Chapter 229
Mrs. Lu had previously confided to Ning Wan that as long as Tieshi repaired the city wall of Hutai County, Commander Lu would strongly recommend Tieshi to be a thousand households in Hutai County.

Ning Wan naturally wanted Tieshi to be promoted to Qianhu, but she never really believed it.It's not that she didn't believe in Lu commanding colleagues, but because she knew that Tieshi not only didn't get any credit for repairing the city wall of Hutai County, but was demoted to a hundred households and went to Huju Mountain, the most barren place in Anpingwei, to farm fields.

Although she didn't know the details at that time, she can understand after a little thought now that both Commander Zhou and Xu Qianhu would find ways to pour dirty water on Tieshi, and Lu Tieshi's honest temper was not at all. I will defend them face to face or plead behind their backs.

Although there is Commander Lu and Tongzhi to help, but in the result of the battle between the two sides in Anping Weili, Commander Zhou took the upper hand.It seems that fate cannot be changed, Ning Wan can only accept it.No matter what difficulties Tieshi encounters, she will stand by his side to comfort him and help him, and Tieshi will eventually overcome all difficulties smoothly.So she didn't feel too sad after hearing Mrs. Lu's words, she just asked calmly: "Where does the Commander want Tieshi to go?"

"Did you guess that General Tieshi will be reassigned?" Mrs. Lu was a little surprised. After all, the new appointment only came from Liaodong General Military Mansion, and not many people knew about it. As soon as she got the news, she took the bus under the banner of going back to her mother's house. When we arrived in Hutai County, Mrs. Lu could not have known about it before her. "General Tieshi was dispatched by the General Military Office to suppress bandits in the Huju Mountain in the northeast of Liaodong. Soldiers and horses, the best weapons, and enough rations!"

It turns out that Tieshi was not demoted!Ning Wan was really surprised at this moment, and he was not sent to farm, but to suppress bandits!

In fact, in Ning Wan's dream, after Tie Shi went to Huju Mountain, the first thing he did was not to garrison the fields, but to suppress the bandits. After all, it is impossible for Huju Mountain, which is full of bandits, to start garrisoning the fields without suppressing the bandits.Although Tieshi had only more than 100 old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers at the beginning, it was the cold season after autumn.

Therefore, there is a big difference between garrisoning fields and suppressing bandits in name. To garrison fields, you only need to send people, and any kind of people can fill the number, but to suppress bandits, you must send strong soldiers!
Why is the result different?

The only explanation is that at that time Commander Lu and Tongzhi didn't help, and Commander Zhou covered the sky with one hand, but Commander Lu still tried his best now.

Mrs. Lu thought about Mrs. Lu's expression, but she didn't seem to be very annoyed, so she quickly persuaded: "Although the bandits on Huju Mountain are difficult to suppress, but General Tieshi's reputation is here, if you bring more people there, you will surely succeed. It will be much easier for my father-in-law to insist on applying for military merits for General Tieshi to be promoted to an official position if he makes military merits like that."

"I'm already very grateful to Commander Lu." Ning Wan straightened out her thoughts and said, "If there is no Commander Lu to fight for our family's iron stone, I don't know what will happen."

Mrs. Lu saw that Mrs. Lu was very appreciative when she heard that her husband hadn't been promoted, so she sighed and said, "I'm really afraid that you will blame my father-in-law. It was clearly agreed, but it still didn't work out." Then she hurriedly said: " You don't know how unreasonable Commander Zhou is. He can tell nonsense with his eyes wide open. He was going to press General Tieshi for a crime and demote him! The most hateful thing is that General Tieshi's own father actually looked at my father-in-law He slapped the table with the commander and didn't say a word for his son!"

