Rebirth Farmer Yaomei

Chapter 216 Conditions

Chapter 216 Conditions
Ning Wan looked at Mrs. Zhao opposite.

I heard that she was ill a few days ago, and it seems that the illness is not serious. She has lost a lot of weight, and the spots of silver frost on her temples are becoming more and more obvious. There is no powder on her face, and wrinkles are deeply carved on her face. She is much older than the one in her dream a few years later.It made Ning Wan feel a little sad. It seemed that without her own help, she would have worked too hard.

Even so, after hearing her own conditions, Mrs. Zhao's eyes were bright, "Mrs. Lu said so, of course I have to agree!"

"Wan Shi, you can pick it up, but except for a set of close-fitting clothes, you are not allowed to take any other strands out of Zhao's house!"

The aunt hurriedly agreed: "We don't want anything, just pick up the child and go back."

Mrs. Zhao didn't look at her, she looked at Ning Wan, "There is one more thing, I want Mrs. Lu to agree."

This is Mrs. Zhao's real purpose. She actually hates Sister Xi's scandal deeply, and even Gao Jun doesn't intend to let her go, but in the end she agrees to release Sister Xi with certain conditions.

Ning Wan felt her aunt's expectant gaze on her, and her heart was very heavy.As for Sister Xi, even though they are cousins ​​and have a lot of contacts on weekdays, they don't actually have a deep relationship. The reason why Ning Wan treats Sister Xi well is because of her aunt.My aunt treats my family so well, I can't forget it anyway, and my aunt loves sister Xi the most.

Now that Sister Xi did such a scandal, Ning Wan would also lose face.Although it is understandable for her to intercede in front of Mrs. Zhao, if Sister Xi really doesn't want to stay in the Zhao family, she can discuss with her aunt and herself to ask the Zhao family for a divorce letter or write a reconciliation document. It doesn't matter if she remarries later, but she did such a stupid thing!

Now Mrs. Zhao is taking this opportunity to force herself to agree to her conditions. It should not be an easy task. Even if she wants to help Auntie and Sister Xi, she can't agree to it all at once, so she asked: "What does Mrs. Zhao want?" Woolen cloth?"

Mrs. Zhao nodded to her, "Let's talk inside."

Ning Wan followed Mrs. Zhao to the inner room, watched Mrs. Zhao close the door tightly before she opened her mouth and said, "I want Deputy Lu Qianhu to beg the county magistrate to let Guofan go once!"

"What mistake did Zhao Guofan make again?"

Mrs. Zhao immediately looked at Ning Wan, surprised at her understanding.

"When my family bought a shop in Hutai County, Zhao Guofan almost wrote the contract wrongly, and I also heard some rumors in the county town," Ning Wan said concisely, with a clear expression on her face. It was Zhao Guofan's expression of making a mistake again.Back then, she cleaned up Zhao Guofan's mess a lot, because there were too many, so she couldn't remember which one it would be now.

Mrs. Zhao thought about her son's reputation outside, and sighed, but she didn't hide it anymore, and this matter can't be hidden, and it will soon spread in the county town, "Guofan is here. When writing the land deed, the buyer and the seller were reversed. Now the seller originally got the money, but now he holds the deed and wants to sell the land. How can the buyer agree? Hundreds of acres of land, thousands of taels Money is not a small number. A paper petition has been brought to the county government. Now county magistrate Qian intends to take this opportunity to dispose of Guofan. I think, county magistrate Qian is most grateful to your deputy Qianhu. If you can ask deputy Qianhu to help you say As soon as we talk about love..."

Ning Wan refused without even thinking about it, "No way!" Although she had asked Tie Shi for a deed to improve virtue and Jufeng, that was another matter. She would never let the noble and proud Tie Shi Go plead for that bastard Zhao Guofan!
"Young lady Lu said just now that as long as you spare Wan Shi, you can listen to me in everything."

"I intend to try my best to help Mrs. Zhao, but I don't want to bring Tie Shi in!" And although Ning Wan refused to let Tie Shi intercede, it's not that she doesn't intend to help.

She still had some impressions of the wrong writing of the deed. After the incident was published, County Magistrate Qian was equally angry. He planned to deal with Zhao Guofan severely, and even wanted to remove him from the post of Canon History.At that time, Ning Wan was very anxious, she asked Mrs. Qian to help blow the pillow wind and procrastinated for a few days, and went to the countryside to intercede with buyers and sellers.After running around for several days, I finally persuaded an uncle of the seller, who finally persuaded the seller to confide the matter with the buyer, and the Zhao family paid some money in the middle to settle the matter.

Once the buyer got the correct red deed again, he naturally withdrew the lawsuit, and the magistrate Qian naturally had no choice but to do so.

Right now, Ning Wan also intends to do the same, and because she has done this before, it should be easier to find an uncle who is convinced by the seller, and she also knows the people on the buyer's side. As for Mrs. Qian, they are already familiar with each other now. It shouldn't be too difficult to ask her to do a little favor.

Ning Wan made a plan in her heart, and when she was about to tell Mrs. Zhao, she saw Mrs. Zhao pinching her temples on both sides with one hand and rubbing them vigorously, so she knew she had another headache.

Mrs. Zhao has been feeling unwell recently, and there is a scandal about Sister Xi inside the Zhao family, and there is a big mistake by Zhao Guofan outside, it would be strange not to make a headwind!Ning Wan knew that having a headache was a very painful problem. Mrs. Zhao would be bedridden at this time, but today she had to bear it no matter how uncomfortable it was. If she couldn't get up, the Zhao family would be doomed!

