Chapter 245
The couple originally said they would take a break earlier, but neither of them felt sleepy, they were joking and joking for a while.If outsiders heard it, they might find it disgusting, but the two of them were very amused, giggling together.

After laughing for a while, Tie Shi said: "The money in the bandit's lair is what everyone got from suppressing the bandits. I have already asked Lu Zongqi to lead the troops to count the number. There are more than 1 taels in total. Half of them will be rewarded to the soldiers, and the other half will be sent back to Anpingwei."

There is a rule in the army of this dynasty, that is, what is obtained from the barbarians can be completely returned to the barbarian killers; but the suppression of bandits is different from the killing of barbarians, and some of the finances obtained must be handed over to the superiors.Now Tieshi is willing to give half of it, which is not too little.

Earlier, Commander Zhou accused Tie Shi of hiding stolen money and concealing it for not reporting it. Could it be that Tie Shi really concealed some money back then?

But Tieshi is not that kind of person.As for the wrong amount of silver, Ning Wan figured it out after thinking about it. Back then, Tieshi went to farm the fields. Although he had to suppress the bandits at the same time, it always took three years before he was free to take down Huju Mountain. Had the letter early, how could the most cunning ones run away without taking the money?As for the well-known bandit leader on Hujushan, he disappeared at some point. I heard that he quit Hujushan when he learned that Tieshi had sent troops to garrison the fields, so Yinzi was not right.Then he agreed and said: "It's very appropriate for you to do so. You will not dissatisfy Anpingwei, and you will also take care of the brothers who followed you to suppress the bandits."

But Tie Shi said again: "The treasure I'm telling you now is not in the bandit's lair, but in the private possession of the bandit leader in the Huju mountain. It is estimated that there can be tens of thousands of taels of gold."

"Tens of thousands of taels of gold?" Ning Wan, who just felt that she regarded silver as dung, was shocked, how much would it cost!She couldn't imagine it!After a while, I asked: "How did you get more than 1 taels of gold?
"It's also a coincidence," Lu Tieshi told her with a smile, "The bandits in the north of Anpingwei have always been led by Huju Mountain. Next, sending the head of the bandit leader of Huju Mountain to the various villages, wouldn’t it be more effective with less effort?”

Ning Wan, the bandit leader of Huju Mountain, has heard of it before, and it is said that he is amazing.The most miraculous legend is that he knows how to shrink the ground, and can cover hundreds of miles in one step with just one chanting of the mantra, so no one can catch him. Now I can't help asking: "Did you really catch the bandit leader of Huju Mountain? "

"Of course, and it's the treasure I got when I was catching him." Lu Tieshi actually admitted, "The bandit leader is really extraordinary. It's a bit of a fluke for me to catch him."

"It's actually not a fluke," Ning Wan said, "With your ability, as long as Anpingwei doesn't intentionally restrain you, how can a bandit leader escape from your grasp!"

Wan'er is always so confident in herself!
Lu Tieshi smiled and talked about the events of these days, "After I led the troops to the expedition, I didn't first suppress the bandits with great fanfare. Instead, I led the troops to build a shop from Anpingwei, and went deep into the mountainous area for the camp step by step. Therefore, those The bandits are not in a hurry when they see this, especially in a place as far away as Huju Mountain, they are even more on the sidelines."

"But in fact, I built a shop and gradually wiped out the bandits everywhere. It is a suspicious army, but I quietly selected fifty elite soldiers to enter Huju Mountain secretly, and blocked the bandits in their dens by surprise. But that's how the bandit leader He escaped anyway, no one knew how he escaped, he disappeared out of nowhere even though the bandits' lair was surrounded by iron barrels."

Ning Wan couldn't help being very curious, "I heard that there are no big trees in Huju Mountain, and it is difficult to even hide. How can a living person run away in front of everyone?"

Tie Shi said: "At that time, I was also very puzzled, but I couldn't find the reason. It was even more strange to mention that the bandits didn't know about it. They only said that their leaders often appeared and disappeared, and their spells were superb."

Now that people finally caught her, those rumors are naturally false, and since Ning Wan grew up in a mountain village, she suddenly remembered, "There must be a cave in Huju Mountain, right?"

"That's right, we found that the bandit leader was not among the captives, so we searched his house carefully, and finally found that there was a secret door in his house that connected to the cave, and that cave had several hidden exits in the bandit's stronghold. Therefore, he would suddenly appear elsewhere on weekdays, making everyone think he has supernatural powers."

"It's really cunning," Ning Wan said, "I think there must be a way out of this cave."

"Exactly, we found the cave and immediately chased after it. The reason why we said it was a fluke is that God also helped me. It snowed suddenly that day, so the traces of the bandit leader appeared. I followed closely the footprints on the ground to find found him, and found the treasure."

As he spoke, he got up and picked up the burden that was thrown on the ground when he entered the door, and dumped all the contents on the kang.

Ning Wan could only hear the sound of "Ding Dong", and saw the shining pearls in the originally dark room, and reflected the light of red, green, blue and yellow gemstones, shining brightly in the darkness.She couldn't help but lost her mind, "Oh my God! Is this true?"

"Of course it's true!" Lu Tieshi picked up a handful of treasures and placed them on Ning Wan's quilt, "I'll give you everything!"

The quilt is made of bright red embroidered golden dragon and phoenix satin, and now it is glowing bright red, Ning Wan casually picked up the brightest bead, which was bigger than an egg yolk, and held it in her hand, round and cool, this is Rare treasure ah!Needless to say, Hutai County and Anpingwei, I'm afraid it's hard to see even in the capital!