"I understand." As a daughter-in-law, Ning Wan is not easy to tell outsiders. When Tieshi was very young, her father-in-law didn't want him to practice martial arts or join the army. He probably hoped that Tieshi would be more ordinary and not like Tieshi. After all, in terms of real etiquette, Tie Shi is actually more qualified to take over his father-in-law's military position.His heart has always been on Mrs. Zhou's side, so it is impossible to fight for Tie Shi in front of Mrs. Zhou's brother.

Mrs. Lu's being so reasonable made Mrs. Lu feel even more guilty, "If the Zhou family's old acquaintance in the capital, Xiangwuhou, hadn't intervened, the Liaodong General Army Mansion would not have been like this. My father-in-law had already made an agreement with the general soldier. "

"It's nothing, Tie Shi is still young, and there will be opportunities in the future." Ning Wan wanted to comfort Mrs. Lu instead.In any case, Commander Lu and Tongzhi supported Tiishi, which made the city wall of Hutai County even stronger. Many people will benefit in the future, which is already a great merit. I was employed, but now it has all come to naught, and I am afraid that I am also sad.

In the final analysis, after all, the Lu family is still not as powerful and powerful as the Zhou family.Yin looked at the sky and said with a smile: "Mrs. Lu, please sit down for a while. I will make you some side dishes. Let's open a jar of wine. Last time, didn't you say that the wine I brewed is very good?"

Mrs. Lu quickly stopped Mrs. Lu, "I came here under the banner of going back to my mother's house, so it's not good to sit at your house for more, and I will try the side dishes you made by yourself later. Now I have to leave the city quickly and arrive at My mother’s family will take a look and go back to Anpingwei!”

Ning Wan knew that Mrs. Lu was going to go back to pass on the message, so she didn't want to keep her anymore, "When we get together again, I will make you some small dishes to thank you."

"Then I will remember it." Mrs. Lu laughed, "And there is a jar of wine!"

Ning Wan sent Mrs. Lu out, but did not look for Tie Shi immediately. Recently, he took his soldiers to the military settlement farthest from the county to plant autumn vegetables. This is the field Xu Qianhu allocated to him, and he would not be able to return until evening.

Even when she came back at night, Ning Wan didn't talk about it immediately, but waited for Tie Shi to sit down after dinner before telling him about it, "Mrs. Lu also said that in about a day or two, Anpingwei's Only then will the military order be passed down."

Lu Tieshi was very happy when he heard this, "Suppress the bandits? I heard that the bandits in Huju Mountain were not wiped out when Gaozu was in the past, so I just met them!"

Seeing his cheerful expression, Ning Wan couldn't help asking: "You spent so much effort and invested a lot of your own money to build the city wall of Hutai County so strong, but now you are pushed out of Hutai County. Is it really not sad at all?"

"What are you sad about?" Lu Tieshi said with a smile, "I only do what I should do. Now that the city walls in Hutai County are well built, it's really difficult for barbarians to survive for a long time just by relying on this city. I feel very special Happy."

Even though she knew it a long time ago, Ning Wan still sighed, "That's really all you think about in your heart!"

"Then what else can there be?" Lu Tieshi looked at his wife and suddenly thought of it, feeling a little guilty, "Wan'er, I failed to be promoted, and you can't be the wife of a thousand households, and my mother's imperial wife has not been there for a long time. In the end, I couldn't seal it up for you, aren't you very sad?"

Ning Wan spat at him, "Could it be possible that I'm such a petty, mercenary person!"

"Although not," but how could he be willing to let Wan'er be wronged?Lu Tieshi hugged her and said, "Dan Wan'er, I must make another military contribution and make you the imperial wife!"

Ning Wan has never felt that she doesn't love money or power. In fact, she likes money and power very much, but she really thinks, "As long as we can continue to do well like this, I don't care about my wife's orders." .”

Lu Tieshi looked at his daughter-in-law's clear eyes and loving gaze, and felt that his heart could be so soft, so soft that it melted into water, wrapping himself and Wan'er together, he couldn't think of anything else, "Wan'er, We will always get along like this, forever, believe me." His voice slowly faded away, and the light in his eyes made Ning Wan feel as if her face was being burned.

