Year. She has already had lingering fears after losing several jewelry.

(End of this chapter)

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