Chapter 233
It took a while for Ning Wan to bring the food into the house. When her mother-in-law saw her, she kept her mouth shut and said, "Tie Shi will leave early tomorrow morning. Let's make dumplings for him."

He clearly said that he led troops out of Anpingwei to suppress the bandits five days later!Ning Wan suddenly heard that she almost dropped the plate in her hand on the ground, and quickly looked at Tie Shi, "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Tie Shi didn't want Wan'er to be so surprised, so he told her while catching the plate, "I'm going to go to war in five days, I'm going to go to Anpingwei tomorrow to pick up the troop talisman, order the soldiers, get the rations, etc. I'm afraid it will be too late." It will be too late."

The mother-in-law also said: "It is rare to be able to go home this day after receiving the military order."

Only then did Ning Wan realize that she was wrong.But it's not good to really say that I can't bear him, so I just said: "I asked the fur shop to buy a fur robe for each of your soldiers, so I don't know if I can make it in time?"

Leather robes are not cheap, and not one piece, but a dozen pieces, Tie Shi laughed, "You are generous!"

"The fur shop borrowed your money to make money, why not make a fur robe for everyone now?" Ning Wan felt very sad when she knew that Tie Shi was leaving, but she tried her best to smile, "Tomorrow is too late. I'll send someone to Anpingwei in two days." Then he said: "If I know you're leaving tomorrow, I'll make dumplings tonight." It's an old custom to go out and return home with dumplings.

The mother-in-law said, "It's okay, I can pack it in time tomorrow morning."

While talking, she called Luo Yan to have a meal together.After putting down the bowls and chopsticks, the mother-in-law said: "I must get up early tomorrow, so you all go to bed earlier."

Ning Wan felt that her mother-in-law was looking at her stomach all the time, she must hope that she could conceive a child today, right?But it hasn't been a year, how can this day be there?So he became nervous, followed Tie Shi back to the room, and said, "It's because I'm not up to date, and I'm so tired that you lied for me in front of your mother-in-law."

"Did you hear that?" Lu Tieshi laughed and pulled her into his arms, "Mother specially asked us to come back earlier, just because she wanted us to work hard tonight!"

Ning Wan naturally told Dr. Xie what she said to Dr. Xie in a private consultation, but he refused to believe it, and he couldn't help it, begging for sex every night.Now Ning Wan couldn't help scolding him, "It's all you scoundrel! You have to work harder now! If you were willing to calm down, maybe I would have already had it!"

Lu Tieshi said: "Mother is just worrying blindly, the matter of the son is not urgent."

Ning Wan knew that Tie Shi had never valued the inheritance of heirs as much as the world. Before, his monogamous and concubine had children because of his mother-in-law. Later, he lost both children and did not see him sad, let alone having another child.But Ning Wan wanted to have a few lovely children by herself, so she pouted and said, "You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry!"

Tie Shi laughed, "Since you are in a hurry, we have to work harder today. According to Dr. Xie, if I leave tomorrow, you will be pregnant!" People are already moving.

Thinking that Tie Shi would leave him tomorrow, how could Ning Wan twist hands and feet with him, it was naturally as he wanted, and thinking that maybe there would be one tonight, she became more and more flattering.After the cloud and rain, Lu Tieshi sighed, and gently caressed his wife's body with his hand, "I really hate to leave you!"

It was the first time Ning Wan heard Tie Shi sigh, and she didn't expect him to say such affectionate words.You must know that you have not expressed your nostalgia in your heart, so you said before you knew it: "You are the famous General Iron Stone! How can your heart be so soft?"

"General Tieshi is only cruel to barbarians and bandits, but he can't be so cruel to my dear Wan'er."

Ning Wan smiled in his arms, "It's a good thing I spoke for you in front of my mother-in-law today, I only know that you can't speak, I don't want to be so sweet now."

"So I'm not the only one who lied to my mother!"

"Actually, we are all happy for our mother-in-law." Ning Wan explained like this, but she may not have another feeling in her heart. She and Tie Shi are actually closer.

The two talked about their intimate conversations, and the time passed quickly, Ning Wan was afraid that Tie Shi would be too tired, so she slowly stopped talking, and she did not move at all, and slowly adjusted the sound of her breathing to be very long, pretending to be asleep. Thinking that Tie Shi was going to sleep, but he didn't want to, but sat up and gently stroked his face with his fingers.

His hands are big, with a layer of rough calluses on the pads of his fingers. He gently stroked his eyebrows, then his face, then his nose, his mouth, and stroked them over and over again. Lowering her head, she gently kissed her ear, and a rush of heat came to Ning Wan's neck, itching, and she couldn't help but laughed softly, "Why aren't you asleep?"

There was something Tie Shi didn't understand, "Bad Wan'er, she pretended to be asleep!"

"I fell asleep and was woken up by you."

"Okay," Tie Shi didn't argue with her, "Since you're awake, you'll just go back to sleep later." The expedition is imminent, and he was already full of ideas, but now that Ning Wan has bumped into him, how can he let it go?The two of them were entangled again for half the night, and at some point they fell into a trance, and suddenly it was dawn.

Ning Wan saw that her mother-in-law had already brought Mrs. Bi and Mrs. Lin to make dumplings, and when she got to the kitchen, she just boiled water and cooked the dumplings as if she had nothing to do.