And throughout the night, he refused to relax at all, and held his wife tightly in his arms, letting her appreciate his love time and time again.

Within two days, Anpingwei came to pass the order, Tie Shi took the order and went to Command the Shifu. When he came back that day, everything was as Mrs. Lu said.He came back today to pack his luggage, and in five days he will return to Anpingwei to lead the army.

In fact, since Ning Wan received the letter, she has quietly started preparing his luggage for him, but now she bought a lot of things for going out in public, such as cowhide water bags, oilcloth ponchos, thick felt pads, etc. She went from shop to shop , as long as you meet a suitable one, buy it immediately and let the buddy deliver it to your home.

Walking all the way to Ruihongfeng’s gate, I happened to meet shopkeeper Wang and his wife going out. The shopkeeper Xiao Wang still married his previous wife, and became shopkeeper Wang because of his marriage. The matter between him and Ning Wan has long since passed away Yes, the relationship between Wang Ning's and Ning's adjacent shops is still very good. They often communicate with each other and help each other when they encounter problems. As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.

Ning Wan saw Mrs. Wang's stomach protruding slightly at a glance. She was holding her husband tightly while walking, and hurried forward to congratulate her, "I come here often on weekdays, but I just didn't know! It seems that Mrs. Wang is about to add a child to the Wang family."

The Wang family's heirs are weak, so the husband and wife laughed when they heard such auspicious words, "Borrow Mrs. Lu!" Mrs. Wang turned around and said, "Mrs. I'm going to buy some luggage for General Iron Stone, I'm afraid I'll have to buy some clothing, quilts, and cotton..."

Mrs. Wang is also from a business background. She has a good eye and a better business experience. As long as the eldest daughter and daughter-in-law in Ruihongfeng meet her, they will definitely choose the clothes they are satisfied with, and they will never leave empty-handed.Now before every season, she would bring the latest clothes to Lu's house and ask Ning Wan to choose them first, and they are already very familiar with each other.

Ning Wan stopped her with a smile, "If you have something to do, just go there. I have already planned to buy a few feet of fine white cloth, a few feet of blue cotton cloth, and a few catties of cotton. I just need the guys to help me measure it."

Seeing this, Mrs. Wang called the clerk, "I'm so lucky to measure the cloth for Mrs. Lu, and the size should be more generous, and then deliver it to Mrs. Lu's home." After a few words of heartfelt advice, she left.

Ning Wan picked out the cloth and gave it to Yin Zi, and walked around to her house.The mother was making shoes on the kang, and when she saw her, she stopped the needle in her hand and licked her hair, saying: "I heard from Luo Bing that my son-in-law is going to suppress the bandits, and the half-made shoes are about to be made quickly. I'll send it to you, you bring two more pairs for your son-in-law, shoes are the most expensive thing a man spends outside."

"Why did mother make shoes for him again? I can do it for him myself," Ning Wan said, "Shoes for so many people in the family are exhausting enough."

The mother said, "Today, I beat a lot of people. I have already given out two pairs of soles for my son-in-law and you. Now I can put on the uppers." But she muttered dissatisfiedly, "My son-in-law just came back from Duolun. In two years, why did he let him go to suppress the bandits? There are still Xu Qianhu and the other two deputy thousand households in Hutai County, and they are all idle!" Naturally, she didn't want her son-in-law to go out to suppress the bandits, after all, fighting is so dangerous !It would be great if the son-in-law lived with his daughter in Hutai County in peace and harmony!

Ning Wan couldn't help laughing, Mother didn't know that Huju Mountain didn't belong to Hutai County at all, but the territory of Anpingwei, so there were at least dozens of fifth-rank and subordinate fifth-rank generals who could be sent.But even if there were hundreds of people to choose from, Commander Zhou would only choose Lu Tieshi!
Because suppressing bandits is really not a good job!

(End of this chapter)

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