The heart of sympathy rose involuntarily, Ning Wan stood behind Mrs. Zhao, and gently rubbed a few acupuncture points on her head for her. It's very windy, but it will be relieved a lot after pressing it for a while.

Sure enough, not long after, Mrs. Zhao said softly: "Thank you Mrs. Lu, I feel much better."

Ning Wan sat down again, but she didn't say what she had just thought up, but said sincerely: "Mrs. Zhao, I have a few words from the bottom of my heart, and I can't express them quickly."

"The most important thing for the Zhao family right now is not to deal with the contract, but to give up the position of Canon History." When Ning Wan was in the Zhao family, she only wanted to keep the position of Canon History. , Looking back, I realized that the owner of the Zhao family is a tree that has rotted from the root. No one can save the tree.

"Give up the classic history?" Mrs. Zhao's eyes widened suddenly, "Are you here as a lobbyist for County Magistrate Qian?"

County magistrate Qian has always wanted to take the position of Dian Shi to his staff who came from the south with him, which is also the main reason why he made things difficult for Zhao Guofan through the deed.After all, although the deed was wrongly written, there were middlemen and elders when the deed was signed, and everyone knew who was the buyer and who was the seller. It was easy to try and close the case, but County Magistrate Qian wanted to embarrass Zhao Guofan.

Although Zhao Guofan is a bastard, Ning Wan is even more unwilling to let Qian County Magistrate's subordinates get the post of classic history.

"I don't know why Mrs. Zhao misunderstood me as a lobbyist for County Magistrate Qian, but I think that even if the Zhao family gave up the history of the classics, it would be better to give up this position to people in Hutai County," Ning Wan said: "If the county magistrate, the history of the Dian They are all people from outside, and if they collude together, even the land in Hutai County will be scraped three feet away, and when their term of office expires, they will clap their hands and leave, and we will not be the ones who suffer!"

Ning Wan is not alarmist, similar things are not uncommon, so there is a saying that "being an official for thousands of miles is only for money". After accumulating a solid family fortune, he went back to his hometown to buy a Zhuangzi, build a house and repair a garden, and returned to being a kind and honest poet and book family.Not to mention, when the old magistrate Xu left Hutai County, he only hired a mule cart to load the whole family and their luggage into it. .

Hutai County is located in a border area, and the folk customs are quite aggressive. The previous county magistrates here can't cover the sky with one hand, and their actions will be restricted by local officials, gentry and merchants, so they can't go too far.Now county magistrate Qian seems to be of good character, but who can guarantee what the people who follow him to this city are planning!
On the contrary, there are a few big families in the local area. Although they dare not say everything is clear, but after all, their ancestors' family business is here, and there will be children and grandchildren here in the future, so they are quite considerate in everything they do. As for corruption too much.

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhao nodded her head, "Your words are not wrong at all. Our Zhao family has been keeping the classics in front of us for the benefit of our hometown."

There is no need to use it to prevaricate oneself for benefiting the hometown. The Zhao family's refusal to give up the position of classic history naturally has its own interests.But since Ning Wan has opened her mouth, she will naturally speak clearly, "If the Zhao family wants to keep the position of classic history, it is not impossible, but now it is really difficult to rely on Mrs. Zhao alone, so it is inevitable that I will lose my rake and get a broom , Every time something goes to great lengths not to talk about it, you have to pay some money. The Zhao family has a strong family background, how much is enough to pay? gone."

Mrs. Zhao never thought that the Zhao family would lose their official position in the history of classics, let alone lose it by herself, but every word Ning Wan said spoke to her heart.She is getting older, it doesn't matter that no one in the family can share her worries, but everyone will cause her countless troubles. She is doing one thing after another. In the past, she was still able to support herself, but now she is really energetic Not enough.

The other thing is that the loss of money was indeed true. Although the Zhao family had a lot of money, they had to sell a shop quietly because of Guofan's wrong distribution of official rations, which made the turnover difficult.Just when the money was relieved, there was another incident of writing a wrong contract. Even if Deputy Lu Qianhu was willing to help intercede, it would cost some money.If things go on like this, is it really possible to run out of family wealth?

Ning Wan could see Mrs. Zhao's vacillation, and what she said was about the pain, and Mrs. Zhao understood it in her heart, but it was difficult to accept it for a while.So he said again: "Even if Mrs. Zhao can still plan for another ten years for the Zhao family's canonical history position, but if the Zhao family still has no successors, I will say it will be empty."

This is what Mrs. Zhao is most worried about. It is impossible for Guomao to have children; even if Guobao has children, Mrs. Zhao will never hand over the family business to him; , but no one has news, even the girl who bought a good child has no stomach movement.

Good medicine tastes bitter, and good words are harsh, but Mrs. Zhao is a very sensible person after all, so she finally asked bitterly: "Could it be that the history of the Zhao family is no longer the most important thing?"

"That's right, it's best not to keep it!" Previously, Ning Wan took over the heavy responsibility from Mrs. Zhao and tried her best to maintain Zhao Dian's historian for a few more years, so what happened in the end? "The so-called indestructible and indestructible, Mrs. Zhao is now making up her mind to give up her position as a classic historian, and concentrate on managing the family business, adopting children and grandchildren, and raising the next generation. After a few decades, the Zhao family will be talented again. At that time, it may not be the same The post of classic history is in your eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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