"How could the bandit leader of Huju Mountain have such a peerless treasure?"

"I don't know either, because he died and was dragged down by these babies."

Lu Tieshi said: "The bandit leader who can sit on Huju Mountain is an extraordinary person. Although it is said that he can shrink the ground, it is false, but this bandit leader really has 'three unique skills': one is to walk at night without lighting; The second is that he never turns when he walks on the mountain road; the third is that he walks over mountains and ridges like walking on flat ground, and wild rabbits can't run him. In addition, he is more familiar with Huju Mountain than anyone else, so he ran away first when we touched the cottage. If he just ran away with all his heart, we might not be able to catch up, but the bandit leader didn't run away immediately when he got out of the bandit's lair, but went to the place where the treasure was hidden first to get the bag, what happened when I caught up with him I was not willing to throw it away, and when I wanted to jump over a ravine with my burden on my back, I fell down and died."

Presumably the bandit leader would have been able to jump over that ravine without carrying a heavy load, but he couldn't if he carried a lot of things.But it was not worthwhile to sigh for him, so Ning Wan asked again: "You just left the burden?"

"At that time, all the chasers fell behind, and I was the only one left. I was curious about what was in the bag that he was desperately refusing to give up. When I opened it, I immediately thought of you, so I put it aside and put it away. Afterwards, I went to get the burden back, and looked back along the way he escaped, and found a lot of gold in a cave."

"The amount of this batch of treasures is really too large. It may not be a good thing to take them out. I have re-sealed the entrance of the cave and erased all traces. I will open it when necessary in the future. This time, by notifying Hujushan When the opportunity to suppress the bandits is progressing, I personally return to Anpingwei to report the victory, send the treasure back, and drop by to see you."

More than 1 taels of silver is not a big deal, but with so many treasures and tens of thousands of taels of gold, let Commander Zhou know how many bloody storms it will cause. Woolen cloth!Lu Wan said resolutely: "These treasures must be kept secret, otherwise someone will definitely make trouble by taking advantage of them!"

"After all, she is my daughter-in-law, and everything is the same as what I think." Lu Tieshi hugged Ning Wan in his arms, and was a little moved, so he begged softly, "My dear Wan, please treat me one more time!"

"It's not good, it's time to sleep!" Ning Wan said in her mouth, but she knew in her heart that Tieshi returned to Anpingwei to report victory, because she couldn't go to the city at night, so she stayed at home temporarily, and she had to leave early in the morning. She was in so much pain. , just shook all the treasures on the quilt onto the kang, smiled and stuck them to him and pinched his nose and asked: "Then you said that you should drop by to send the treasures back first or drop by to see us first?"

The two things were originally on the way together, but now Lu Tieshi naturally knew what his wife wanted to hear, so he hurriedly said: "Actually, the most important thing is for me to come to see you, even the good news is on the way, let alone those vulgar things. gone."

Although it is said that he got the treasure, Ning Wan knows Lu Tieshi's temperament. In fact, he really doesn't value money and other things very much. It is not arrogant to call these priceless treasures vulgar. When I came back today, I didn't take out the treasure first. It was obvious that he really valued the relationship between husband and wife, so he smiled, "You have also learned to be smooth-tongued, and even the good news in the army is only a way, isn't it a lie?"

"It's not a lie. Think about it, Wan'er, I could have sent someone back to Zi Pingwei, such as the young master of the Lu family. Wouldn't it be worrying for him to come back to deal with Zi Pingwei's commanding government office? But I still came back."

A beautiful flower bloomed in Ning Wan's heart, "In that case, I will listen to you."

The two were tender and gentle before going to bed for a long time. Although they woke up late the next day, they were not in a hurry. Needless to say, Tie Shi, everyone knew that he worked hard. Ning Wan is pregnant now, and her family has long since refused to let her do anything So nothing.It took some time to clean up the treasures that were scattered on the kang last night, because they were only focused on talking together at that time, they didn't enjoy much, and they threw them away at random, but now they have to pick them up again.

Ning Wan took a brand-new red satin-faced white satin bag and packed all her things together, "I'll slowly sort out several types and put them in boxes when I'm free." But she asked Tie Shi, "Where is the mother-in-law? "

"You don't need to tell mother. It's not that we want to hide the private property from mother, but it's not good for her if mother finds out."

Just like that, Ning Wan also understood that she would not treat her mother-in-law badly anyway, so she nodded, but said: "I didn't think about it when you came back yesterday, this batch of treasures is absolutely impossible to be accumulated by bandits over the years. , where did it come from?"

The Huju Mountain area was originally a place of extreme poverty, and the locals gave birth to bandits just because they couldn't survive. At first, they just wanted to eat a bite, but later, although they did everything from looting, extortion, and kidnapping, it was already enough to accumulate tens of thousands of taels of silver. It's the limit, if you talk about these priceless treasures, they can't find anything even if they search for them!

Lu Tieshi nodded and said: "I thought about it for a long time when I was in Huju Mountain, but I didn't figure it out. Later, I went to the cave where the treasure was hidden and checked carefully. I saw that most of the things had been dusty for many years, and only a small part of them had been moved. The treasures taken away by the bandit leader also seem to have been picked out in a hurry, and the bandit leader only discovered the cave not long ago, and he hasn't seen all of them. Now his head is in a different place, and there is nowhere to ask."

(End of this chapter)

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