When it was time to serve the mother-in-law with dumplings and vegetables at the dinner table, he wanted to help Tie Shi but was dragged up by him, then sat down beside him, but quietly put his left hand in his arms where no one else could see , just make out for a while and it won't work.After everyone sat around the table to eat, Tie Shi got on his horse and left.

Ning Wan sent people to the door, tears welled up in her eyes, she knew she shouldn't cry in front of her mother-in-law, but she just couldn't help it, so she just stood aside with her head down.I heard my mother-in-law say, "I'm a little tired, go back to the room and rest for a while, Wan'er, you can go back too." She hurriedly responded and went back to the room, her eyes fell down, and after a while she took off a veil Get wet.She choked up and suppressed her voice, and when she couldn't bear it any longer, she cried for a while with the quilt covered her head before falling asleep in a daze.

Ning Wan didn't know how to spend the day. She slept through lunch and didn't eat. She woke up and forced Lao Lin to go to Hutai County to see how the leather robe was prepared. Don't have to send it to Anpingwei before Tieshi's expedition. .

When it was time for dinner, she knew she couldn't go on like this anymore, so she went to the kitchen to make some vegetarian dishes for her mother-in-law, and laughed with her.She knew that her mother-in-law didn't change much and didn't cry, but she didn't know how uncomfortable it was, but she was used to it and could bear it better than herself.

So as soon as the dinner table was cleared, Ning Wan started to play cards.The mother-in-law has nothing else to do on weekdays, and Ning Wan has been persuading her to go around and play cards in her free time.But she doesn't like to go out first, the number of times she goes out of her yard in a year is limited, and the second pair is not very obsessed with playing cards.But she prefers playing cards rather than going out. Although she doesn't take the initiative to play cards, usually when Ning Wan proposes to play, she will always support her. I can’t sleep after eating.”

Ning Wan would ask Aunt Wu to join hands when Tie Shi was not at home on weekdays, but Aunt Wu was very stupid at playing cards, so she thought of Luo Yan and asked her to say, "Let me teach you how to play cards. You can play cards together in your free time." relieve boredom."

Luo Yan didn't want to, but smiled and said: "Sister Ning, I can play cards. If there is a lack of people in the poker game at Xie Mama's house, she will often ask me to take the top."

"That's just right," Ning Wan said with a smile to her mother-in-law, "I don't think Yan'er has come and we have gathered enough hands, and we will be able to fight cards every day from now on!"

Ning Wan has always been good at playing cards. When she played cards in the old house, she always put water on her mother-in-law so that her mother-in-law would win, but she herself would not lose too much.She didn't want to find out that she had lost miserably after draining the water a few times today, but her mother-in-law won a lot, and Luo Yan also won a little.

It turned out that Luo Yan was a master of card fighting!She seemed to be very undecided when holding the cards, and she hesitated every time she played the cards, but she counted the cards extremely well. Together with Ning Wan, she gave her mother-in-law a big win, and then she pressed herself to win some small money.

If it was a normal day, Ning Wan would have thought of a way to fight her, but today she was still lacking in interest, and she was thinking about where she flew, "I don't know what he ate tonight? Did he live in the barracks?" Bedding? Did Commander Zhou make things difficult for him again? Did Commander Lu help out?"

In the old house, winning or losing a game of cards was only a few dollars each time, but Ning Wan actually lost almost all the money, but at least she let the night go.After sleeping indiscriminately all night, he went to the shop in Hutai County. The fur robes were supposed to be prepared before Tieshi set off, but now they were sent to Anpingwei. It doesn't matter, just let Lao Lin make another trip.

After returning from Hutai County, Ning Wan and her mother-in-law made many pancakes, sticks, dried meat, etc., and sent them along with the leather robe.Seeing that tomorrow is the day for Tie Shi to lead troops to suppress the bandits, when playing cards, he said: "Mother-in-law, I want to send Tie Shi tomorrow."

The things have been delivered today, and Ning Wan also heard from Lao Lin that Tieshi is currently stationed in the barracks outside Anping Weicheng, and he will lead troops to dispatch early tomorrow morning.

She had the idea of ​​giving it away.

Mrs. Wu sent her husband to her son so many times, but she always only sent them to her house. She didn't recognize and never thought about going to places far away. Now she heard what her daughter-in-law said: "I heard people say that the military camp is different Elsewhere, even if you go, you may not be able to see him, let alone want to meet and say a few words with him, so forget it."

It's not that Ning Wan doesn't understand, Lao Lin came back and said that Tieshi was leading the soldiers to practice in the barracks, but he couldn't enter the barracks even after he went, and it was even more difficult for him to disturb him.But in her heart, as long as she can take a look at it from a distance, it will be fine.So he begged: "Grandma, I'll go and see, in case I can see him."

"Go if you want!" Mrs. Wu said, "You are more knowledgeable and capable than me. You can open a shop and deliver robes to Tieshi's soldiers. Maybe you can really see him when you go, so go. It's good to send him off."

Ning Wan quickly responded, hearing the disappointment in her mother-in-law's words, and knowing that she was thinking about the past, she quickly smiled and threw down a card, "I'm not lucky today, and if I play another card now, I don't believe I won't win!"

When Luo Yan saw it, she asked, "Madam, don't you want this card?"

Mrs. Wu wasn't thinking about the cards at all, but now she was reminded and looked down, "Sure enough, this card is full just as I should be!" As she said that, she threw all the cards in her hand down, and she was still happy, " I won again!"

He gave half of the winning money to Luo Yan, "This child is really pitiful, he was born too weak, save it for candy."

(End of this chapter)

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